Article At a Grand Council of Princes of Jerusal... Page 1 of 1 Article MOST IMPORTANT TO FREEMASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article BIRTH.—Dec. 23.—At Kidderminster, the wi... Page 1 of 1
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At A Grand Council Of Princes Of Jerusal...
At a Grand Council of Princes of Jerusalem of the 16 th degree , held on the 1 "th day of December , 1847 . under the authority of the Supreme Council of Sovereign Grand Inspector-General of the 83 rd degree for England and Wales , and the dependencies of the British Crown .
" Resolved , —That the petition of the Grand Scotch Knights and Knights of the Sword and the East , this day ' presented and read to this Grand Council , being in due form and approved , the decree of Grand
Princes of Jerusalem shall be con f erred on the petitioners at the next meeting ofthe Grand Council on the 9 th of February next . " A general meeting in the higher degrees of dignity is expected to he held in the month of February .
Most Important To Freemasonry.
TO THE EDITOIt . JDear Sir , —In the Times of this morning , occurs this very important intelligence , that Lord Minto has completed arrangements for the interchange of dip lomatic relations between this country and the See of Rome . England will send an ambassador to reside in the '' eternal city , " and the Pontiff will send a cardinal to represent the states of the cnurch—a man of liberal opinions . It is to be hoped that Masons will
not neglect so favourable an opportunity to lay their grievances before his Holiness , Pius IX . Such an opportunity may , perhaps , never _ again occur , nor so favourable a crisis . Our Protestant Brethren will hot refuse to aid their Roman Catholic Brothers on such an occasion . The See of Rome requires only to be set right on a disputed point , in orderto annul the decrees of former Pontiffs , now no longer necessary or just as regards British Freemasons . I am , Sir , A CATHOLIC . London , Dec . 0 , 1847 .
Birth.—Dec. 23.—At Kidderminster, The Wi...
BIRTH . —Dec . 23 . —At Kidderminster , the wife of Bro . Dr . Roden , of a son . . ¦ DEATH . —Dec . 24 . —Mrs . Acklam , ret . 73 , relict of the late Bro . J . F . Ackl ' am , whom she only survived three weeks ! - 'kibDEriMINSTER , Dec . 22 . —Royal Standard Lodge . —Richard Godsonj . Esq ., M . P ., Q . C , was initiated . The Deputy Prov . Grancl Master presided ..: . . ¦ ,-... h-j-y-jj ) '> ¦ _> :: ; ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ :: ¦ "'" "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
At A Grand Council Of Princes Of Jerusal...
At a Grand Council of Princes of Jerusalem of the 16 th degree , held on the 1 "th day of December , 1847 . under the authority of the Supreme Council of Sovereign Grand Inspector-General of the 83 rd degree for England and Wales , and the dependencies of the British Crown .
" Resolved , —That the petition of the Grand Scotch Knights and Knights of the Sword and the East , this day ' presented and read to this Grand Council , being in due form and approved , the decree of Grand
Princes of Jerusalem shall be con f erred on the petitioners at the next meeting ofthe Grand Council on the 9 th of February next . " A general meeting in the higher degrees of dignity is expected to he held in the month of February .
Most Important To Freemasonry.
TO THE EDITOIt . JDear Sir , —In the Times of this morning , occurs this very important intelligence , that Lord Minto has completed arrangements for the interchange of dip lomatic relations between this country and the See of Rome . England will send an ambassador to reside in the '' eternal city , " and the Pontiff will send a cardinal to represent the states of the cnurch—a man of liberal opinions . It is to be hoped that Masons will
not neglect so favourable an opportunity to lay their grievances before his Holiness , Pius IX . Such an opportunity may , perhaps , never _ again occur , nor so favourable a crisis . Our Protestant Brethren will hot refuse to aid their Roman Catholic Brothers on such an occasion . The See of Rome requires only to be set right on a disputed point , in orderto annul the decrees of former Pontiffs , now no longer necessary or just as regards British Freemasons . I am , Sir , A CATHOLIC . London , Dec . 0 , 1847 .
Birth.—Dec. 23.—At Kidderminster, The Wi...
BIRTH . —Dec . 23 . —At Kidderminster , the wife of Bro . Dr . Roden , of a son . . ¦ DEATH . —Dec . 24 . —Mrs . Acklam , ret . 73 , relict of the late Bro . J . F . Ackl ' am , whom she only survived three weeks ! - 'kibDEriMINSTER , Dec . 22 . —Royal Standard Lodge . —Richard Godsonj . Esq ., M . P ., Q . C , was initiated . The Deputy Prov . Grancl Master presided ..: . . ¦ ,-... h-j-y-jj ) '> ¦ _> :: ; ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ :: ¦ "'" "