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in the Insolvent Debtors' Court . He , at one time , had an extensive practice also in parliamentary business , and was a Queen ' s Counsel . He was appointed a Commissioner of Insolvents some three or four years ago , and made Chief Justice of Bombay in 1846 , when he went to India . Sir David Pollock ' s private character and worth cannot he too highly spoken of ; he had qualities which rarely fail to insure to their possessor universal esteem and love ; and we may safely say that his loss will be
severely felt by all those who were his personal friends , more especially by the children he leaves behind to mourn his departure . Prayers were offered up for his restoration to health by the natives of Bombay , amongst whom he was revered . The Chief Baron , General Sir George , ancl Mr . J . H . Pollock , are younger brothers of the late Chief Justice . Sir David was a Past Master of the Graud Stewards' and Prince of AVales' Lodgesand P . S . G . AV . AVas opposed to all reform in the Order
, , ancl was present at the "black-ball" affair in 1836 . AVith him , in all probability , will die the secret of the " Triad , " for Sir David was too conscientious to admit which way he voted , lest the three might become known . Sir David gave some offence to the Earl of Durham during a debate in Grand Lodge , and which was never mutuall y explained , in consequence of Lord JD . ' s unexpected decease . Sir David was not a time-serving , neither was he a liberal Freemason .
August 9 . —Rev . SAMUEL OLIVER , cet . 96 . Full particulars of this departed Brother will be found elsewhere . He was indeed " a shining light . " The Rev . Dr . OEver ( his son ) , in writing on the subject , observes most feelingly , " I was very much impressed at seeing him lowered into the grave , although I have buried thousands of corpses . The beautiful vision of Mirza came into my mind , where mankind are represented as passing gaily over the bridge of Time , and so intent upon
seizing certain gilded bubbles that floated over their heads , that they clid not observe the great holes at their feet , into which they kept falling one after another , and were swept away into the boundless ocean of eternity 1—Sic transit gloria mundi . " -f ~
Sept . 5 . —At his residence , St . John ' s Wood , Bro . J . B . BELLVILLE , P . M . No . 1 . Sept . 15 . —At Greenhithe , set . 74 , Bro . CHARLES TAYLOR , formerly of the Theatre Royal , Covent Garden ; honorary member of the Prince of AVales' Lodge , Chapter of Observance , & c . Feb . 7 . —At Charlestown ( U . S . ) , CHARLOTTE MOORE , _ et . 41 , wife of Bro . AV . C . Moore , Editor of the Freemasons' Magazine .
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.-f ; ii . , _ .., / "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
in the Insolvent Debtors' Court . He , at one time , had an extensive practice also in parliamentary business , and was a Queen ' s Counsel . He was appointed a Commissioner of Insolvents some three or four years ago , and made Chief Justice of Bombay in 1846 , when he went to India . Sir David Pollock ' s private character and worth cannot he too highly spoken of ; he had qualities which rarely fail to insure to their possessor universal esteem and love ; and we may safely say that his loss will be
severely felt by all those who were his personal friends , more especially by the children he leaves behind to mourn his departure . Prayers were offered up for his restoration to health by the natives of Bombay , amongst whom he was revered . The Chief Baron , General Sir George , ancl Mr . J . H . Pollock , are younger brothers of the late Chief Justice . Sir David was a Past Master of the Graud Stewards' and Prince of AVales' Lodgesand P . S . G . AV . AVas opposed to all reform in the Order
, , ancl was present at the "black-ball" affair in 1836 . AVith him , in all probability , will die the secret of the " Triad , " for Sir David was too conscientious to admit which way he voted , lest the three might become known . Sir David gave some offence to the Earl of Durham during a debate in Grand Lodge , and which was never mutuall y explained , in consequence of Lord JD . ' s unexpected decease . Sir David was not a time-serving , neither was he a liberal Freemason .
August 9 . —Rev . SAMUEL OLIVER , cet . 96 . Full particulars of this departed Brother will be found elsewhere . He was indeed " a shining light . " The Rev . Dr . OEver ( his son ) , in writing on the subject , observes most feelingly , " I was very much impressed at seeing him lowered into the grave , although I have buried thousands of corpses . The beautiful vision of Mirza came into my mind , where mankind are represented as passing gaily over the bridge of Time , and so intent upon
seizing certain gilded bubbles that floated over their heads , that they clid not observe the great holes at their feet , into which they kept falling one after another , and were swept away into the boundless ocean of eternity 1—Sic transit gloria mundi . " -f ~
Sept . 5 . —At his residence , St . John ' s Wood , Bro . J . B . BELLVILLE , P . M . No . 1 . Sept . 15 . —At Greenhithe , set . 74 , Bro . CHARLES TAYLOR , formerly of the Theatre Royal , Covent Garden ; honorary member of the Prince of AVales' Lodge , Chapter of Observance , & c . Feb . 7 . —At Charlestown ( U . S . ) , CHARLOTTE MOORE , _ et . 41 , wife of Bro . AV . C . Moore , Editor of the Freemasons' Magazine .
' Uf-i-U } fl m ^ -U-,: y 0 .. urfi . , x ' fe C /^ , ; ~ (;( --., l ? : / ft ' / ' } . ' ¦ ... ' if / ' ,- / ; ' ' .... : / y "/ * ' - * .- * -- >_ ¦ "'¦^ 7- ' *'"¦" , ?« ¦ '' .- ' ¦ - /' ¦ f - _ . ' ¦ - ¦ ' .- ' ' ' / " " '" ¦'"' ¦ " ' 7
.-f ; ii . , _ .., / "