Article CHIT CHAT. ← Page 3 of 8 →
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Chit Chat.
Till now , there has only been one Jew in all the kingdom permitted to act as an advocate . ALTONA . —The Citizen Association of Altona held a meeting on the 14 th instant , in which the Emancipation of the Jews formed the subject of consideration . The friends of emancipation had invited their opponents to attend the meeting , and state their objections ; but no opponent appeared , and the association resolved to petition the deputies of Holstein for civil and political equalization of the Jews with the Christians .
The Duke of Modenahas licensed a monthly publication , entitled the " Revista Israelitica , " of which the principal object is to introduce into the worship of the Jews certain reforms , which will render it more in harmony with the spirit of the age . This is the first periodical specially concerning the Jews that has ever been published in Italy . BAYREUTH JEWISH FREEMASONS . —One of the latest numbers of the " Sinai" ( a weekly journal published since the first of January last at
Bayreuth , Bavaria , which , although of a religious tendency , nevertheless neglects not the political and social wants ofthe German Jews , and those of Bavaria in particular ) , contains a short but powerful article on the position in which English ancl German Freemasons stand with the Jews . The article in question being signed " J . A . " we believe we are not mistaken in attributing the authorship to Rabbi and Dr . Joseph Aub , of Bayreuth , the Editor of the " Sinai . "— " The sacred interests of genuine
humanity , and real liberty , have again met in England with worthy and able defenders against Prussian intolerance and German prejudice . In England , the land where the Christian faith exercises a firm and unshaken influence upon religious life , difference of creed dare not form a partition in social life ; but here , where the Christian faith is shaken to its foundation , confession to Christianity is made" an essential even in non-ecclesiastical matters . Whilst two popes , Clement XII . and Benedict XIV ., inflicted bulls of excommunication upon Freemasonry , the
Freemasons of Berlin , and others who coincided with them , declared Freemasonry to be of Christian nature , and could not receive Jews . We do not doubt , however , that truth and liberty will also in this instance conquer fallacy and servility . The Grancl Lodge of London withdrew its representative from the Berlin Grand Lodge , and dismissed the one representing that Lodge in theirs . Some other Lodges will follow , ancl some have already anticipated the good example . Freemasonry , according to its proper sense and object , must be founded upon human freedom
within , and promote the same without , dispensing with all political demonstrations . Every man who is morally free , i . e . virtuous , deserves to be received in the fraternal union . A Lodge which looks to religious profession instead of looking to the heart , is in contradiction with itself .
Phis struggle of genuine charity and liberty , with mock-piety and narrowminded bias , we observe throughout the various circumstances of social life ; yet we perceive how the former dail y increase in ^ poiver and local extent , and how the latter are gradually losing vigour ancl strength . The complaints of the Jews at being refused admittance to several German Lodges , have roused sympathy so warm , and an advocacy so powerful in France , England , and America , that we may justly exult in the hope of witnessing ere long a decisive victory of liberty and humanity over the pernicious influence of prejudice and intolerance . " LIABILITY OF A JEW AS AN M . P . —In consequence of doubts which
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Chit Chat.
Till now , there has only been one Jew in all the kingdom permitted to act as an advocate . ALTONA . —The Citizen Association of Altona held a meeting on the 14 th instant , in which the Emancipation of the Jews formed the subject of consideration . The friends of emancipation had invited their opponents to attend the meeting , and state their objections ; but no opponent appeared , and the association resolved to petition the deputies of Holstein for civil and political equalization of the Jews with the Christians .
The Duke of Modenahas licensed a monthly publication , entitled the " Revista Israelitica , " of which the principal object is to introduce into the worship of the Jews certain reforms , which will render it more in harmony with the spirit of the age . This is the first periodical specially concerning the Jews that has ever been published in Italy . BAYREUTH JEWISH FREEMASONS . —One of the latest numbers of the " Sinai" ( a weekly journal published since the first of January last at
Bayreuth , Bavaria , which , although of a religious tendency , nevertheless neglects not the political and social wants ofthe German Jews , and those of Bavaria in particular ) , contains a short but powerful article on the position in which English ancl German Freemasons stand with the Jews . The article in question being signed " J . A . " we believe we are not mistaken in attributing the authorship to Rabbi and Dr . Joseph Aub , of Bayreuth , the Editor of the " Sinai . "— " The sacred interests of genuine
humanity , and real liberty , have again met in England with worthy and able defenders against Prussian intolerance and German prejudice . In England , the land where the Christian faith exercises a firm and unshaken influence upon religious life , difference of creed dare not form a partition in social life ; but here , where the Christian faith is shaken to its foundation , confession to Christianity is made" an essential even in non-ecclesiastical matters . Whilst two popes , Clement XII . and Benedict XIV ., inflicted bulls of excommunication upon Freemasonry , the
Freemasons of Berlin , and others who coincided with them , declared Freemasonry to be of Christian nature , and could not receive Jews . We do not doubt , however , that truth and liberty will also in this instance conquer fallacy and servility . The Grancl Lodge of London withdrew its representative from the Berlin Grand Lodge , and dismissed the one representing that Lodge in theirs . Some other Lodges will follow , ancl some have already anticipated the good example . Freemasonry , according to its proper sense and object , must be founded upon human freedom
within , and promote the same without , dispensing with all political demonstrations . Every man who is morally free , i . e . virtuous , deserves to be received in the fraternal union . A Lodge which looks to religious profession instead of looking to the heart , is in contradiction with itself .
Phis struggle of genuine charity and liberty , with mock-piety and narrowminded bias , we observe throughout the various circumstances of social life ; yet we perceive how the former dail y increase in ^ poiver and local extent , and how the latter are gradually losing vigour ancl strength . The complaints of the Jews at being refused admittance to several German Lodges , have roused sympathy so warm , and an advocacy so powerful in France , England , and America , that we may justly exult in the hope of witnessing ere long a decisive victory of liberty and humanity over the pernicious influence of prejudice and intolerance . " LIABILITY OF A JEW AS AN M . P . —In consequence of doubts which