Article THE FREEMASONS' LEXICON. ← Page 4 of 8 →
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The Freemasons' Lexicon.
every Lodge calls itself an orient , or it is an orient , and as such , is bound to contribute to the happiness of the brethren , and of mankind . Pabstliche Staaten . Papal States . —Pope Clement XII ., also known by his family name Ganganelli , published a bull on the 27 th April , 1738 , against the Freemasons , which put them under excommunication , in consequence of which they could not receive absolution . The reason assigned for this severity wasthat those who did no evil clid not require
, to shun the light . His successor Benedict XIV ., renewed this excommunication on the 17 th . of March , 1751 , but he soon after formed milder opinions , and allowed himself to be initiated , at which ceremony , Bro . Tiepulo , a Roman , delivered a remarkable address . From this time the Freemasons were not particularly persecuted , yet it has not seemed goocl to any pope to withdraw the bull . His successors did not allow any Lodges to be held in their statesanclup to this timethe Order of
, , , Freemasonry has no asylum there . The above two-named bulls have produced the desired effect in several catholic states . Paracelsus ; or , Phillipus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombast de Hohenheini . —An alchymical adventurer , well known to alchymists and rosycrucians . He is said to have been born at Einsiedeln , in Switzerland , in 1493 , and that his father gave him his first instruction in medicine and chemistry . By other teachers he was initiated into
alchymy , and he then travelled as a physician aud adept , through the greater part of Europe . He boasted of having an elixir , whereby he could prolong his life at will , nevertheless he died of fever at Saltsburg , in 154 . 1 . During his life he published very little , but a great mass of writings have appeared since his death , under his name . A complete
edition was published at Ghent , in three folio volumes , in 1658 . In 1746 , there was printed , with his name , at Franckfort on the Maine , " Secrets of all Secrets . " We must not confound the ancient Grecian philosopher Theophrastus with the above . Paris . — In the year 1725 , three Englishmen founded a Lodge here , which soon after called itself the " Grand English Lodge of France , " because , from it was formed other Lodges , not only in the capital , but also in the provinces ; it took the name Grand Lodge of France in the
year 1756 , and with it the privileges of a Grand Lodge . This Lodge was closed by the government in 1762 , because so many branches bad gone out from her , which had given cause of complaint . Nevertheless , many Lodges , and the Grand Lodge itself , remained at work in secret . Besides this , there was formed in 1772 , a new Grancl Orient of France . This , and the old Grand Lodge of France , were closed at the commencement of the revolution . When the storm was over , the officers of the
old Grand Lodge assembled together again , and founded afresh , a Grand Orient of France , on the 22 nd of June , 1799 ; by the side of this one came the new Scottish General Grand Lodge of France , which appeared in 1804 with no fewer than thirty-three degrees . But in the same year the Grand Orient of France united with this Scottish General Grand Lodge , and took the name of Grand Orient of France ; that of the Scottish General Grand Lodge disappeared . In the year 1812 , there was under this Grand Orientone thousand ancl eighty-nine Lodges
, ancl Chapters , among which the military Lodges are counted , ancl nearly every regiment has its own . In Paris itself there are more than one hundred Lodges . On the fall of the French Empire , the Grand Orient was again closed , but we nevertheless find Lodges enough in fall activity . Passwort . Password . —A word which is the same in the first degree
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The Freemasons' Lexicon.
every Lodge calls itself an orient , or it is an orient , and as such , is bound to contribute to the happiness of the brethren , and of mankind . Pabstliche Staaten . Papal States . —Pope Clement XII ., also known by his family name Ganganelli , published a bull on the 27 th April , 1738 , against the Freemasons , which put them under excommunication , in consequence of which they could not receive absolution . The reason assigned for this severity wasthat those who did no evil clid not require
, to shun the light . His successor Benedict XIV ., renewed this excommunication on the 17 th . of March , 1751 , but he soon after formed milder opinions , and allowed himself to be initiated , at which ceremony , Bro . Tiepulo , a Roman , delivered a remarkable address . From this time the Freemasons were not particularly persecuted , yet it has not seemed goocl to any pope to withdraw the bull . His successors did not allow any Lodges to be held in their statesanclup to this timethe Order of
, , , Freemasonry has no asylum there . The above two-named bulls have produced the desired effect in several catholic states . Paracelsus ; or , Phillipus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombast de Hohenheini . —An alchymical adventurer , well known to alchymists and rosycrucians . He is said to have been born at Einsiedeln , in Switzerland , in 1493 , and that his father gave him his first instruction in medicine and chemistry . By other teachers he was initiated into
alchymy , and he then travelled as a physician aud adept , through the greater part of Europe . He boasted of having an elixir , whereby he could prolong his life at will , nevertheless he died of fever at Saltsburg , in 154 . 1 . During his life he published very little , but a great mass of writings have appeared since his death , under his name . A complete
edition was published at Ghent , in three folio volumes , in 1658 . In 1746 , there was printed , with his name , at Franckfort on the Maine , " Secrets of all Secrets . " We must not confound the ancient Grecian philosopher Theophrastus with the above . Paris . — In the year 1725 , three Englishmen founded a Lodge here , which soon after called itself the " Grand English Lodge of France , " because , from it was formed other Lodges , not only in the capital , but also in the provinces ; it took the name Grand Lodge of France in the
year 1756 , and with it the privileges of a Grand Lodge . This Lodge was closed by the government in 1762 , because so many branches bad gone out from her , which had given cause of complaint . Nevertheless , many Lodges , and the Grand Lodge itself , remained at work in secret . Besides this , there was formed in 1772 , a new Grancl Orient of France . This , and the old Grand Lodge of France , were closed at the commencement of the revolution . When the storm was over , the officers of the
old Grand Lodge assembled together again , and founded afresh , a Grand Orient of France , on the 22 nd of June , 1799 ; by the side of this one came the new Scottish General Grand Lodge of France , which appeared in 1804 with no fewer than thirty-three degrees . But in the same year the Grand Orient of France united with this Scottish General Grand Lodge , and took the name of Grand Orient of France ; that of the Scottish General Grand Lodge disappeared . In the year 1812 , there was under this Grand Orientone thousand ancl eighty-nine Lodges
, ancl Chapters , among which the military Lodges are counted , ancl nearly every regiment has its own . In Paris itself there are more than one hundred Lodges . On the fall of the French Empire , the Grand Orient was again closed , but we nevertheless find Lodges enough in fall activity . Passwort . Password . —A word which is the same in the first degree