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Stewart , Bart ., P . G . M ., presided . Grace was said by Bro . the Rev . E . M . Clarke , G . C , and Bro . the Rev . T . Lindesay , G . C , returned thanks . AVhen the cloth was removed , the Grand Master rose and gave" The Queen , Prince Albert , and the rest of the Royal Family . " " The Craft . " ( Drunk with Masonic honours . ) " The Three Grand Masters of Ireland , England , and Scotland . " The DEPUTY GRAND MASTER then rose and said—Brethren , the next the list has
toast on been , by appointment , entrusted to me ; and , in the performance of that most pleasing duty , I should be wanting in courtesy to the illustrious Mason whose health I am about to propose , as well as to you , did I not express how inadequate I feel to do the subject that justice it demands . The toast I am about to propose , announced simply without preface , would command its own applause ; but , Brethren , holding the position I do amongst you , it would be scarcely becoming , if I did not offer one or two observationsexpressive of the feelings under which
, I propose it , as well as those with which I am sure you will receive it . ( Cheers . ) The toast needs not eloquence ; that , indeed , I could not bestow upon it , but I do say it demands an unanimous expression of Masonic regard and brotherly esteem . ( Loud cheers , which lasted for several minutes . ) Brethren , it is not every day the Masons of Derry hold a feast , nor is it every day we enjoy the pleasure and advantage of sitting round the same board with our illustrious and respected Grand Master , who can trace his descent from a long line of noble ancestorsall in their day good and worthMasons
, y . ( Cheers . ) I cannot , deny , Brethren , that I do feel somewhat embarrassed by our Grand Master ' s presence , right joyful though we be at having him amongst us ; for , were he not here , I could say a great deal about his claims to our regard and esteem . I might tell you of his undertaking an office in the Craft which rather received than conferred honour by his
acceptance of it . I might speak of what you have all experienced—his courteous and urbane manners , united as they are to the unmistakeable quality of a good heart , and the understanding that marks him as no ordinary man . I might refer to his kind and generous sympathy for all conditions of humanity . I might , from my own knowledge of his noble and unostentatious acts of charity , point him out as a model to all Masons , uniting in himself the merits of those pillars that support , and ever will support , a Mason ' s Lodge . In a word , Brethren , I
propose" Long life , health , and happiness , to Right Worshipful Sir James Stewart , Grand Master of Free and Accepted Masons of Derry and Donegal . " Air—" Free and Accepted Masons . " ( Loud and long continued cheering . ) The toast was drunk with due Masonic honours . After the cheering had subsided , the GRAND MASTER rose , sensibly affected , and said—Brethren , the kind and affectionate manner in which you have received the mention of my name is exceedingly gratifying to my feelings . ( Cheers . ) I have ever endeavoured to promote the system of
Masonry , and I have often presided at public assemblies , but I never experienced more sincere gratification than on the present occasion , because I know the warmth of your expressions is accompanied with sincerity . ( Applause . ) And , Brethren , it will prove a stimulus to me to double my exertions in the good cause . I have only to pray that the Great Architect of the Universe may bless you all with health and happiness , and cement us in the bonds of brotherhood . ( The Grand Master sat down amidst bursts of lause . )
app Bro . H . S . SKIPTON then rose and said—Bight AVorshipful Sir and Brethren , as Master of the Senior Lodge present , the next toast falls to my lot . It is the health of thc Dep . P . G . M . Bro . Grant . I should feel very much gratified , indeed , were I able to do justice to this tonst . However , I feel quite satisfied that the reception it must meet with at your hands will make amends for all deficiency on my part . Perhaps it is as well that words VOL I . 3 G
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Stewart , Bart ., P . G . M ., presided . Grace was said by Bro . the Rev . E . M . Clarke , G . C , and Bro . the Rev . T . Lindesay , G . C , returned thanks . AVhen the cloth was removed , the Grand Master rose and gave" The Queen , Prince Albert , and the rest of the Royal Family . " " The Craft . " ( Drunk with Masonic honours . ) " The Three Grand Masters of Ireland , England , and Scotland . " The DEPUTY GRAND MASTER then rose and said—Brethren , the next the list has
toast on been , by appointment , entrusted to me ; and , in the performance of that most pleasing duty , I should be wanting in courtesy to the illustrious Mason whose health I am about to propose , as well as to you , did I not express how inadequate I feel to do the subject that justice it demands . The toast I am about to propose , announced simply without preface , would command its own applause ; but , Brethren , holding the position I do amongst you , it would be scarcely becoming , if I did not offer one or two observationsexpressive of the feelings under which
, I propose it , as well as those with which I am sure you will receive it . ( Cheers . ) The toast needs not eloquence ; that , indeed , I could not bestow upon it , but I do say it demands an unanimous expression of Masonic regard and brotherly esteem . ( Loud cheers , which lasted for several minutes . ) Brethren , it is not every day the Masons of Derry hold a feast , nor is it every day we enjoy the pleasure and advantage of sitting round the same board with our illustrious and respected Grand Master , who can trace his descent from a long line of noble ancestorsall in their day good and worthMasons
, y . ( Cheers . ) I cannot , deny , Brethren , that I do feel somewhat embarrassed by our Grand Master ' s presence , right joyful though we be at having him amongst us ; for , were he not here , I could say a great deal about his claims to our regard and esteem . I might tell you of his undertaking an office in the Craft which rather received than conferred honour by his
acceptance of it . I might speak of what you have all experienced—his courteous and urbane manners , united as they are to the unmistakeable quality of a good heart , and the understanding that marks him as no ordinary man . I might refer to his kind and generous sympathy for all conditions of humanity . I might , from my own knowledge of his noble and unostentatious acts of charity , point him out as a model to all Masons , uniting in himself the merits of those pillars that support , and ever will support , a Mason ' s Lodge . In a word , Brethren , I
propose" Long life , health , and happiness , to Right Worshipful Sir James Stewart , Grand Master of Free and Accepted Masons of Derry and Donegal . " Air—" Free and Accepted Masons . " ( Loud and long continued cheering . ) The toast was drunk with due Masonic honours . After the cheering had subsided , the GRAND MASTER rose , sensibly affected , and said—Brethren , the kind and affectionate manner in which you have received the mention of my name is exceedingly gratifying to my feelings . ( Cheers . ) I have ever endeavoured to promote the system of
Masonry , and I have often presided at public assemblies , but I never experienced more sincere gratification than on the present occasion , because I know the warmth of your expressions is accompanied with sincerity . ( Applause . ) And , Brethren , it will prove a stimulus to me to double my exertions in the good cause . I have only to pray that the Great Architect of the Universe may bless you all with health and happiness , and cement us in the bonds of brotherhood . ( The Grand Master sat down amidst bursts of lause . )
app Bro . H . S . SKIPTON then rose and said—Bight AVorshipful Sir and Brethren , as Master of the Senior Lodge present , the next toast falls to my lot . It is the health of thc Dep . P . G . M . Bro . Grant . I should feel very much gratified , indeed , were I able to do justice to this tonst . However , I feel quite satisfied that the reception it must meet with at your hands will make amends for all deficiency on my part . Perhaps it is as well that words VOL I . 3 G