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35, Charter House Square, ' Mrs. Eccles,...
35 , CHARTER HOUSE SQUARE , ' MRS . ECCLES , , ( Widow of the late WILLIAM ECCLES , Esq ., Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England , ) receives a limited number of Boys of five years of age and upwards , and Prepares them for THE © MMYEGt K ( OT § £ <& M ©§ ©@ LLE © E SOiTOLS ,
The System of Education is that of the above-named Public Schools , modified to suit the tender age of the Pupils , so that the boys enjoy the great advantage of commencing their Studies on the plan which will be pursued on their admission to those Schools . The Latin Class , is . under the care cf a Gentleman educated at King ' s College , the French under that of Professor BRASSEUR of the Charter House and King ' s College , and the other Classes are conducted by Gentlemen connected with one or the other of those Establishments .
TERMS : , . BOARD , Washing , and Instruction in English . 35 Guineas per Annum LATIN .... . . .. . . 4 „ „ FRENCH . . ' .- - ' . ' . '"¦ -. . - , 4 , / J „ WRITING AND ARITHMETIC . . .,. ' . 4 „ „ DANCING . . . . ' ; ..-. . ... 6 .. „ „ DRILUN © . . - . .- . . , Jx "' . ' ¦ ¦ . ' ' ¦ ' ... ¦" . ¦ ¦ ¦ - ' . ' . . ¦ ' x .. " . 2 •¦ ' „ ¦ ' "¦ „
. J : Pocket J Money- at the discretion , of Parents . . ' . . The Charge for Board includes'Medicine and all ordinary medical attendance , with the exception of Physicians ' and Dentists'Fees-. .. Those of MRS . ECCLES ' Pupils who are . intended to £ o to the Charter House as Day Scholars , - are admitted ( as vacancies occur , or the Authorities see , fit , ) when they are sufficiently advanced in knowledge of their own language to commence Latin , and they continue . to . Board with Mtts ; ECCLES as long as . their Parents dfeem them in need of
maternal superintendence . J . They are excused ( when / desirable ) the early morning atten ( knee , —are sent to the'J Charter House twice daily , —and are allowed to play in th . Charter House play-grOund at suitab'e times . A Tutor .. ( a Carthusian ) assists MRS , ECCI , , in the evenings , in preparing the Charter House Boys for the morrow ' s lessons and exercises , ' and particular attention is bestowed on their Penmanship and Arithmetic ; The Dancing and Drilling Classes are so arranged as to afford these . Boys the opportunity . of . continuing to attend them ..
TEEMS foil the Board and 'Washing of tiie Boys attending the Charter House - 35 Guineas per ann . Superintendence ofStudi ' esiout of School hours ( inc _ uding : "Wi'itirig & Arithmetic ) -5- . „ „ The Annual School Peesat the Charter House , ' amount to about 18 Guineas . J Boys attending the Charter House as Day Scholars can . be admitted to Dine with MRS . ECOLKS ' Pupils at Ten Guineas per Annum , the payments Calculated according .. to the Charter House Term . Chargefor boys remaining with . MRS . ECCLES : during the holidays ,
or any part of them , One Guinea a Week , exclusive of travelling expenses , when excursions are made into the country , j ..... ! . A Quarter ' s JNotice is required previous to the removal of a Boarder , or a Quarter ' s Board must be paid . : .. 7 ! , 7 : .. J The Scholars return after their respective holidays about , the " rniddle of January , and June , and the last week in September . ' .. They . are expected to bring the following changes of Lraen : ^ -eight shirts , eight pair
of stockings , eight pocket-handkerchiefs , three night-shirts and caps , three flannel waistcoatsx arid drawers ( if worn ) , six towels , and 'two pair of . strong shoes . MRS . ECCLES devotes ' her-. most earnest attention to the religious , moral , and physical J well-being of the children committed to her care , and is deeply impressed witli the sense of her responsibility in this respect to Almighty God—to the Parents of her Pupils—and to . the Public Institutions -with which she has the honour to be connected .. She begs to express her full purpose faithfully , to discharge her duty . on . these important , points , towards , evei-y boy who may be placed under her guidance . '_ . Reference if desired , can ( by permission ) tie made to the Reverend the : Principal of King ' s College ; andthe Head Masters of the Charter House and King ' s College Schools .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
35, Charter House Square, ' Mrs. Eccles,...
35 , CHARTER HOUSE SQUARE , ' MRS . ECCLES , , ( Widow of the late WILLIAM ECCLES , Esq ., Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England , ) receives a limited number of Boys of five years of age and upwards , and Prepares them for THE © MMYEGt K ( OT § £ <& M ©§ ©@ LLE © E SOiTOLS ,
The System of Education is that of the above-named Public Schools , modified to suit the tender age of the Pupils , so that the boys enjoy the great advantage of commencing their Studies on the plan which will be pursued on their admission to those Schools . The Latin Class , is . under the care cf a Gentleman educated at King ' s College , the French under that of Professor BRASSEUR of the Charter House and King ' s College , and the other Classes are conducted by Gentlemen connected with one or the other of those Establishments .
TERMS : , . BOARD , Washing , and Instruction in English . 35 Guineas per Annum LATIN .... . . .. . . 4 „ „ FRENCH . . ' .- - ' . ' . '"¦ -. . - , 4 , / J „ WRITING AND ARITHMETIC . . .,. ' . 4 „ „ DANCING . . . . ' ; ..-. . ... 6 .. „ „ DRILUN © . . - . .- . . , Jx "' . ' ¦ ¦ . ' ' ¦ ' ... ¦" . ¦ ¦ ¦ - ' . ' . . ¦ ' x .. " . 2 •¦ ' „ ¦ ' "¦ „
. J : Pocket J Money- at the discretion , of Parents . . ' . . The Charge for Board includes'Medicine and all ordinary medical attendance , with the exception of Physicians ' and Dentists'Fees-. .. Those of MRS . ECCLES ' Pupils who are . intended to £ o to the Charter House as Day Scholars , - are admitted ( as vacancies occur , or the Authorities see , fit , ) when they are sufficiently advanced in knowledge of their own language to commence Latin , and they continue . to . Board with Mtts ; ECCLES as long as . their Parents dfeem them in need of
maternal superintendence . J . They are excused ( when / desirable ) the early morning atten ( knee , —are sent to the'J Charter House twice daily , —and are allowed to play in th . Charter House play-grOund at suitab'e times . A Tutor .. ( a Carthusian ) assists MRS , ECCI , , in the evenings , in preparing the Charter House Boys for the morrow ' s lessons and exercises , ' and particular attention is bestowed on their Penmanship and Arithmetic ; The Dancing and Drilling Classes are so arranged as to afford these . Boys the opportunity . of . continuing to attend them ..
TEEMS foil the Board and 'Washing of tiie Boys attending the Charter House - 35 Guineas per ann . Superintendence ofStudi ' esiout of School hours ( inc _ uding : "Wi'itirig & Arithmetic ) -5- . „ „ The Annual School Peesat the Charter House , ' amount to about 18 Guineas . J Boys attending the Charter House as Day Scholars can . be admitted to Dine with MRS . ECOLKS ' Pupils at Ten Guineas per Annum , the payments Calculated according .. to the Charter House Term . Chargefor boys remaining with . MRS . ECCLES : during the holidays ,
or any part of them , One Guinea a Week , exclusive of travelling expenses , when excursions are made into the country , j ..... ! . A Quarter ' s JNotice is required previous to the removal of a Boarder , or a Quarter ' s Board must be paid . : .. 7 ! , 7 : .. J The Scholars return after their respective holidays about , the " rniddle of January , and June , and the last week in September . ' .. They . are expected to bring the following changes of Lraen : ^ -eight shirts , eight pair
of stockings , eight pocket-handkerchiefs , three night-shirts and caps , three flannel waistcoatsx arid drawers ( if worn ) , six towels , and 'two pair of . strong shoes . MRS . ECCLES devotes ' her-. most earnest attention to the religious , moral , and physical J well-being of the children committed to her care , and is deeply impressed witli the sense of her responsibility in this respect to Almighty God—to the Parents of her Pupils—and to . the Public Institutions -with which she has the honour to be connected .. She begs to express her full purpose faithfully , to discharge her duty . on . these important , points , towards , evei-y boy who may be placed under her guidance . '_ . Reference if desired , can ( by permission ) tie made to the Reverend the : Principal of King ' s College ; andthe Head Masters of the Charter House and King ' s College Schools .