Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 6 of 22 →
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haunch of venison was presented on this interesting occasion by J . P . Honeywood , Esq ., of Marks Hall , to grace the banquet table . Comp . Dr . Bird presided , and , with his usual eloquence and courtesy , made time a nectared guest . The Chapter was attended by Comps . Law , Burton , and other members , and by Comps . Evans , Matthews , Pryer , and Spencer , visiting Comps . from London , who on this , as on every other occasion , were received with the warmest tokens of disinterested fraternal regard .
GUERNSEY , June 24 . —Laying of the first stone of a Militia Arsenal with Masonic honours . —The arsenal , the laying of the first stone of which we are about to chronicle , is to be in the Gothic style , and will be built of random masonry , with dressed quoins , mullions , strings , labels , and copings . The centre building will be ninety-five feet in length and sixty-six feet in depth , and will have two wingseach twenty-five long , forming an aggregate frontage of one
, hundred and forty feet . Accommodation for sixteen pieces of ordnance will be provided on the basement-story , attached to which will be a drill shed , eighty-seven feet by thirty-nine , for the use of the artillery , with stabling for six horses—the shed and stables to correspond with the design of the main building . The upper story will comprise a drill-room for the infantry ; two clothing rooms , one for each branch of the service ; a harness room ; a band-room ; an armoury ; a forge ;
with three rooms for the arsenal-keeper . Eleven o ' clock on Monday morning , June 24 , was the day appointed for the ceremony of laying the foundation stone , the preparations for which were most complete . For the accommodation of the Lieutenant-Governor , the Bailiff , the members of the Royal Court , and other personages more immediately connected with the proceedings , a platform , twenty feet square , has been erected on the spot selected for depositing the first stone ; the stone itself—a block of granite , three feet eight inches long by two feet two inches wide , fifteen inches in thickness , and
weighing about eleven ewt . —was suspended from a triangle ; and at the eastern extremity of the ground , was another platform , to accommodate some four hundred spectators , profusely decorated with flags . Numerous flags were hoisted over various parts of the ground ; and from the summit of Victoria Tower , two union-jacks , with the standard of St . George , waved gracefully in the breeze . All the avenues leading to the arsenal ground were guarded by the constabulary and a detachment of her Majesty ' s 54 th regiment . A few minutes before tenthe third
, regiment of militia arrived on the ground , with band playing aud colours flying , and was followed in succession by the second , first , and fourth regiments , the whole of which were brigaded under the command-inchief of Colonel Bell , of the first named corps ; the artillery , under Colonel Gifford , being in position on the New Ground . At ten minutes before eleven , the members of the Royal Court took their station on the platform , the band playing the national anthem .
Shortly afterwards Lady Catherine Bell , accompanied by Mrs . Stafford Carey , and Miss Carey , with several other ladies , took their seats on the platform . The members of the Grand Lodge and those of several other Lodges of Free and accepted Masons had assembled at nine o ' clock in the untenanted house in High-street , lately known as Gardner ' s Royal Hotel , awaiting the arrival of the Right Worshipful J . J . Hammond , Esq .,
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haunch of venison was presented on this interesting occasion by J . P . Honeywood , Esq ., of Marks Hall , to grace the banquet table . Comp . Dr . Bird presided , and , with his usual eloquence and courtesy , made time a nectared guest . The Chapter was attended by Comps . Law , Burton , and other members , and by Comps . Evans , Matthews , Pryer , and Spencer , visiting Comps . from London , who on this , as on every other occasion , were received with the warmest tokens of disinterested fraternal regard .
GUERNSEY , June 24 . —Laying of the first stone of a Militia Arsenal with Masonic honours . —The arsenal , the laying of the first stone of which we are about to chronicle , is to be in the Gothic style , and will be built of random masonry , with dressed quoins , mullions , strings , labels , and copings . The centre building will be ninety-five feet in length and sixty-six feet in depth , and will have two wingseach twenty-five long , forming an aggregate frontage of one
, hundred and forty feet . Accommodation for sixteen pieces of ordnance will be provided on the basement-story , attached to which will be a drill shed , eighty-seven feet by thirty-nine , for the use of the artillery , with stabling for six horses—the shed and stables to correspond with the design of the main building . The upper story will comprise a drill-room for the infantry ; two clothing rooms , one for each branch of the service ; a harness room ; a band-room ; an armoury ; a forge ;
with three rooms for the arsenal-keeper . Eleven o ' clock on Monday morning , June 24 , was the day appointed for the ceremony of laying the foundation stone , the preparations for which were most complete . For the accommodation of the Lieutenant-Governor , the Bailiff , the members of the Royal Court , and other personages more immediately connected with the proceedings , a platform , twenty feet square , has been erected on the spot selected for depositing the first stone ; the stone itself—a block of granite , three feet eight inches long by two feet two inches wide , fifteen inches in thickness , and
weighing about eleven ewt . —was suspended from a triangle ; and at the eastern extremity of the ground , was another platform , to accommodate some four hundred spectators , profusely decorated with flags . Numerous flags were hoisted over various parts of the ground ; and from the summit of Victoria Tower , two union-jacks , with the standard of St . George , waved gracefully in the breeze . All the avenues leading to the arsenal ground were guarded by the constabulary and a detachment of her Majesty ' s 54 th regiment . A few minutes before tenthe third
, regiment of militia arrived on the ground , with band playing aud colours flying , and was followed in succession by the second , first , and fourth regiments , the whole of which were brigaded under the command-inchief of Colonel Bell , of the first named corps ; the artillery , under Colonel Gifford , being in position on the New Ground . At ten minutes before eleven , the members of the Royal Court took their station on the platform , the band playing the national anthem .
Shortly afterwards Lady Catherine Bell , accompanied by Mrs . Stafford Carey , and Miss Carey , with several other ladies , took their seats on the platform . The members of the Grand Lodge and those of several other Lodges of Free and accepted Masons had assembled at nine o ' clock in the untenanted house in High-street , lately known as Gardner ' s Royal Hotel , awaiting the arrival of the Right Worshipful J . J . Hammond , Esq .,