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United Grand Lodge Of England.
respectfully requested to sit for his portrait to some distinguished artist , and that such portrait be placed in the Hall among those of his lordship ' s illustrious and noble predecessors . Scrutineers . —Bros . Levick ( 85 ); Mountain ( 12 ); Newsom ( 36 ) . At the Board of Benevolence , during the past quarter , there were several liberal grants ; among them two of fifty pounds each , and one of thirty pounds , all to widows , abiding the confirmation of Grand Lodge .
Circular On Emergency.
The Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , & c . & c , M . AV . G . M . R . AV . Brother , —Your attendance is requested at an ESPECIAL GRAND LODGE , to be holden at Freemasons' Hall , on AVednesday , the 18 th day of August instant , at seven o ' clock in the evening , for the purpose of considering a communication from the M . AV . Grand Master , and report from the Board of General Purposes as to the proposed purchase of certain freehold houses and premises in Great Queen streetadjoining
, eastward on the society ' s present freehold property ; ancl in the event of the Grancl Lodge approving such purchase being effected , then further to make such orders as may be requisite to carry out that object . By command of the M . AV . Grand Master , Freemasons' Hall , 10 th August , 1847- AVlLLIAM H . WHITE , G . S . Present—Bro . B . B . CabbellM . P . P . J . G AV . as G . M . a few
, , , , , other present and past Grand Officers , and about sixty Masters , Past Masters , and AA ' ardens . A report from the Board of General Purposes recommending the purchase of the property alluded to iu the circular having been read , Bro . HARD WICK , G . Sup . AVorks , stated that in his opinion it was most desirable to purchase the property at a sum of 8000 / ., and entered into a general statement of its prospective advantages .
Bro . JENNINGS , then moved that such purchase be made , and that the 8000 / . be thus defrayed , viz . by selling out 5000 / . consols standing to the credit of the Board of General Purposes , and by borrowing 3000 / . from the Fund of Benevolence ; which being seconded , some observations were made by Bros . HAVERS , J . L . BARNARD , and SMITH ( 109 , ) who sought to solicit more cogent reasons for the purchase . The motion was then put , and carried nem . con .
Quarterly Communication.
( We have taken care to give as nearly as possible an exact report ; " nothing extenuate , nor aught set down in malice . " ) September 1 , 1847 . —Present , The M . VV . the Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , Grand Master , on the Throne ; R . AV . Bro . Lewis , ( Sumatra ) as D . G . M . ; Rowland Alston , P . G . M . ( Essex ) ; Dobie , P . G . M ., ( Surrey ); Morris , S . G . AV . ; B . Bond Cabbell , J . G . VV . ; M'Mullen ; Evans ; Jas . Savage ; Crucefix ; Jennings ; Hardwick ; Forman ; Rowland Alston , Jun ., & c . & c . ; AV . B . Boronandi , Representative of Switzerland ; Burmester , Hambro ; Grand Stewards ofthe year ; the VOL . v , ss
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
United Grand Lodge Of England.
respectfully requested to sit for his portrait to some distinguished artist , and that such portrait be placed in the Hall among those of his lordship ' s illustrious and noble predecessors . Scrutineers . —Bros . Levick ( 85 ); Mountain ( 12 ); Newsom ( 36 ) . At the Board of Benevolence , during the past quarter , there were several liberal grants ; among them two of fifty pounds each , and one of thirty pounds , all to widows , abiding the confirmation of Grand Lodge .
Circular On Emergency.
The Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , & c . & c , M . AV . G . M . R . AV . Brother , —Your attendance is requested at an ESPECIAL GRAND LODGE , to be holden at Freemasons' Hall , on AVednesday , the 18 th day of August instant , at seven o ' clock in the evening , for the purpose of considering a communication from the M . AV . Grand Master , and report from the Board of General Purposes as to the proposed purchase of certain freehold houses and premises in Great Queen streetadjoining
, eastward on the society ' s present freehold property ; ancl in the event of the Grancl Lodge approving such purchase being effected , then further to make such orders as may be requisite to carry out that object . By command of the M . AV . Grand Master , Freemasons' Hall , 10 th August , 1847- AVlLLIAM H . WHITE , G . S . Present—Bro . B . B . CabbellM . P . P . J . G AV . as G . M . a few
, , , , , other present and past Grand Officers , and about sixty Masters , Past Masters , and AA ' ardens . A report from the Board of General Purposes recommending the purchase of the property alluded to iu the circular having been read , Bro . HARD WICK , G . Sup . AVorks , stated that in his opinion it was most desirable to purchase the property at a sum of 8000 / ., and entered into a general statement of its prospective advantages .
Bro . JENNINGS , then moved that such purchase be made , and that the 8000 / . be thus defrayed , viz . by selling out 5000 / . consols standing to the credit of the Board of General Purposes , and by borrowing 3000 / . from the Fund of Benevolence ; which being seconded , some observations were made by Bros . HAVERS , J . L . BARNARD , and SMITH ( 109 , ) who sought to solicit more cogent reasons for the purchase . The motion was then put , and carried nem . con .
Quarterly Communication.
( We have taken care to give as nearly as possible an exact report ; " nothing extenuate , nor aught set down in malice . " ) September 1 , 1847 . —Present , The M . VV . the Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , Grand Master , on the Throne ; R . AV . Bro . Lewis , ( Sumatra ) as D . G . M . ; Rowland Alston , P . G . M . ( Essex ) ; Dobie , P . G . M ., ( Surrey ); Morris , S . G . AV . ; B . Bond Cabbell , J . G . VV . ; M'Mullen ; Evans ; Jas . Savage ; Crucefix ; Jennings ; Hardwick ; Forman ; Rowland Alston , Jun ., & c . & c . ; AV . B . Boronandi , Representative of Switzerland ; Burmester , Hambro ; Grand Stewards ofthe year ; the VOL . v , ss