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knowing him to be one of the most zealous and best operative Masons in the province ; more than I can or dare say is due to him . In conclusion , my friends , I assure you , one and all , I am a most ardent lover of the Order , and so long as I may be spared the blessing of health to meet you all—for I look upon you all as my children—I shall never cease to adore the Masonic fraternity . I now beg leave to ask your permission to give a toast— ' The R . AV . AV . J . Rutherford . ' "
The R . AV . W . J . RUTHERFORD hereupon returned a neat and perspicuous speech . He said , I have not nor do I claim the gift of eloquence , but I must offer a few words in reply to the complimentary speech of the Prov . Grancl Master , as referred to myself . Certainly I have done my utmost for the erection ancl the benefit of this Lodge , and to the success " of the Lodge , 1 can only assure you that you have not a more zealous member of the Craft among you than I am . AVhat , may I ask , should I have done without the able assistance of my Officers ? Indeed , ancl I believe it is pretty well known that unless the chief of every Order
is duly and properly supported , every thing goes wrong . The House of Lords , the House of Parliament , are only figurative , like all fraternities of men who meet together for the public weal , so are all well-constituted Lodges—that unless the Prime Minister is supported by his officers , the Cabinet , like this Lodge , must come to a dissolution . This event , I trust , will never come to pass , because I am so thoroughly confident of the abilities and talent of the AVorshipful Dr . Arnold , who is well known
to you all , that the Glenlyon Lodge will flourish and succeed for a great many years . The conclusion of the AV . Past Master ' s reply was applauded , and the minstrels played a beautiful aria from Norma . After , the aria was finished , the Past Master rose , ancl in a neat and perspicuous address , proposed the health of the Managing Committee , who , one and all , were more than attentive to their duties during the whole time occupied in the elegant entertainments . Perhaps few Masonic meetings have been conducted in so very quiet and so chaste a style .
HALIFAX , N . S ., Grand Masonic Ceremony , Laying of the Corner Stone of the Lunatic Asylum , in New Brunswick . —It is estimated that not less than ten thousand persons turned out to witness the novel and imposing ceremony . The hills in the neighbourhood being covered with groups of spectators , many of whom were of the fair sex , and all dressed in holiday attire , presented a gay and pleasant scene ; which we understand was highly pleasing to his Excellency the Lieutenant-Governorancl particularly so to the Riht AVorshipful the Provincial Grand
, g Master , who with the true philanthropy of a Mason and a Christian , and the urbanity of a gentleman , readily responded to the invitation of the Worshipful Master and Brethren of Albion Lodge , to take part in the interesting ceremony , and undertook the journey from Halifax for that purpose , sparing neither pains nor expense to gratify the wishes of the Masonic Brethren .
The Hon . Alexander Keith , of Halifax , P . G . M . for New Brunswick , having arrived in this city , a Provincial Grand Lodge was holden in the ' Lodge-room of the St . John Hotel , on St John ' s Day , for the transaction of Masonic business , ancl for the purpose of forming a Masonic pro-Cession to assist his Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor in laying the corner stone of the new provincial Lunatic Asylum , about to be erected in the vicinity of St . John . The different Lodges being in attendance , the Provincial Grancl Master was announced , and took his seat on the Throne with the usual
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
knowing him to be one of the most zealous and best operative Masons in the province ; more than I can or dare say is due to him . In conclusion , my friends , I assure you , one and all , I am a most ardent lover of the Order , and so long as I may be spared the blessing of health to meet you all—for I look upon you all as my children—I shall never cease to adore the Masonic fraternity . I now beg leave to ask your permission to give a toast— ' The R . AV . AV . J . Rutherford . ' "
The R . AV . W . J . RUTHERFORD hereupon returned a neat and perspicuous speech . He said , I have not nor do I claim the gift of eloquence , but I must offer a few words in reply to the complimentary speech of the Prov . Grancl Master , as referred to myself . Certainly I have done my utmost for the erection ancl the benefit of this Lodge , and to the success " of the Lodge , 1 can only assure you that you have not a more zealous member of the Craft among you than I am . AVhat , may I ask , should I have done without the able assistance of my Officers ? Indeed , ancl I believe it is pretty well known that unless the chief of every Order
is duly and properly supported , every thing goes wrong . The House of Lords , the House of Parliament , are only figurative , like all fraternities of men who meet together for the public weal , so are all well-constituted Lodges—that unless the Prime Minister is supported by his officers , the Cabinet , like this Lodge , must come to a dissolution . This event , I trust , will never come to pass , because I am so thoroughly confident of the abilities and talent of the AVorshipful Dr . Arnold , who is well known
to you all , that the Glenlyon Lodge will flourish and succeed for a great many years . The conclusion of the AV . Past Master ' s reply was applauded , and the minstrels played a beautiful aria from Norma . After , the aria was finished , the Past Master rose , ancl in a neat and perspicuous address , proposed the health of the Managing Committee , who , one and all , were more than attentive to their duties during the whole time occupied in the elegant entertainments . Perhaps few Masonic meetings have been conducted in so very quiet and so chaste a style .
HALIFAX , N . S ., Grand Masonic Ceremony , Laying of the Corner Stone of the Lunatic Asylum , in New Brunswick . —It is estimated that not less than ten thousand persons turned out to witness the novel and imposing ceremony . The hills in the neighbourhood being covered with groups of spectators , many of whom were of the fair sex , and all dressed in holiday attire , presented a gay and pleasant scene ; which we understand was highly pleasing to his Excellency the Lieutenant-Governorancl particularly so to the Riht AVorshipful the Provincial Grand
, g Master , who with the true philanthropy of a Mason and a Christian , and the urbanity of a gentleman , readily responded to the invitation of the Worshipful Master and Brethren of Albion Lodge , to take part in the interesting ceremony , and undertook the journey from Halifax for that purpose , sparing neither pains nor expense to gratify the wishes of the Masonic Brethren .
The Hon . Alexander Keith , of Halifax , P . G . M . for New Brunswick , having arrived in this city , a Provincial Grand Lodge was holden in the ' Lodge-room of the St . John Hotel , on St John ' s Day , for the transaction of Masonic business , ancl for the purpose of forming a Masonic pro-Cession to assist his Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor in laying the corner stone of the new provincial Lunatic Asylum , about to be erected in the vicinity of St . John . The different Lodges being in attendance , the Provincial Grancl Master was announced , and took his seat on the Throne with the usual