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CHATHAM , Sept . 15 . —The Kent Lodge of Antiquity , No . 20 , was this day honoured by a visit from the R . AV . Prov . Grancl Master , Bro . L . C . Humfrey , and other Brethren of the province . The proceedings were under the auspices of the D . P . G . M . Bro . Ashley , which is sufficient to state that they were such as to give the highest satisfaction to the distinguished visitor .
GRAVESEND . —The Lodge of Sympathy is flourishing . We expect soon to hear of the revival of the Lodge of Freedom . MAIDSTONE , Aug . 9 . —The Installation of the Prov . Grancl Master Bro . Lebbeus Charles Humfrey , Q . C ., of St . Peter ' s , Isle of Thanet , took place with more than usual eclat . About two hundred and thirty JBrethren of the province , including several visitors from the metropolis , were present . The town presented a most animated scene ; the numbers congregated
were perhaps never equalled . The church bells rang their merry peal , and various bands of music paraded the town . This extraordinary assemblage must not , however , be set down exclusively to the curiosity excited by a desire to view the Masonic cortege , but equally to the declaration by the Sheriff of the successful candidates , who , as JMembers of Parliament , were expected to be chaired . Numbers of carriages , containing elegantly dressed ladies with the favours of the respective
parties , added greatly to the effect . Still , we may claim for the Masons a large share of the extreme and popular excitement . During the past thirty years a Provincial Ruler of the Craft has not visited Maidstone , and so indifferent have been the Brethren themselves to the observance of their rites and ceremonies , that we believe nine years have elapsed since a public meeting has been held in Maidstone . The popularity of the newly-appointed Prov . Grand Master created a proportionate
reaction . The excitement felt by the Masons of Kent was perfectly joyous . One singular proof of the anxious desire of young Masons to attend should be stated : the Lodge of Sympathy , 701 , Gravesend , met as earl y as six o ' clock in the morning to raise two Craftsmen to the sublime degree , in order that they might be qualified to attend the Grand Festival .
The public breakfast was given at the Star , at which the Deputy Prov . Grancl Master , Bro . Ashley , presided . The Brethren afterwards met at the County Assembly Rooms , where the Prov . Grand Lodge was opened , ancl to which the newly-appointed Prov . Grand Master was introduced . The patent was read , and he was obligated in clue form by the Deputy Prov . Grancl Master , and the Grand Chaplain , assisted by the Rev . Bro . Simson , after which he addressed the Brethren on his appointment , developed his future plansand appointed as his principal
Officers—, Bros . Ashley , Deputy Prov . Grancl Master ; AVhitaker and Hilder as Prov . Grand AVardens . The Brethren then proceeded to church in clue order , preceded by a band of music . The crowd was so dense as to make it somewhat difficult to pass , but the inconvenience was ampl y compensated by the smiling faces of the lovely and beautiful who filled every window . On arriving at the church * every gallery was filled
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CHATHAM , Sept . 15 . —The Kent Lodge of Antiquity , No . 20 , was this day honoured by a visit from the R . AV . Prov . Grancl Master , Bro . L . C . Humfrey , and other Brethren of the province . The proceedings were under the auspices of the D . P . G . M . Bro . Ashley , which is sufficient to state that they were such as to give the highest satisfaction to the distinguished visitor .
GRAVESEND . —The Lodge of Sympathy is flourishing . We expect soon to hear of the revival of the Lodge of Freedom . MAIDSTONE , Aug . 9 . —The Installation of the Prov . Grancl Master Bro . Lebbeus Charles Humfrey , Q . C ., of St . Peter ' s , Isle of Thanet , took place with more than usual eclat . About two hundred and thirty JBrethren of the province , including several visitors from the metropolis , were present . The town presented a most animated scene ; the numbers congregated
were perhaps never equalled . The church bells rang their merry peal , and various bands of music paraded the town . This extraordinary assemblage must not , however , be set down exclusively to the curiosity excited by a desire to view the Masonic cortege , but equally to the declaration by the Sheriff of the successful candidates , who , as JMembers of Parliament , were expected to be chaired . Numbers of carriages , containing elegantly dressed ladies with the favours of the respective
parties , added greatly to the effect . Still , we may claim for the Masons a large share of the extreme and popular excitement . During the past thirty years a Provincial Ruler of the Craft has not visited Maidstone , and so indifferent have been the Brethren themselves to the observance of their rites and ceremonies , that we believe nine years have elapsed since a public meeting has been held in Maidstone . The popularity of the newly-appointed Prov . Grand Master created a proportionate
reaction . The excitement felt by the Masons of Kent was perfectly joyous . One singular proof of the anxious desire of young Masons to attend should be stated : the Lodge of Sympathy , 701 , Gravesend , met as earl y as six o ' clock in the morning to raise two Craftsmen to the sublime degree , in order that they might be qualified to attend the Grand Festival .
The public breakfast was given at the Star , at which the Deputy Prov . Grancl Master , Bro . Ashley , presided . The Brethren afterwards met at the County Assembly Rooms , where the Prov . Grand Lodge was opened , ancl to which the newly-appointed Prov . Grand Master was introduced . The patent was read , and he was obligated in clue form by the Deputy Prov . Grancl Master , and the Grand Chaplain , assisted by the Rev . Bro . Simson , after which he addressed the Brethren on his appointment , developed his future plansand appointed as his principal
Officers—, Bros . Ashley , Deputy Prov . Grancl Master ; AVhitaker and Hilder as Prov . Grand AVardens . The Brethren then proceeded to church in clue order , preceded by a band of music . The crowd was so dense as to make it somewhat difficult to pass , but the inconvenience was ampl y compensated by the smiling faces of the lovely and beautiful who filled every window . On arriving at the church * every gallery was filled