Article THE FREEMASONS' LEXICON. ← Page 3 of 8 →
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The Freemasons' Lexicon.
banquet ; for , by holding a masonic banquet alone , no lodge can duly celebrate this festival . Stipendien . —Exhibitions are given by some lodges to young students , especially to the sons of poor brethren . The Grand Lodge at the Three Globes in Berlin gives two of them , one as a monument to the departed Grand Master , Provost Zollner , and the other as a fraternal gift from the Graffen Malachowsky .
Stockholm . —National Grand Lodge of Sweden , under which work , in Stockholm , Scottish Lodge Northern Circle , St . John ' s Lodge Northern Festa , St . John ' s Lodge St . Erich , and other lodges , not only in Sweden , but also out of Europe . In 1746 , the above lodges caused a medal to be struck upon the birth of Gustavus III . ; on the obverse , Minerva floating in the clouds with a shield , in the centre of which was the letter G ; at her feet was a globeand other masonic tools ; at
, her head the inscription Tanto Numine . Below were a few words on the birth of the prince . Reverse , seven steps of masonic work , over which was a rising sun , and above , were the words : ex extitit lux Gen . I . ; below , 13 th January , ainccxr . vi . A second medal was struck by the lodges on the birth of the Princess Sophia Albertine , 1753 ; at the same time the foundation-stone of the foundling hospital , founded by the brethren , was laid . The obverse represented Pharoah ' s daughter
rescuing Moses , with the inscription : Servavit Regia Nata . Reverse , the following inscription : Inter publ . guadia ex Sophia Albertina Svec . Regis Primogenita infantualis egenorum prospexit pietas lib . fratr . mur . Holmiae , 1753 . Strafen . Punishments . —Those Freemasons who violate the laws of the country in which they reside , are either suspended , excluded , or proscribed . The lodge , nevertheless , never usurps the place of the magistrate or judge , as it has been formerly accused of doing . It rather directs the attention of the officers of justice to those brethren upon whom remonstrances are of no avail , and whom it is compelled to exclude .
Stralsund . —St . John ' s Lodge Gustav Adolph , at the Three Beams , constituted 22 nd March , 1797 , and held under the Grand Lodge in Stockholm until 1815 , when it affiliated itself with the Grand Lodge Royal York , in Berlin . Scottish Lodge , at the Four Elements , united with the St . John ' s Lodge Gustav Adolph . The seven years' war brought many Swedish brethren together in this place , esnecially on the 3 rd June , 1757 , in memory of which the lodge caused a medal to be struck . On
the obverse is a shield , with an armed flying griffin , surrounded with masonic work-tools , and the inscription : Ordo Frat . Mur . Sund . Pom . F . F . The reverse contains the sun , earth , and moon , with the inscription : Itinere Concordi . Stride Observance-oder Templeherren System . Knights Templar System . —The appellation was given to an union of several lodges , which wrought according to a system of their own , called the Strict
Observance , or Knights Templar system . This system was first made known in Germany , about the year 1762 , by the Baron von Hund , who stated that he had discovered it in Paris , in 1742 . Although it was wrought about the same time by the Herrn von Marshall , in Germany , and a Knights Templar Chapter had been held in Unwurden , in Oberlausitz ; yet it was nevertheless the Baron von Hund who really propagated the system . The union obtained the name of the Strict Observance , because it was believed to work according to a very ancient and a very
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The Freemasons' Lexicon.
banquet ; for , by holding a masonic banquet alone , no lodge can duly celebrate this festival . Stipendien . —Exhibitions are given by some lodges to young students , especially to the sons of poor brethren . The Grand Lodge at the Three Globes in Berlin gives two of them , one as a monument to the departed Grand Master , Provost Zollner , and the other as a fraternal gift from the Graffen Malachowsky .
Stockholm . —National Grand Lodge of Sweden , under which work , in Stockholm , Scottish Lodge Northern Circle , St . John ' s Lodge Northern Festa , St . John ' s Lodge St . Erich , and other lodges , not only in Sweden , but also out of Europe . In 1746 , the above lodges caused a medal to be struck upon the birth of Gustavus III . ; on the obverse , Minerva floating in the clouds with a shield , in the centre of which was the letter G ; at her feet was a globeand other masonic tools ; at
, her head the inscription Tanto Numine . Below were a few words on the birth of the prince . Reverse , seven steps of masonic work , over which was a rising sun , and above , were the words : ex extitit lux Gen . I . ; below , 13 th January , ainccxr . vi . A second medal was struck by the lodges on the birth of the Princess Sophia Albertine , 1753 ; at the same time the foundation-stone of the foundling hospital , founded by the brethren , was laid . The obverse represented Pharoah ' s daughter
rescuing Moses , with the inscription : Servavit Regia Nata . Reverse , the following inscription : Inter publ . guadia ex Sophia Albertina Svec . Regis Primogenita infantualis egenorum prospexit pietas lib . fratr . mur . Holmiae , 1753 . Strafen . Punishments . —Those Freemasons who violate the laws of the country in which they reside , are either suspended , excluded , or proscribed . The lodge , nevertheless , never usurps the place of the magistrate or judge , as it has been formerly accused of doing . It rather directs the attention of the officers of justice to those brethren upon whom remonstrances are of no avail , and whom it is compelled to exclude .
Stralsund . —St . John ' s Lodge Gustav Adolph , at the Three Beams , constituted 22 nd March , 1797 , and held under the Grand Lodge in Stockholm until 1815 , when it affiliated itself with the Grand Lodge Royal York , in Berlin . Scottish Lodge , at the Four Elements , united with the St . John ' s Lodge Gustav Adolph . The seven years' war brought many Swedish brethren together in this place , esnecially on the 3 rd June , 1757 , in memory of which the lodge caused a medal to be struck . On
the obverse is a shield , with an armed flying griffin , surrounded with masonic work-tools , and the inscription : Ordo Frat . Mur . Sund . Pom . F . F . The reverse contains the sun , earth , and moon , with the inscription : Itinere Concordi . Stride Observance-oder Templeherren System . Knights Templar System . —The appellation was given to an union of several lodges , which wrought according to a system of their own , called the Strict
Observance , or Knights Templar system . This system was first made known in Germany , about the year 1762 , by the Baron von Hund , who stated that he had discovered it in Paris , in 1742 . Although it was wrought about the same time by the Herrn von Marshall , in Germany , and a Knights Templar Chapter had been held in Unwurden , in Oberlausitz ; yet it was nevertheless the Baron von Hund who really propagated the system . The union obtained the name of the Strict Observance , because it was believed to work according to a very ancient and a very