Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 7 of 27 →
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Bro . G . VERNON . —There is a necessity of co-operation in Lodges ; they should visit each other to assimilate their working . I shall always be ready to do so , and shall visit none with more pleasure than St . Matthew ' s . I am much obliged to you for tha honour you have done me . Bro . BASSETT SMITH , S . AV . —When , with our Junior AVarden , I conceived the idea of establishing this Lodge ; we sought the aid of St . Paul ' sBirminghamand met with the kindest assurances of helpwhich
, , , have been realized to the full . Now that our end is gained , we should be wanting indeed in gratitude if we failed to thank them . For my part I shall never forget the many happy occasions on which this business has brought us together , how they have endeared us to each other , and by their reminiscences bind us in the golden chain of Masonic friendship , or that for all this we are indebted to the kind spirit of St . Paul ' s . I hope as Officers and members we shall do our duty , that they may
not be ashamed of us , and from my heart I give you " The welfare of St . Paul's Lodge , " both as my own mother Lodge , ancl the nursing mother of St . Matthew ' s , associating with the toast the name of the AV \ M . Bro . Kettle . Bro . AV . R . KETTLE , AV . M . of St . Paul ' s , returned thanks , and said that St . Paul ' s Lodge would always take a warm interest in the welfare ol St . Matthew ' s . Bro . R . Kettlein appropriate terms " The
, , gave Ladies . " Bro . H . JAMES , J . AV ., replied . The CHAIRMAN proposed the health of " Earl Howe , and the Prov . Grand Officers of Warwickshire . " Bro . J . MOTTERAM , P . P . S . G . W ., AVarwickshire . —Both as an Officer of St . Paul ' s , and a Past Provincial Officer of AVarwickshire , I
have much pleasure in being here . Every one must be delighted with the harmony of the meeting ; it illustrates the beauty of Masonry , in which indeed there must be something genuine and good , or so many good and virtuous men would not associate in it . I thank you for the honour done Lord Howe ; to be presided over by such a nobleman is a privilege those only who know him can appreciate . There is no one whose character stands higher for morality , virtue , ancl every thing that adorns a man . I will only add , that St . Paul ' s will rejoice in the success
of St . Matthew ' s Lodge , and their only emulation must be to excel each other in promulgating the genuine principles of Freemasonry . The CHAIRMAN gave the health of " Bro . Ironmonger , and the Musical Brethren . " Bro . IRONMONGER returned thanks . The CHAIRMAN then gave "All poor aud distressed Brethren whereever dispersed on the face of the globe . " It being past time , the Lodge was then closed in harmony , with all the honours .
St . Matthew ' s Lodge , it may be well to add , is flourishing , ancl promises to take a high standing in tbe Craft . Nearly all the Lodge furniture ivas presented by the Brethren , ancl a magnificent copy of the Sacred Law was given by Mrs . John James , of Rushall Hall . LEICESTER , June 24 . —The lately constituted Lodge of John of Gaunt held its first anniversary , when the installation of the AV . M . for the ensuing year , and the appointment of the other officers of the Lodge took place , followed by a banquet at the Three Crowns' Hotel . Previously , however , to this part of the business an important and interest-VOL . v . Y v
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Bro . G . VERNON . —There is a necessity of co-operation in Lodges ; they should visit each other to assimilate their working . I shall always be ready to do so , and shall visit none with more pleasure than St . Matthew ' s . I am much obliged to you for tha honour you have done me . Bro . BASSETT SMITH , S . AV . —When , with our Junior AVarden , I conceived the idea of establishing this Lodge ; we sought the aid of St . Paul ' sBirminghamand met with the kindest assurances of helpwhich
, , , have been realized to the full . Now that our end is gained , we should be wanting indeed in gratitude if we failed to thank them . For my part I shall never forget the many happy occasions on which this business has brought us together , how they have endeared us to each other , and by their reminiscences bind us in the golden chain of Masonic friendship , or that for all this we are indebted to the kind spirit of St . Paul ' s . I hope as Officers and members we shall do our duty , that they may
not be ashamed of us , and from my heart I give you " The welfare of St . Paul's Lodge , " both as my own mother Lodge , ancl the nursing mother of St . Matthew ' s , associating with the toast the name of the AV \ M . Bro . Kettle . Bro . AV . R . KETTLE , AV . M . of St . Paul ' s , returned thanks , and said that St . Paul ' s Lodge would always take a warm interest in the welfare ol St . Matthew ' s . Bro . R . Kettlein appropriate terms " The
, , gave Ladies . " Bro . H . JAMES , J . AV ., replied . The CHAIRMAN proposed the health of " Earl Howe , and the Prov . Grand Officers of Warwickshire . " Bro . J . MOTTERAM , P . P . S . G . W ., AVarwickshire . —Both as an Officer of St . Paul ' s , and a Past Provincial Officer of AVarwickshire , I
have much pleasure in being here . Every one must be delighted with the harmony of the meeting ; it illustrates the beauty of Masonry , in which indeed there must be something genuine and good , or so many good and virtuous men would not associate in it . I thank you for the honour done Lord Howe ; to be presided over by such a nobleman is a privilege those only who know him can appreciate . There is no one whose character stands higher for morality , virtue , ancl every thing that adorns a man . I will only add , that St . Paul ' s will rejoice in the success
of St . Matthew ' s Lodge , and their only emulation must be to excel each other in promulgating the genuine principles of Freemasonry . The CHAIRMAN gave the health of " Bro . Ironmonger , and the Musical Brethren . " Bro . IRONMONGER returned thanks . The CHAIRMAN then gave "All poor aud distressed Brethren whereever dispersed on the face of the globe . " It being past time , the Lodge was then closed in harmony , with all the honours .
St . Matthew ' s Lodge , it may be well to add , is flourishing , ancl promises to take a high standing in tbe Craft . Nearly all the Lodge furniture ivas presented by the Brethren , ancl a magnificent copy of the Sacred Law was given by Mrs . John James , of Rushall Hall . LEICESTER , June 24 . —The lately constituted Lodge of John of Gaunt held its first anniversary , when the installation of the AV . M . for the ensuing year , and the appointment of the other officers of the Lodge took place , followed by a banquet at the Three Crowns' Hotel . Previously , however , to this part of the business an important and interest-VOL . v . Y v