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On The Study Of Masonic Antiquities.
with the most profound secrets of nature and science , were propounded . The candidate was also entrusted with a trisyllabic word , or sacred name , indicating the ineffable nature of the Supreme Deity . The perfectly initiated candidate was recognized by this name , which was compounded from the words AL—OM—JAII—each word or syllable being expressive of the same Almighty Creator , under different attributes . ThusAI _ , denoted " word" or " spirit" as referable to the Supreme
Intel-, , ligence , aud is the parent of the term Allah , the name of God among the Mahometans . The expression , or aspiration , OM , signified the great Father of All , the self-existing and eternal Being , " which is , and never knew beginning , " and was equivalent to the ineffable name A U M , which in its triliteral form in the Indian mysteries , was significant of the creative , preservative , and destroying power of the Deity . It was also the sacred name or word among the Druids and Celts , with whom it
had the same signification . And in the term JAII , we recognize the triune Jehovah by his ancient Syriac name , " Extol him that rideth upon the heavens by his name JAB . " We have thus a sacred compound word , each syllable of awful import , which could only have emanated from a knowledge of the truth , and of the nature and attributes of the Great Architect of the Universe . I purpose next to make some remarks upon the mysteries of India and Persia , which will form the subject of the succeeding chapter . END OF CHAPTER V .
On The Beauties Of Masonry.
BY ROBERT AGUILAR . * IT must he gratifying to those who are animated by the love of all that is beautiful , either in the celestial or terrestrial world—of all that is grand and sublime in the universe around , to find themselves initiated in this ancient and honourable society : a society , in which the smallest star that emits its feeble light , pictures to the imagination scenes so
resplendent , that the eye is dimmed by their radiance and enchanting beauties . Scarcel y has the feet trod the broad mosaic pavement , scarcely has the mind pondered on life ' s imagery , chequered as it is with good and evil , now elated with hope , now depressed by despair—scarcely has it meditated on the fluctuating tide of life ' s ebbing sea , to-day basking in the sunshine of prosperity , to-morrow , having to contend with the
gloom of adversity—to-day exulting in the sweet communion of congenial minds and kindred spirits—to-morrow , brooding over friendships alienated , hopes shattered , and fond remembrances of happiness broken up . Scarcely have these reverses appeared , when there again bursts on his ravished sight , that great and burning luminary , which conveys light and lustre to all around . It is not my intention to attempt an historical account of Masonry ; this would be attempting to place the intellect of the infant with the
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On The Study Of Masonic Antiquities.
with the most profound secrets of nature and science , were propounded . The candidate was also entrusted with a trisyllabic word , or sacred name , indicating the ineffable nature of the Supreme Deity . The perfectly initiated candidate was recognized by this name , which was compounded from the words AL—OM—JAII—each word or syllable being expressive of the same Almighty Creator , under different attributes . ThusAI _ , denoted " word" or " spirit" as referable to the Supreme
Intel-, , ligence , aud is the parent of the term Allah , the name of God among the Mahometans . The expression , or aspiration , OM , signified the great Father of All , the self-existing and eternal Being , " which is , and never knew beginning , " and was equivalent to the ineffable name A U M , which in its triliteral form in the Indian mysteries , was significant of the creative , preservative , and destroying power of the Deity . It was also the sacred name or word among the Druids and Celts , with whom it
had the same signification . And in the term JAII , we recognize the triune Jehovah by his ancient Syriac name , " Extol him that rideth upon the heavens by his name JAB . " We have thus a sacred compound word , each syllable of awful import , which could only have emanated from a knowledge of the truth , and of the nature and attributes of the Great Architect of the Universe . I purpose next to make some remarks upon the mysteries of India and Persia , which will form the subject of the succeeding chapter . END OF CHAPTER V .
On The Beauties Of Masonry.
BY ROBERT AGUILAR . * IT must he gratifying to those who are animated by the love of all that is beautiful , either in the celestial or terrestrial world—of all that is grand and sublime in the universe around , to find themselves initiated in this ancient and honourable society : a society , in which the smallest star that emits its feeble light , pictures to the imagination scenes so
resplendent , that the eye is dimmed by their radiance and enchanting beauties . Scarcel y has the feet trod the broad mosaic pavement , scarcely has the mind pondered on life ' s imagery , chequered as it is with good and evil , now elated with hope , now depressed by despair—scarcely has it meditated on the fluctuating tide of life ' s ebbing sea , to-day basking in the sunshine of prosperity , to-morrow , having to contend with the
gloom of adversity—to-day exulting in the sweet communion of congenial minds and kindred spirits—to-morrow , brooding over friendships alienated , hopes shattered , and fond remembrances of happiness broken up . Scarcely have these reverses appeared , when there again bursts on his ravished sight , that great and burning luminary , which conveys light and lustre to all around . It is not my intention to attempt an historical account of Masonry ; this would be attempting to place the intellect of the infant with the