Article FREEMASONRY, rpESTlMOJNIAJL TO BRO. JOHN... Page 1 of 1 Article Just published, price Two Shillings and ... Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONS' CALENDAR, A . D . 1848.—A. L... Page 1 of 1
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Freemasonry, Rpestlmojniajl To Bro. John...
FREEMASONRY , rpESTlMOJNIAJL TO BRO . JOHN SAVAGE , P . M ., No . 19 , Vice-President of ¦ *• the Board of Genera ! Purposes , & c . & c . —The General Committee solicit the kind co-operation of the members of the Craft , in raising a subscription for a suitable Testimonial to be presented to their esteemed Brother , JOHN SAVAGE . The eminent services of that Brother in disseminating the principles , ceremonies , and tenets of the Order , his general solicitude for the welfare of all our noble Charities , and his unwearied exertions
at all times to uphold the dignity and promote the welfare of the Craft at large , justly entitle him to some humble mark of regard ; and the Committee confidentl y hope that they will be cordially supported in carrying the above Testimonial into effect . The maximum amount of individual subscriptions is limited to Ten Shillings , but that of Lodges and Chapters is ad libitum . THOMAS SCRIVENER , P . M ., No . 30 , Hon . Sec . 14 , Clare Street , Lincoln ' s Inn Fields . Subscriptions received by the following Members ofthe General Committee :
BRO . R . T . CRUCEFIX , BID ., LL . D ., P . G . D ., PRESIDENT , Grove , Gravesend , Kent . BRO . J . MOUNTAIN , P . M . No . 12 , VICE-PRESIDENT , 64 , Mark Lane . BRO . H . FAUDEL , P . M . No . 113 , TREASURER , 40 , Newgate Street . BRO . T . SCRIVENER , P . M . No . 30 , HON . SEC , 14 , Clare Street , Lincoln ' s Inn Fields . Bros . Archer , P . M . No . 108 ; Bigg , P . M . No . 109 ; Barnes , P . M . No . 30 ; BarrettP . M . No . 188 ; BurnidgeNo . 772 ; EvansP . M . No . 118 ; FilerW . M .
, , , , No . 275 ; FJemming , S . W . No . 30 ; Helsdon , P . M . No . 275 ; Hervey , P . G . Supt . Works ( North , and Hunts . ) : Hill , P . M . No . 319 ; Lane , D . C . L . P . M , No . 49 ; Le Veau , P . P . G . W . ( North , and Hunts ) ; Levick , W . M . No . 85 ; Macdougal P . M . No . 19 ; Noble , P . M . No . 93 ; Rev . G . Oliver , D . D ., P . S . G . W . Mass . ; Simpson , No . 9 ; Spencer , P . M . No . 329 : Spiers , P . G . D . ( Oxfordshire ); Tombleson , P . M . No . 25 ; Vernon , D . P . G . M . ( Staffordshire ); Watson , P . M . No . 25 ; Whitmore , W . M . No . 329 ; Willeter , P . M . No . 30 .
Just Published, Price Two Shillings And ...
Just published , price Two Shillings and Sixpence , POSITIVE RUIN , the REWARD OF PUBLIC SERVICE . —An Appeal to the - * - Right Hon . Lord John Russell , M . P ., First Lord of the Treasury , against the proceedings of CHARLES JAMES , Lord Bishop of London , ancl the Foreign Office . With Notes and Appendix . Dedicated to the United Body of Freemasons . " A Bishop must be blameless . "—St . Paul , 1 Tim . iii . 2 . " 1 appeal unto Ciesar . "—Acts ofthe Apostles , xxv . 11 . London : Nissen ancl Parker , 68 , Great Tower Street ; Ridgways ' , Piccadilly , and all other Booksellers .
Freemasons' Calendar, A . D . 1848.—A. L...
FREEMASONS' CALENDAR , A . D . 1848 . —A . L . , 5848 . CONTAINING J ISTS of the LODGES , & c , of IRELAND , with the traditional and authenticated - ^ HISTORY OF THE ORDER , and information respecting the Lodges of England , Scotland , France , Belgium , Germany , Holland , America ,, & c ; compiled by the illustrious Brother M . FURNELL , Provincial Grand Master of North Munster , Sov . Gd . Insp . Genl . 33 d . ultimique gradus antiqui—ritus—accepti . Member of the Supreme Councils of SS .
GG . II . GG . of Ireland and France , and of Lodges No . 1 , 2 , 4 , 8 . 12 , 49 , 73 , 333 , and 494 , on the registry of Ireland . Of the Frederick Lodge of Unity , No . 661 , of England ; ancl of La R . Loge St . Antoine du parfait contentement Grand 0 rient de France , Under the sanction , and by authority of His Grace , Augustus Frederick , Duke of Leinster , M . P . 111 . Sup . Head , and Most Worshipful Grand Master : and of the Right Worshipful Grand , Lodge of Ireland . The proceeds to be appropriated to the Female Masonic Orphan School . To he had at the Grand Secretary ' s Office , Freemasons' Hall , Dame-street , Dublin ; of Grant and Bolton , Grafton-street ; and of Brother Richard Spencer , Masonic Library , 314 , High Holborn , London . Price , —leather tuck , 3 * . —cloth , 2 s . 6 rf .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasonry, Rpestlmojniajl To Bro. John...
FREEMASONRY , rpESTlMOJNIAJL TO BRO . JOHN SAVAGE , P . M ., No . 19 , Vice-President of ¦ *• the Board of Genera ! Purposes , & c . & c . —The General Committee solicit the kind co-operation of the members of the Craft , in raising a subscription for a suitable Testimonial to be presented to their esteemed Brother , JOHN SAVAGE . The eminent services of that Brother in disseminating the principles , ceremonies , and tenets of the Order , his general solicitude for the welfare of all our noble Charities , and his unwearied exertions
at all times to uphold the dignity and promote the welfare of the Craft at large , justly entitle him to some humble mark of regard ; and the Committee confidentl y hope that they will be cordially supported in carrying the above Testimonial into effect . The maximum amount of individual subscriptions is limited to Ten Shillings , but that of Lodges and Chapters is ad libitum . THOMAS SCRIVENER , P . M ., No . 30 , Hon . Sec . 14 , Clare Street , Lincoln ' s Inn Fields . Subscriptions received by the following Members ofthe General Committee :
BRO . R . T . CRUCEFIX , BID ., LL . D ., P . G . D ., PRESIDENT , Grove , Gravesend , Kent . BRO . J . MOUNTAIN , P . M . No . 12 , VICE-PRESIDENT , 64 , Mark Lane . BRO . H . FAUDEL , P . M . No . 113 , TREASURER , 40 , Newgate Street . BRO . T . SCRIVENER , P . M . No . 30 , HON . SEC , 14 , Clare Street , Lincoln ' s Inn Fields . Bros . Archer , P . M . No . 108 ; Bigg , P . M . No . 109 ; Barnes , P . M . No . 30 ; BarrettP . M . No . 188 ; BurnidgeNo . 772 ; EvansP . M . No . 118 ; FilerW . M .
, , , , No . 275 ; FJemming , S . W . No . 30 ; Helsdon , P . M . No . 275 ; Hervey , P . G . Supt . Works ( North , and Hunts . ) : Hill , P . M . No . 319 ; Lane , D . C . L . P . M , No . 49 ; Le Veau , P . P . G . W . ( North , and Hunts ) ; Levick , W . M . No . 85 ; Macdougal P . M . No . 19 ; Noble , P . M . No . 93 ; Rev . G . Oliver , D . D ., P . S . G . W . Mass . ; Simpson , No . 9 ; Spencer , P . M . No . 329 : Spiers , P . G . D . ( Oxfordshire ); Tombleson , P . M . No . 25 ; Vernon , D . P . G . M . ( Staffordshire ); Watson , P . M . No . 25 ; Whitmore , W . M . No . 329 ; Willeter , P . M . No . 30 .
Just Published, Price Two Shillings And ...
Just published , price Two Shillings and Sixpence , POSITIVE RUIN , the REWARD OF PUBLIC SERVICE . —An Appeal to the - * - Right Hon . Lord John Russell , M . P ., First Lord of the Treasury , against the proceedings of CHARLES JAMES , Lord Bishop of London , ancl the Foreign Office . With Notes and Appendix . Dedicated to the United Body of Freemasons . " A Bishop must be blameless . "—St . Paul , 1 Tim . iii . 2 . " 1 appeal unto Ciesar . "—Acts ofthe Apostles , xxv . 11 . London : Nissen ancl Parker , 68 , Great Tower Street ; Ridgways ' , Piccadilly , and all other Booksellers .
Freemasons' Calendar, A . D . 1848.—A. L...
FREEMASONS' CALENDAR , A . D . 1848 . —A . L . , 5848 . CONTAINING J ISTS of the LODGES , & c , of IRELAND , with the traditional and authenticated - ^ HISTORY OF THE ORDER , and information respecting the Lodges of England , Scotland , France , Belgium , Germany , Holland , America ,, & c ; compiled by the illustrious Brother M . FURNELL , Provincial Grand Master of North Munster , Sov . Gd . Insp . Genl . 33 d . ultimique gradus antiqui—ritus—accepti . Member of the Supreme Councils of SS .
GG . II . GG . of Ireland and France , and of Lodges No . 1 , 2 , 4 , 8 . 12 , 49 , 73 , 333 , and 494 , on the registry of Ireland . Of the Frederick Lodge of Unity , No . 661 , of England ; ancl of La R . Loge St . Antoine du parfait contentement Grand 0 rient de France , Under the sanction , and by authority of His Grace , Augustus Frederick , Duke of Leinster , M . P . 111 . Sup . Head , and Most Worshipful Grand Master : and of the Right Worshipful Grand , Lodge of Ireland . The proceeds to be appropriated to the Female Masonic Orphan School . To he had at the Grand Secretary ' s Office , Freemasons' Hall , Dame-street , Dublin ; of Grant and Bolton , Grafton-street ; and of Brother Richard Spencer , Masonic Library , 314 , High Holborn , London . Price , —leather tuck , 3 * . —cloth , 2 s . 6 rf .