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tion had been concluded , it was moved by Comps . Edw . Geo . Barr , and seconded by Excellent Comp . Robert M'Craken , Third Principal" That Excellent Comp . Alex . Grant , D . P . G . M . for Derry and Donegal , be elected an Honorary Member of this Chapter , and that the thanks of this Chapter are due and are hereby tendered to Comp . Grant for his kindness in presiding on this occasion , as well as for his exertions at all times to advance our ancient and honourable Institution . " The business of the Chapter having been brought to a closetbe
Com-, panions adjourned to the Donegal Arms for refreshment . About thirty Companions sat down to dinner , served up in Comp . Moore ' s usual style of elegance . After a most delightful evening , the Companions separated about twelve o ' clock . AVe cannot close this notice without bearing testimony to the very creditable manner in which this Chapter has been conducted ; to Comps . M'Cracken and Barr is due the credit of having made the arrangements . The room was fitted up in the most
gorgeous manner , the Chapter having procured an entirely new set of banners and shields and other paraphernalia ; we would hope that the example set by the Chapter of No . 154 will be followed by others . We understand it is the intention of the Comps . of Chapter No . 151 to hold Chapters of Instruction once a month , for the purpose of bringing about a uniformity of working in the province of Belfast and North Down .
CARLOW . —The Masonic Festival of St . John the Baptist was held on the 24 th of June , by the County Carlow Lodge , No . 116 , with the accustomed solemnities . The Masonic Hall Rooms were beautifull y illuminated , and the fine transparencies belonging to tbe Lodge attracted considerable attention . The meeting on the 24 th was the 111 th anniversary of that festivity , the Lodge being opened in 173 . 9 , under a warrant from Lord Mountjoy , then Grand Master of Ireland .
Among other visitors on the occasion the members of the Lodge were gratified by the presence of that much respected and universall y beloved member of the Order , AVilliam AVhite , Esq ., during many years the Deputy Grand Master of Ireland . The Brethren partook of refreshment at the Club-house , which was numerously attended . Thomas George Mosse , Esq ., of Rutland , presided as AV . M .
KILKENNY , June 24 , 1850 . —Masonic Festival of St . John . —The Brethren of the Leinster Union Lotlge , No . 37 , which for Masonic proficiency and the zeal of its members for the advancement of the sublime mysteries of the Craft , is generally acknowledged to hold the very foremost place amongst the Provincial Lodges of Ireland , assembled , in accordance with prescriptive custom , at the Masonic Hall , Patrickstreet , on St . John ' s day , for the purpose of installing their officers for
the ensuing six months . This imposing and interesting ceremony was conducted in accordance with the solemn ceremonies of ancient usage , and was carried out with that skill and facility in the working of the Craft , for which the members of the Leinster Union have ever been distinguished . The dignity of the Worshipful Master ' s Chair was conferred upon Bro . Patrick AA ^ atters , an accomplished and zealous member , whose long services in the Masonic cause in general , and for promoting the interests of Lodge 37 in particular , fully entitled him to this high honour at the hands of his Brethren . The Senior Warden ' s office also was allotted to a much esteemed and respected member , Bro . J . AA ade ,.
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tion had been concluded , it was moved by Comps . Edw . Geo . Barr , and seconded by Excellent Comp . Robert M'Craken , Third Principal" That Excellent Comp . Alex . Grant , D . P . G . M . for Derry and Donegal , be elected an Honorary Member of this Chapter , and that the thanks of this Chapter are due and are hereby tendered to Comp . Grant for his kindness in presiding on this occasion , as well as for his exertions at all times to advance our ancient and honourable Institution . " The business of the Chapter having been brought to a closetbe
Com-, panions adjourned to the Donegal Arms for refreshment . About thirty Companions sat down to dinner , served up in Comp . Moore ' s usual style of elegance . After a most delightful evening , the Companions separated about twelve o ' clock . AVe cannot close this notice without bearing testimony to the very creditable manner in which this Chapter has been conducted ; to Comps . M'Cracken and Barr is due the credit of having made the arrangements . The room was fitted up in the most
gorgeous manner , the Chapter having procured an entirely new set of banners and shields and other paraphernalia ; we would hope that the example set by the Chapter of No . 154 will be followed by others . We understand it is the intention of the Comps . of Chapter No . 151 to hold Chapters of Instruction once a month , for the purpose of bringing about a uniformity of working in the province of Belfast and North Down .
CARLOW . —The Masonic Festival of St . John the Baptist was held on the 24 th of June , by the County Carlow Lodge , No . 116 , with the accustomed solemnities . The Masonic Hall Rooms were beautifull y illuminated , and the fine transparencies belonging to tbe Lodge attracted considerable attention . The meeting on the 24 th was the 111 th anniversary of that festivity , the Lodge being opened in 173 . 9 , under a warrant from Lord Mountjoy , then Grand Master of Ireland .
Among other visitors on the occasion the members of the Lodge were gratified by the presence of that much respected and universall y beloved member of the Order , AVilliam AVhite , Esq ., during many years the Deputy Grand Master of Ireland . The Brethren partook of refreshment at the Club-house , which was numerously attended . Thomas George Mosse , Esq ., of Rutland , presided as AV . M .
KILKENNY , June 24 , 1850 . —Masonic Festival of St . John . —The Brethren of the Leinster Union Lotlge , No . 37 , which for Masonic proficiency and the zeal of its members for the advancement of the sublime mysteries of the Craft , is generally acknowledged to hold the very foremost place amongst the Provincial Lodges of Ireland , assembled , in accordance with prescriptive custom , at the Masonic Hall , Patrickstreet , on St . John ' s day , for the purpose of installing their officers for
the ensuing six months . This imposing and interesting ceremony was conducted in accordance with the solemn ceremonies of ancient usage , and was carried out with that skill and facility in the working of the Craft , for which the members of the Leinster Union have ever been distinguished . The dignity of the Worshipful Master ' s Chair was conferred upon Bro . Patrick AA ^ atters , an accomplished and zealous member , whose long services in the Masonic cause in general , and for promoting the interests of Lodge 37 in particular , fully entitled him to this high honour at the hands of his Brethren . The Senior Warden ' s office also was allotted to a much esteemed and respected member , Bro . J . AA ade ,.