Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 6 of 8 →
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this day was a very great and lasting compliment to tho Craft , which would never be forgotten . ( Loud cheers . ) The Earl of Y , \ nnoitouGii having received permission w propose ; a toast , said he would not have trespassed upon them had he not felt that they would not depart from that hall satisfied if they had not drank the health of a distinguished individual—be meant tbe Lady Mayoress . ( Loud cheers . ) He had been invited to this house some time since
, on another occasion , and if he could have attended he knew be should have then met the highest in the land—the most distinguished for rank and virtue—and he should also have had tbe good fortune to have made the acquaintance of the Lady Mayoress . They knew bow liberally the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress supported their charities ; and be had the highest authority for saying that the Lady Mayoress felt the greatest anx ety in the welfare of their institutions , because she
knew the great interest her brother took in Masonry . ( Loud cheers . ) He should not do justice to his own feelings if he did not ask them to drink the health of the Lady Mayoress . ( Loud cheers . ) The Lord Mayor briefly returned thanks . Mis lordship then gave " the Brethren who had honoured him with their company that evening . " ( Cheering . ) Bro . WIREon behalf of the Brethrenwould say bow gratified they
, , were to meet so many distinguished Brethren gathered together in one bond for the promotion of peace and the extension of charity , which distinguished Alasonry throughout the world . ( Loud cheers . ) He spoke tbe thanks of tbe Brethren for the honour which bad been conferred upon them in calling them together under this hospitable roof . It would tend still stronger to bind them together in those bonds of brotherly communion which had existed for so many centuries
—( cheers)—and to advance those principles of the Order which had in view the happiness of mankind . ( Loud cheers . ) The Lord Mayor accompanied by bis guests , then left the hall , highly delighted with the entertainment of the day .
POLISH NATIONAL LODGE , NO . 778 . —On Tuesday , July 23 , the R . W . the D . G . M . the Right Hon . the Earl of Yarborough , visited this Lodge , of which Bro . Szulczewski is now the worthy and respected W . M . Upon entering the Lodge his Lordship was received with due honours by the W . M ., Lord D . C . Stuart , S . W ., and the other officers and Brethren , and invested with the Commander ' s ribbon and decoration usually worn by the members . After the conclusion of Lodge
business , the Brethren retired to refreshment , when the D . G . M ., on proposing the health of the immediate W . M . Bro . Lemanski , presented and invested him with a very elegant jewel , which had been purchased partly by vote of the Lodge , and partly by private subscription . The Worshipful Brother returned thanks in appropriate terms , and shortly after the Brethren retired in peace , harmony , and brotherly love . YARBOROUGH LODGENo . 812 . —A banquet to commemorate the
, second anniversary of the establishment of this Lodge ( meeting at the George Tavern , Commercial Road , East ) , and to present a testimonial of esteem and respect to Bro . Thos . Vesper , jun . P . M ., and originator of this very flourishing and numerous portion ofthe Craft , was held at the Plough tavern , Blackwall , on Monday 22 nd July , and was honoured
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this day was a very great and lasting compliment to tho Craft , which would never be forgotten . ( Loud cheers . ) The Earl of Y , \ nnoitouGii having received permission w propose ; a toast , said he would not have trespassed upon them had he not felt that they would not depart from that hall satisfied if they had not drank the health of a distinguished individual—be meant tbe Lady Mayoress . ( Loud cheers . ) He had been invited to this house some time since
, on another occasion , and if he could have attended he knew be should have then met the highest in the land—the most distinguished for rank and virtue—and he should also have had tbe good fortune to have made the acquaintance of the Lady Mayoress . They knew bow liberally the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress supported their charities ; and be had the highest authority for saying that the Lady Mayoress felt the greatest anx ety in the welfare of their institutions , because she
knew the great interest her brother took in Masonry . ( Loud cheers . ) He should not do justice to his own feelings if he did not ask them to drink the health of the Lady Mayoress . ( Loud cheers . ) The Lord Mayor briefly returned thanks . Mis lordship then gave " the Brethren who had honoured him with their company that evening . " ( Cheering . ) Bro . WIREon behalf of the Brethrenwould say bow gratified they
, , were to meet so many distinguished Brethren gathered together in one bond for the promotion of peace and the extension of charity , which distinguished Alasonry throughout the world . ( Loud cheers . ) He spoke tbe thanks of tbe Brethren for the honour which bad been conferred upon them in calling them together under this hospitable roof . It would tend still stronger to bind them together in those bonds of brotherly communion which had existed for so many centuries
—( cheers)—and to advance those principles of the Order which had in view the happiness of mankind . ( Loud cheers . ) The Lord Mayor accompanied by bis guests , then left the hall , highly delighted with the entertainment of the day .
POLISH NATIONAL LODGE , NO . 778 . —On Tuesday , July 23 , the R . W . the D . G . M . the Right Hon . the Earl of Yarborough , visited this Lodge , of which Bro . Szulczewski is now the worthy and respected W . M . Upon entering the Lodge his Lordship was received with due honours by the W . M ., Lord D . C . Stuart , S . W ., and the other officers and Brethren , and invested with the Commander ' s ribbon and decoration usually worn by the members . After the conclusion of Lodge
business , the Brethren retired to refreshment , when the D . G . M ., on proposing the health of the immediate W . M . Bro . Lemanski , presented and invested him with a very elegant jewel , which had been purchased partly by vote of the Lodge , and partly by private subscription . The Worshipful Brother returned thanks in appropriate terms , and shortly after the Brethren retired in peace , harmony , and brotherly love . YARBOROUGH LODGENo . 812 . —A banquet to commemorate the
, second anniversary of the establishment of this Lodge ( meeting at the George Tavern , Commercial Road , East ) , and to present a testimonial of esteem and respect to Bro . Thos . Vesper , jun . P . M ., and originator of this very flourishing and numerous portion ofthe Craft , was held at the Plough tavern , Blackwall , on Monday 22 nd July , and was honoured