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List Of Dr. Oliver's Works On Freerflasq...
LIST OF DR . OLIVER'S WORKS ON FREERflASQMRY . In demy Cvo . 10 s . ( id ., royal Bvo- 16 s ., handsomely bound in Blue Cloth , and decorated with Gilt JIasonie Tooling , a New and Revised edition of THE HISTORY OF INITIATION ,
in Twelve Lectures * , comprising a detailed Account of the Rites and Ceremonies , Doctrines and Discipline , of all the Secret ancl Mysterious Institutions of the Ancient World . Mav be had in handsome blue calf binding , with the Masonic Tooling full gilt , price 15 s . ( id . small ' , and 24 * . large paper ; the latter forming a splendid Lodge present . A New edition , with considerable improvements , price 10 s . 6 'rf . demy 8 vo ., IGs . royal Bvo ., of THE ANTIQUITIES OF FREEMASONRY , Comprising Illustrations of the FIVE Grand Periods of Masonry , from the Creation of the World to the Dedication of King Solomon's Temple
. Calf Gilt binding , uniform ivith the above , demy Bvo . 16 s ., royal Svo . 24 s , Foolscap 8 vo ., price 5 s . 6 rf ., orin Calf Masonic Gilt Tooling , Ids ., a New edition of THE STAR IN THE EAST ; Shewing the Analogy which exists between the Lectures of Masonry , the Mechanism of Initiation into its Mysteries , and the Christian Religion .
12 mo , price 4 s . bound in Cloth , THE HISTORY OE EREEMASONRY EROM 1829 TO 1841 . As this History forms a continuation of the 14 th and 15 th editions of PRESTON ' S ILLUSTRATIONS OF MASONRY , Edited by Dr . Oliver , they may be had bound together , price 13 s . in Cloth , or IBs . iu handsome Blue Calf binding with Gilt Masonic Tooling . Demy Svo . price 10 s . Gd . in handsome Cloth Boards , or 15 s . ( id . in Blue Calf binding , with Gilt Masonic Tooling
, THE THEOCRATIC PHILOSOPHY OE EREEMASONRY . In Twelve Lectures , on its Speculative , Operative , and Spurious branches . Demy Svo . Vs . Cloth , 15 s . 6 d . in Blue Calf Masonic binding , a New edition , Enlarged , of SIGNS AND SYMBOLS ; Illustrated and Explained , in a course of Twelve Lectures on Freemasonry . Just Publishedin Svo price Is
, . AN APOLOGY FOR THE FREEMASONS ; Respectfully submitted to the Consideration of those Clergymen who doubt the propriety of allowing the use ot their Churches for Masonic Celebrations . Being the substance of three articles in the '' Freemasons' Quarterly Review , " on the Religious Tendency of the Order . With large additions .
HISTORY OF THE WITHAM LODGE , No . 374 , with the Sermon preached on laying the Foundation Stone of the New Masonic Hall , on 15 th April , 1841 . Bvo . price Is . Gd . THJE SPIRIT OF MASOJNRY , by "VV . HUTCHINSOX . F . A . S . ; a new edition , with copious Notes , Critical and Explanatory , by the Rev . G . OLIVER , D . D ., & c , price Is . fid . Boards , 9 s . lid . Half-bound , 12 s iid . Whole-bound , wilh Gilt Masonic Tooling . N . B . This work was originally published under the sanction of Lord Petre , Grand Master , and other Grand Officers . THE MASONIC MANUAL ; or Lectures on Freemasonry , by the
Rev . J . ASHE , D . D ., a new edition , with Annotations and Remarks by DR . OLIVER Price > . 6 d . boards , 9 s . fid . half-bound , Vis . Gd . whole bound , with gilt Masonic tooling . Lately Published , A PORTRAIT OF THE REV . DR . OLIVER , Engraved on Steel , in Masonic Costume , size 9 by 5 inches . Price Is ., or Is . 6 a . on India Paper . Also , lately Published , another PORTRAIT ,
Taken from the life , By Bro . O . G . Rejlander ; Engraved on Stone by the Artist , and pronounced a most excellent likeness of this highly gifted Masonic Historian . Size 11 by 8 inches . Price as . plain , 7 s . 6 d . on India Paper . N . B . A fac-simile of the Autograph of the learned Author is engraved on each of the above Portraits .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
List Of Dr. Oliver's Works On Freerflasq...
LIST OF DR . OLIVER'S WORKS ON FREERflASQMRY . In demy Cvo . 10 s . ( id ., royal Bvo- 16 s ., handsomely bound in Blue Cloth , and decorated with Gilt JIasonie Tooling , a New and Revised edition of THE HISTORY OF INITIATION ,
in Twelve Lectures * , comprising a detailed Account of the Rites and Ceremonies , Doctrines and Discipline , of all the Secret ancl Mysterious Institutions of the Ancient World . Mav be had in handsome blue calf binding , with the Masonic Tooling full gilt , price 15 s . ( id . small ' , and 24 * . large paper ; the latter forming a splendid Lodge present . A New edition , with considerable improvements , price 10 s . 6 'rf . demy 8 vo ., IGs . royal Bvo ., of THE ANTIQUITIES OF FREEMASONRY , Comprising Illustrations of the FIVE Grand Periods of Masonry , from the Creation of the World to the Dedication of King Solomon's Temple
. Calf Gilt binding , uniform ivith the above , demy Bvo . 16 s ., royal Svo . 24 s , Foolscap 8 vo ., price 5 s . 6 rf ., orin Calf Masonic Gilt Tooling , Ids ., a New edition of THE STAR IN THE EAST ; Shewing the Analogy which exists between the Lectures of Masonry , the Mechanism of Initiation into its Mysteries , and the Christian Religion .
12 mo , price 4 s . bound in Cloth , THE HISTORY OE EREEMASONRY EROM 1829 TO 1841 . As this History forms a continuation of the 14 th and 15 th editions of PRESTON ' S ILLUSTRATIONS OF MASONRY , Edited by Dr . Oliver , they may be had bound together , price 13 s . in Cloth , or IBs . iu handsome Blue Calf binding with Gilt Masonic Tooling . Demy Svo . price 10 s . Gd . in handsome Cloth Boards , or 15 s . ( id . in Blue Calf binding , with Gilt Masonic Tooling
, THE THEOCRATIC PHILOSOPHY OE EREEMASONRY . In Twelve Lectures , on its Speculative , Operative , and Spurious branches . Demy Svo . Vs . Cloth , 15 s . 6 d . in Blue Calf Masonic binding , a New edition , Enlarged , of SIGNS AND SYMBOLS ; Illustrated and Explained , in a course of Twelve Lectures on Freemasonry . Just Publishedin Svo price Is
, . AN APOLOGY FOR THE FREEMASONS ; Respectfully submitted to the Consideration of those Clergymen who doubt the propriety of allowing the use ot their Churches for Masonic Celebrations . Being the substance of three articles in the '' Freemasons' Quarterly Review , " on the Religious Tendency of the Order . With large additions .
HISTORY OF THE WITHAM LODGE , No . 374 , with the Sermon preached on laying the Foundation Stone of the New Masonic Hall , on 15 th April , 1841 . Bvo . price Is . Gd . THJE SPIRIT OF MASOJNRY , by "VV . HUTCHINSOX . F . A . S . ; a new edition , with copious Notes , Critical and Explanatory , by the Rev . G . OLIVER , D . D ., & c , price Is . fid . Boards , 9 s . lid . Half-bound , 12 s iid . Whole-bound , wilh Gilt Masonic Tooling . N . B . This work was originally published under the sanction of Lord Petre , Grand Master , and other Grand Officers . THE MASONIC MANUAL ; or Lectures on Freemasonry , by the
Rev . J . ASHE , D . D ., a new edition , with Annotations and Remarks by DR . OLIVER Price > . 6 d . boards , 9 s . fid . half-bound , Vis . Gd . whole bound , with gilt Masonic tooling . Lately Published , A PORTRAIT OF THE REV . DR . OLIVER , Engraved on Steel , in Masonic Costume , size 9 by 5 inches . Price Is ., or Is . 6 a . on India Paper . Also , lately Published , another PORTRAIT ,
Taken from the life , By Bro . O . G . Rejlander ; Engraved on Stone by the Artist , and pronounced a most excellent likeness of this highly gifted Masonic Historian . Size 11 by 8 inches . Price as . plain , 7 s . 6 d . on India Paper . N . B . A fac-simile of the Autograph of the learned Author is engraved on each of the above Portraits .