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stitutions , unfortunately applies to distinct Grand Lodges , whose interests are most shamefully neglected . On this point there is a lamentable deficit in legislation ; for surely when the P . G . M . is not at hand , and the P . D . G . M . is no longer a resident ! The actual P . S , G . AVarden , or the Senior P . P . S . G . AA'arden should be empowered on requisition , eleven on his own authority , to convene a Prov . Grand Lodge , in cases of emergency . Let a memorial to such effectrespectfullwordedbe sent
, y , forthwith to the Boarcl of General Purposes—verb . sop . 2 . There is no law on this point , but there is precedent sufficient for the following course—let the Senior , or in his absence the Junior AVarden , summon the Lodge , and place his seat in front of the Master ' s chair ; he may then open , rule , and close the Lodge ; but he cannot make , pass , or raise . Should , however , any Brother , a Past Master , not a member of the Lodgebe presentsuch Past Alaster can legally make
, , , pass , and raise . 3 . A Master-elect , not being an installed Master , cannot make , pass , or raise ; his acts therefore as such are invalid . The Grand Lodge knowingly would NOT grant certificates . 4 . No Brother can assume the rank of " officiating Past Master . " AA'hen a Past Master of another Lodge is requested to sit as such , in the absence or want of subscribing Past Mastershe may be termed the
, officiating Past Master ; but it is only a temporary title of courtesy—all acts by unqualified persons are invalid . 5 . The warrant should be surrendered to the Grand Lodge , unless proof be given that it has remained in the custody of tbe Master and AA ' ardens ; when , even after a lapse of twenty years , such dormant Lodge
maybe legally revived;—e . g . three rule a Lodge . If the AV . M . has never been a subscribing member to the Craft , how came he in possession of the warrant ? There is a hitch here . 6 . The D . P . G . M . would incur liability to attainder for assuming the rank ancl poiver of Grand Superintendant of the R . A . without sanction of the Supreme Grand Chapter ; but if the P . G . M . be not himself qualified , the Grand Chapter would have power to appoint the D . P . G . M ., if qualified .
7 . A Deputy Grand Superintendant has no power to grant permission to any Lodge to hold a R . A . C ; such power being vested only in a properly qualified Grand Superintendant , or in the Supreme Grand Chapter itself . No act under such soi-disant authority is valid . The ' Grancl Chapter , however , may in its wisdom see fit to legitimatize Companions whose confidence have been thus abused , and in such case would probably grant certificates . 8 . Any Prov . Grand Lodsre disreeardins the Masonic exercise of its
duties ancl privileges is certainly highly culpable . BOMBAY , POONA—June 24 . —The Masonic Brethren of Poona celebrated the Festival of St . John with much form and hilarity , at the magnificent Lodge-rooms here . Advantage was taken of the M . AV .- ' Bro . Burnes , K . H ., being at Poona , to request him to fill the chair ; which he did in his accustomed able manner . He was attendedbythe R . AV . Bro . Sir AA ' m . Harris , P . P . G . M . ; Bros . Colonel Cainp-u
bell and Boileau as Grand Wardens ; Bro . AV . J . Stewart , as Grand Secretary and Sword Bearer ; Bro . Jerome , Standard Bearer ; Bros . DowUiand Gibbs , Grand Deacons ; above fifty of the Brethren assem- « . bled under the guidance of A \ ' . M . 1 . ro . Buchanan of Lodge St . Andrews ; in the East . The evening was spent in thc utmost harmony ^ and good : ¦
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
stitutions , unfortunately applies to distinct Grand Lodges , whose interests are most shamefully neglected . On this point there is a lamentable deficit in legislation ; for surely when the P . G . M . is not at hand , and the P . D . G . M . is no longer a resident ! The actual P . S , G . AVarden , or the Senior P . P . S . G . AA'arden should be empowered on requisition , eleven on his own authority , to convene a Prov . Grand Lodge , in cases of emergency . Let a memorial to such effectrespectfullwordedbe sent
, y , forthwith to the Boarcl of General Purposes—verb . sop . 2 . There is no law on this point , but there is precedent sufficient for the following course—let the Senior , or in his absence the Junior AVarden , summon the Lodge , and place his seat in front of the Master ' s chair ; he may then open , rule , and close the Lodge ; but he cannot make , pass , or raise . Should , however , any Brother , a Past Master , not a member of the Lodgebe presentsuch Past Alaster can legally make
, , , pass , and raise . 3 . A Master-elect , not being an installed Master , cannot make , pass , or raise ; his acts therefore as such are invalid . The Grand Lodge knowingly would NOT grant certificates . 4 . No Brother can assume the rank of " officiating Past Master . " AA'hen a Past Master of another Lodge is requested to sit as such , in the absence or want of subscribing Past Mastershe may be termed the
, officiating Past Master ; but it is only a temporary title of courtesy—all acts by unqualified persons are invalid . 5 . The warrant should be surrendered to the Grand Lodge , unless proof be given that it has remained in the custody of tbe Master and AA ' ardens ; when , even after a lapse of twenty years , such dormant Lodge
maybe legally revived;—e . g . three rule a Lodge . If the AV . M . has never been a subscribing member to the Craft , how came he in possession of the warrant ? There is a hitch here . 6 . The D . P . G . M . would incur liability to attainder for assuming the rank ancl poiver of Grand Superintendant of the R . A . without sanction of the Supreme Grand Chapter ; but if the P . G . M . be not himself qualified , the Grand Chapter would have power to appoint the D . P . G . M ., if qualified .
7 . A Deputy Grand Superintendant has no power to grant permission to any Lodge to hold a R . A . C ; such power being vested only in a properly qualified Grand Superintendant , or in the Supreme Grand Chapter itself . No act under such soi-disant authority is valid . The ' Grancl Chapter , however , may in its wisdom see fit to legitimatize Companions whose confidence have been thus abused , and in such case would probably grant certificates . 8 . Any Prov . Grand Lodsre disreeardins the Masonic exercise of its
duties ancl privileges is certainly highly culpable . BOMBAY , POONA—June 24 . —The Masonic Brethren of Poona celebrated the Festival of St . John with much form and hilarity , at the magnificent Lodge-rooms here . Advantage was taken of the M . AV .- ' Bro . Burnes , K . H ., being at Poona , to request him to fill the chair ; which he did in his accustomed able manner . He was attendedbythe R . AV . Bro . Sir AA ' m . Harris , P . P . G . M . ; Bros . Colonel Cainp-u
bell and Boileau as Grand Wardens ; Bro . AV . J . Stewart , as Grand Secretary and Sword Bearer ; Bro . Jerome , Standard Bearer ; Bros . DowUiand Gibbs , Grand Deacons ; above fifty of the Brethren assem- « . bled under the guidance of A \ ' . M . 1 . ro . Buchanan of Lodge St . Andrews ; in the East . The evening was spent in thc utmost harmony ^ and good : ¦