Article ON THE BEAUTIES OF MASONRY. ← Page 3 of 5 →
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On The Beauties Of Masonry.
move , and travelled far along the endless line of the certain and the probable , and made , at every step , some new discovery ; we may see them in the naturalist , as he makes acquaintance with plants , and feels delight in telling all their names ; we may find them in the astronomer , as he watches each twinkling star , and finds each differing from the other in beauty . We may , also , trace new beauties in the wandering loveliness of the flowers , in the wild shrub of the valley , in every insect that floats in the sunbeam , in every star that glitters in the firmament of heaven .
And is not Masonry associated with all that tends to yield delight to the mind ? Does not nature , in her rich attire , furnish beautiful allegorical representations ? The rich dews come down unseen at eveningtide , and silently are their beauties shed to teach true Masons unostentatious charity ; the forest rises high , and lesson gives of brotherly regard ; and , on the high and rugged mountain ' s brow exposed , bearing the blast alone , the ancient oak stands , lifting high his mighty arm , and still to courage in distress exhorts us aloud ; the flocksthe herdsthe birdsthe
, , , streams , the breeze , attunes the heart to melody and love—Mercy stands in the cloud , with eye that weeps essential love , and , from her glorious bow , bends to kiss the earth in token of peace ; with her own lips , her gracious lips , which God of sweetest accent made , she whispers still—she whispers to Revenge—Forgive , forgive !—the glorious sun , rejoicing round the earth , announces daily the wisdom , power , and love of the Supreme Architect of the universe ; the silvery moon awakes ,
and from her maiden face sheds her cloudy locks , looking meekly forth , and with her virgin stars walks the heavens , conversing of purity , of holiness , and of God ! Silence has a tongue—the grave , the darkness , and the lonely waste , ' * have each a voice , " which draws the mind from nature up to nature ' s God . " The thunder ' s awful peal—the lightning ' s lurid glare—the waves' impetuous roar—volcanos' cracking fires , and earthquakes rocking worlds beneath—all , all may be , in their turn , as so many awfully grand subjects for meditation . And are not these contemplations worthy a Mason ' s cultivation ? shall we suffer the latent powers of our minds to lie dormant , like
" Wild , uncultivated flowers , Wasting their sweetness in the desert air ? " or , shall we not rather endeavour to emulate the many noble examples , furnished in the sublimity of Masonry , by aspiring to the true dignity of a Mason ' s life ? Never does Masonry shed her lights more brilliantly than when encircled by RELIGION , KNOWLEDGE , and CHARITY . Who has not felt
the sweet influences of religion on the soul ? Whose breast has not burned with holy rapture as he hallowed every thought in the rich contemplations of the great and supreme Architect ? I ask you , my Brethren , who feels not a thrilling delight in the peaceful calm and serenity of a religious life ? What is it that soothes us in the gloom of adversity , or elevates and cheers us in the sunshine of prosperity ? What calms us in despondency , and wipes , from the eye of affliction , the burning tears of anguish and regret ? Religion , sweet , endearing , enrapturing sound ! Brothers , take from us all else , but leave—oh , leave us that pillar to lean on ! He who would attempt to undermine that fabric of our insti-
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On The Beauties Of Masonry.
move , and travelled far along the endless line of the certain and the probable , and made , at every step , some new discovery ; we may see them in the naturalist , as he makes acquaintance with plants , and feels delight in telling all their names ; we may find them in the astronomer , as he watches each twinkling star , and finds each differing from the other in beauty . We may , also , trace new beauties in the wandering loveliness of the flowers , in the wild shrub of the valley , in every insect that floats in the sunbeam , in every star that glitters in the firmament of heaven .
And is not Masonry associated with all that tends to yield delight to the mind ? Does not nature , in her rich attire , furnish beautiful allegorical representations ? The rich dews come down unseen at eveningtide , and silently are their beauties shed to teach true Masons unostentatious charity ; the forest rises high , and lesson gives of brotherly regard ; and , on the high and rugged mountain ' s brow exposed , bearing the blast alone , the ancient oak stands , lifting high his mighty arm , and still to courage in distress exhorts us aloud ; the flocksthe herdsthe birdsthe
, , , streams , the breeze , attunes the heart to melody and love—Mercy stands in the cloud , with eye that weeps essential love , and , from her glorious bow , bends to kiss the earth in token of peace ; with her own lips , her gracious lips , which God of sweetest accent made , she whispers still—she whispers to Revenge—Forgive , forgive !—the glorious sun , rejoicing round the earth , announces daily the wisdom , power , and love of the Supreme Architect of the universe ; the silvery moon awakes ,
and from her maiden face sheds her cloudy locks , looking meekly forth , and with her virgin stars walks the heavens , conversing of purity , of holiness , and of God ! Silence has a tongue—the grave , the darkness , and the lonely waste , ' * have each a voice , " which draws the mind from nature up to nature ' s God . " The thunder ' s awful peal—the lightning ' s lurid glare—the waves' impetuous roar—volcanos' cracking fires , and earthquakes rocking worlds beneath—all , all may be , in their turn , as so many awfully grand subjects for meditation . And are not these contemplations worthy a Mason ' s cultivation ? shall we suffer the latent powers of our minds to lie dormant , like
" Wild , uncultivated flowers , Wasting their sweetness in the desert air ? " or , shall we not rather endeavour to emulate the many noble examples , furnished in the sublimity of Masonry , by aspiring to the true dignity of a Mason ' s life ? Never does Masonry shed her lights more brilliantly than when encircled by RELIGION , KNOWLEDGE , and CHARITY . Who has not felt
the sweet influences of religion on the soul ? Whose breast has not burned with holy rapture as he hallowed every thought in the rich contemplations of the great and supreme Architect ? I ask you , my Brethren , who feels not a thrilling delight in the peaceful calm and serenity of a religious life ? What is it that soothes us in the gloom of adversity , or elevates and cheers us in the sunshine of prosperity ? What calms us in despondency , and wipes , from the eye of affliction , the burning tears of anguish and regret ? Religion , sweet , endearing , enrapturing sound ! Brothers , take from us all else , but leave—oh , leave us that pillar to lean on ! He who would attempt to undermine that fabric of our insti-