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discourse , delivered by the Prov . Grand Chaplain , Bro . D . Jones , the Brethren returned to the Albion Hotel , where they partook of refreshment prepared by Bro . Merrywether . The Prov . G . M ., Br . Humfrey , presided , and ably performed the duties allotted to him . The harmony of the evening was maintained without the slightest interruption until the company separated , which they did at an early hour . Notwithstanding the unpropitious state of the weather , the balcony was filled
with ladies , who seemed to take a deep interest in the proceedings of the evening . MONMOUTH . —On Tuesday , July 20 , the Brethren of the Vitruvian Lodge , No . 423 , met at their Lodge room , Barrett ' s Royal Hotel , Ross , for the purpose of receiving their R . W . P . G . M ., the Rev . Joseph Bowles , D . D ., on which occasion Mr . Scarsbrook , the adopted son of the reverend gentleman , was initiated into the mysteries of the Order , the P . G . M .
having chosen the Vitruvian Lodge to confer this honour , as a mark of his respect for the many old and influential members composing the same . Among those present we may mention Bros . Collins , Phelps , Freer , Dobles , AV . M ., Purchas , Barrett , Morgan , & c . The business of the evening being brought to a close , the Brethren adjourned to refreshment . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Monmonthshire was represented on the occasion by P . M . ' s Williams and Crook ; the Loyal Monmouth , No . 671 , being also further represented by Bros . Rogers and Bevan .
After refreshment , the much esteemed Bro . Collins , who presided availed himself of the opportunity to invest the R . W . P . G . M . with a magnificent collar and Jewel , presented by the Vitruvian Brethren as a slight tribute of their esteem and regard for him , both as a gentleman and a Mason , especially as their provincial chief . Among the various toasts given and received with enthusiasm , were " The Queen and the Craft , " " The newly-initiated Brother Scarsbrook , "—responded to in a trulMasonic flow of eloquence worthof a more experienced Craftsman ;
y y — "The P . G . M ., Dr . Bowles , " which also drew forth an excellent address , conceived in a rich poetical spirit , alike laudatory of the timehonoured Order of Masonry , and the beauteous scenery which surrounds the spot where the Vitruvians assemble ; the estimable chairman , " J . S . Collins , Esq . ; " the newly-appointed " Deputy P . G . M . Bro . John Rolls ; and the Grand Lodge of the Province of Monmouth , " responded to by Bro . Crook , who urged reciprocity of visits between the neighbouring
Lodges ; " The Visiting Brethren and the Loyal Monmouth Lodge , " acknowledged by Bro . Williams ; " The Officers of the Lodge and the Brethren present" followed . In the course of the evening Dr . Bowles threw out some judicious remarks relative to an improved method of working the Lodge , suggesting the formation of a Lodge of Instruction , and intimating that he should be guided in the selection of his P . G . officers by a list , which he wished should be kept , of those who were most regular in their attendance .
NORFOLK . —NORWICH . —At the meeting of the Perseverance Lodge of " Free and Accepted Masons , " held at the Lodge-room , Excise Coffeehouse , Lower Goat-lane , Norwich , on the llth July , a massivegold watchguard was presented to Bro . J . Howes , of St . Michael ' s Coslany . The two ends of the guard are united by a highly-wrought shield , on which is the following inscription : — " Presented to Bro . J . Howes , by the members of the Perseverance Lodge , No . 258 , and the Brethren of the Order , for the indefatigable manner in which he filled the office of Worshipful Master for two successive years . A . L . 5850 .
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discourse , delivered by the Prov . Grand Chaplain , Bro . D . Jones , the Brethren returned to the Albion Hotel , where they partook of refreshment prepared by Bro . Merrywether . The Prov . G . M ., Br . Humfrey , presided , and ably performed the duties allotted to him . The harmony of the evening was maintained without the slightest interruption until the company separated , which they did at an early hour . Notwithstanding the unpropitious state of the weather , the balcony was filled
with ladies , who seemed to take a deep interest in the proceedings of the evening . MONMOUTH . —On Tuesday , July 20 , the Brethren of the Vitruvian Lodge , No . 423 , met at their Lodge room , Barrett ' s Royal Hotel , Ross , for the purpose of receiving their R . W . P . G . M ., the Rev . Joseph Bowles , D . D ., on which occasion Mr . Scarsbrook , the adopted son of the reverend gentleman , was initiated into the mysteries of the Order , the P . G . M .
having chosen the Vitruvian Lodge to confer this honour , as a mark of his respect for the many old and influential members composing the same . Among those present we may mention Bros . Collins , Phelps , Freer , Dobles , AV . M ., Purchas , Barrett , Morgan , & c . The business of the evening being brought to a close , the Brethren adjourned to refreshment . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Monmonthshire was represented on the occasion by P . M . ' s Williams and Crook ; the Loyal Monmouth , No . 671 , being also further represented by Bros . Rogers and Bevan .
After refreshment , the much esteemed Bro . Collins , who presided availed himself of the opportunity to invest the R . W . P . G . M . with a magnificent collar and Jewel , presented by the Vitruvian Brethren as a slight tribute of their esteem and regard for him , both as a gentleman and a Mason , especially as their provincial chief . Among the various toasts given and received with enthusiasm , were " The Queen and the Craft , " " The newly-initiated Brother Scarsbrook , "—responded to in a trulMasonic flow of eloquence worthof a more experienced Craftsman ;
y y — "The P . G . M ., Dr . Bowles , " which also drew forth an excellent address , conceived in a rich poetical spirit , alike laudatory of the timehonoured Order of Masonry , and the beauteous scenery which surrounds the spot where the Vitruvians assemble ; the estimable chairman , " J . S . Collins , Esq . ; " the newly-appointed " Deputy P . G . M . Bro . John Rolls ; and the Grand Lodge of the Province of Monmouth , " responded to by Bro . Crook , who urged reciprocity of visits between the neighbouring
Lodges ; " The Visiting Brethren and the Loyal Monmouth Lodge , " acknowledged by Bro . Williams ; " The Officers of the Lodge and the Brethren present" followed . In the course of the evening Dr . Bowles threw out some judicious remarks relative to an improved method of working the Lodge , suggesting the formation of a Lodge of Instruction , and intimating that he should be guided in the selection of his P . G . officers by a list , which he wished should be kept , of those who were most regular in their attendance .
NORFOLK . —NORWICH . —At the meeting of the Perseverance Lodge of " Free and Accepted Masons , " held at the Lodge-room , Excise Coffeehouse , Lower Goat-lane , Norwich , on the llth July , a massivegold watchguard was presented to Bro . J . Howes , of St . Michael ' s Coslany . The two ends of the guard are united by a highly-wrought shield , on which is the following inscription : — " Presented to Bro . J . Howes , by the members of the Perseverance Lodge , No . 258 , and the Brethren of the Order , for the indefatigable manner in which he filled the office of Worshipful Master for two successive years . A . L . 5850 .