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merly hidden treasures are exposed to the light of the full meridian sun , and tliis noble branch of philosophy which , like its sister Masonry , dives into the hidden mysteries of nature and of science , has burst into full bloom , and has received the approval and support of thc learned and great in this and most other enlightened nations . I would here take the opportunity of recommending to all to advance ; Masonry is incomplete in its mere third degree , the K . A . is the third degree in perfection , and without it , Masonry is incomplete , but here ends ft all other
CraFreemasonry ; degrees are more or or less connected with the Order , hut they are not necessary parts or portions of it . I would recommend you all here to read a paper on this subject in the last " Freemasons' Quarterly Magazine and Review , " by Bro . Pryer . My Brethren , be zealous , we must advance , we cannot avoid it , when we see that which was propliecied by Isaiah , " For stones I will bring iron , " ( Isaiah 60 , v . 17 ) , 698 years B . C ., and now nearly 2548 years ago in actual force , and constant use , —the railway—when we are endowed as it were with wings , not like
those waxen imitations of Icarus which melted in the light and heat of the sun , but with real power of locomotion ; to seek knowledge with an abundance of books ; literature and opportunity to gain it ; shall we stand still , shall we not take advantage of the opportunities of improving ourselves which have been given us by the Grand Architect of the Universe . shall we , I say , being members of an Order having its foundation in the immutable laws , mysteries , and institutions of the Deity himself , shall we stand still 1 no , my Brethren , no : Feslina lente , ( hasten slowly ) , may have been a good motto in its day , but let us look higher , soar higher , and we shall not be disappointed ; in short , let us in all things , obey the precept of our illustrious Brother St . Paul , " Press forward . "
The business of the Lodge having been transacted , the Brethren dispersed , and punctually at four o ' clock nearl y fifty re-assembled at the Antelope Hotel , to partake of refreshment . The R . W . P . G . M . Bro . W . Tucker presided , the Vice-chairman ' s duties being ably performed by Bro . N . Highmore , Prov . S . G . Warden . The Chairman was supported by the following Brethren : —Admiral Sir Lucius CurtisBart . P . G . M . for Hampshire ; E . V . Mainwaring
, , , M . D . ; R . Ledgard , the Rev . B . Maturin , the Rev . J . Parr , Captain Helsham , ( of the Grand Lodge of Ireland ) ; D . F . Dalton , R . II . Parr , W . Hannen , J . Y . Melmoth , & c . The R . VV . P . G . M . gave the toast of " The Queen and the Craft , " this was followed by those of " the Right Worshipful the Grand Master , the Earl of Zetland , " " tbe Deputy Grand Master , and other members of the Grand Lodge of England . "
The R . W . P . G . M . next gave the health of " the Visiting Brethren " who had that day honoured them with their presence , coupling with it the name of Admiral Sir Lucius Curtis , the Grand Master of the province of Hampshire . Admiral Sir Lucius CURTIS responded to tbe toast on his own behalf and that of the other visiting Brethren present , expressing his regret that he was not accompanied by more Brethren from Hampshire . He
considered it to be the duty of every Brother to attend all provincial meetings that came at all within the length of his cable tow . The excellent sermon they that morning heard from their Rev . Bro . Maturin , explained to them that they ought to live in unity one with another ; one great means of promoting unity was by frequently assembling together and becoming better known to each other . Masonry was free , it was open to all who wished to enter within its portals ; by meeting as the brethren of the Craft did they became cemented in friendship , and and when their principles were properly carried out they formed one
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merly hidden treasures are exposed to the light of the full meridian sun , and tliis noble branch of philosophy which , like its sister Masonry , dives into the hidden mysteries of nature and of science , has burst into full bloom , and has received the approval and support of thc learned and great in this and most other enlightened nations . I would here take the opportunity of recommending to all to advance ; Masonry is incomplete in its mere third degree , the K . A . is the third degree in perfection , and without it , Masonry is incomplete , but here ends ft all other
CraFreemasonry ; degrees are more or or less connected with the Order , hut they are not necessary parts or portions of it . I would recommend you all here to read a paper on this subject in the last " Freemasons' Quarterly Magazine and Review , " by Bro . Pryer . My Brethren , be zealous , we must advance , we cannot avoid it , when we see that which was propliecied by Isaiah , " For stones I will bring iron , " ( Isaiah 60 , v . 17 ) , 698 years B . C ., and now nearly 2548 years ago in actual force , and constant use , —the railway—when we are endowed as it were with wings , not like
those waxen imitations of Icarus which melted in the light and heat of the sun , but with real power of locomotion ; to seek knowledge with an abundance of books ; literature and opportunity to gain it ; shall we stand still , shall we not take advantage of the opportunities of improving ourselves which have been given us by the Grand Architect of the Universe . shall we , I say , being members of an Order having its foundation in the immutable laws , mysteries , and institutions of the Deity himself , shall we stand still 1 no , my Brethren , no : Feslina lente , ( hasten slowly ) , may have been a good motto in its day , but let us look higher , soar higher , and we shall not be disappointed ; in short , let us in all things , obey the precept of our illustrious Brother St . Paul , " Press forward . "
The business of the Lodge having been transacted , the Brethren dispersed , and punctually at four o ' clock nearl y fifty re-assembled at the Antelope Hotel , to partake of refreshment . The R . W . P . G . M . Bro . W . Tucker presided , the Vice-chairman ' s duties being ably performed by Bro . N . Highmore , Prov . S . G . Warden . The Chairman was supported by the following Brethren : —Admiral Sir Lucius CurtisBart . P . G . M . for Hampshire ; E . V . Mainwaring
, , , M . D . ; R . Ledgard , the Rev . B . Maturin , the Rev . J . Parr , Captain Helsham , ( of the Grand Lodge of Ireland ) ; D . F . Dalton , R . II . Parr , W . Hannen , J . Y . Melmoth , & c . The R . VV . P . G . M . gave the toast of " The Queen and the Craft , " this was followed by those of " the Right Worshipful the Grand Master , the Earl of Zetland , " " tbe Deputy Grand Master , and other members of the Grand Lodge of England . "
The R . W . P . G . M . next gave the health of " the Visiting Brethren " who had that day honoured them with their presence , coupling with it the name of Admiral Sir Lucius Curtis , the Grand Master of the province of Hampshire . Admiral Sir Lucius CURTIS responded to tbe toast on his own behalf and that of the other visiting Brethren present , expressing his regret that he was not accompanied by more Brethren from Hampshire . He
considered it to be the duty of every Brother to attend all provincial meetings that came at all within the length of his cable tow . The excellent sermon they that morning heard from their Rev . Bro . Maturin , explained to them that they ought to live in unity one with another ; one great means of promoting unity was by frequently assembling together and becoming better known to each other . Masonry was free , it was open to all who wished to enter within its portals ; by meeting as the brethren of the Craft did they became cemented in friendship , and and when their principles were properly carried out they formed one