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is , " but it is some gratification to find that the Grand Lodge of the Three Globes has also issued instructions to its subordinate Lodges to the same effect : it is a move in the right direction , and the other Grand Lodge here will no doubt follow the example . * Freemasonry in Prussia . —According to a recent decision , the Masonic Lodges of Prussia are authorized to admit all Freemasons , of whatever religion they may be . Hitherto Jews have been excluded from the
fraterni ty .: —Morning Advertiser . JAMAICA , KINGSTON . —May 13 . —The annual installation of the Officers of the Glenlyon Lodge , Scotch Provincial , No . 2 , took place at the Lodge room in King-street . It was expected that the Prov . Grand Master , who came to town for the purpose , would have been enabled to form a Grand Lodge in the forenoon ; however , there was no other business done in the early part of the clay but the ordinary ivorking of a Mark
Lodge for the two candidates in waiting— Bros . Dr . Ewart and Miller . There was a full attendance of the members at an earl y hour in the evening , as well as many distinguished visitors ; and when they all entered the Lodge-room , the Master , AVilliam James Rutherford , opened
the Lodge , and called upon Dr . Arnold , the elect Master , to take the chair in due and ancient form , as is usual on similar occasions . He was duly inducted into the chair in the presence of the Right AVorshipful Provincial Grancl Master ; whereupon the Officers appeared as follows , viz ., Bros . AV . Arnold , M . D . and F . R . C . P ., Master ; A . E . Chevolleau , Senior Warden ; Henry Michel ! , Junior Warden ; George Henderson , Treasurer ; Andrew Scott , jun ., Senior Deacon ; VV . G . Astwood , Junior Deacon ; Robert Artice , Inner Guard : E . D'Souza , Tyler .
The newly-elected Master then addressed the Brethren present in a neat speech . After which , the newly-elected Officers responded . The business of the evening being now concluded , the members of the Lodge and visiting Brethren repaired to the banquet-room at the Commercial Hotel . After the usual loyal and patriotic toasts had been drunk , the Worshipful Past Master , AV . J . Rutherford , proposed the health of the Prov . Grand Alaster . As soon as the Italian minstrels had ceased playing an appropriate air .
The R . W . GRAND MASTER rose ancl addressed the assembly of Brethren as follows : — "I assure you , my friends and Brothers , it is with no ordinary degree of pleasure that I rise on the present occasion to return you my sincere , my hearty thanks , for the very handsome manner in which you have proposed and drank my health . In adverting to me as the P . G . M ., I can only state that through the instrumentality of the Earl of Glenlyon , now Duke of Athol , I became the chief of the
Scottish Lodges in this distant province , the beautiful island of Jamaica . . . I must say that I have worked hard in the vineyard to bring the Craft together , ancl worked under wholesome instruction and efficient masters . Still , in regard to the Lodge No . 2 , I cannot resist making mention of the facts 1 am in possession of . If it had not been for the indefatigable exertions of the late Past Master , AV . J . Rutherford , the Glenlyon Lodge would not at this dayas was so figurativeland beautifullexpressed
, y y by ' the present Master , Dr . Arnold , have had a local habitation arid a name . " To him immense praise is due—not because he has established the Lodge , ' with a ' few other zealous Brothers who founded it , aiid obtained the charter , —not because he required this auxiliary aid , —but
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
is , " but it is some gratification to find that the Grand Lodge of the Three Globes has also issued instructions to its subordinate Lodges to the same effect : it is a move in the right direction , and the other Grand Lodge here will no doubt follow the example . * Freemasonry in Prussia . —According to a recent decision , the Masonic Lodges of Prussia are authorized to admit all Freemasons , of whatever religion they may be . Hitherto Jews have been excluded from the
fraterni ty .: —Morning Advertiser . JAMAICA , KINGSTON . —May 13 . —The annual installation of the Officers of the Glenlyon Lodge , Scotch Provincial , No . 2 , took place at the Lodge room in King-street . It was expected that the Prov . Grand Master , who came to town for the purpose , would have been enabled to form a Grand Lodge in the forenoon ; however , there was no other business done in the early part of the clay but the ordinary ivorking of a Mark
Lodge for the two candidates in waiting— Bros . Dr . Ewart and Miller . There was a full attendance of the members at an earl y hour in the evening , as well as many distinguished visitors ; and when they all entered the Lodge-room , the Master , AVilliam James Rutherford , opened
the Lodge , and called upon Dr . Arnold , the elect Master , to take the chair in due and ancient form , as is usual on similar occasions . He was duly inducted into the chair in the presence of the Right AVorshipful Provincial Grancl Master ; whereupon the Officers appeared as follows , viz ., Bros . AV . Arnold , M . D . and F . R . C . P ., Master ; A . E . Chevolleau , Senior Warden ; Henry Michel ! , Junior Warden ; George Henderson , Treasurer ; Andrew Scott , jun ., Senior Deacon ; VV . G . Astwood , Junior Deacon ; Robert Artice , Inner Guard : E . D'Souza , Tyler .
The newly-elected Master then addressed the Brethren present in a neat speech . After which , the newly-elected Officers responded . The business of the evening being now concluded , the members of the Lodge and visiting Brethren repaired to the banquet-room at the Commercial Hotel . After the usual loyal and patriotic toasts had been drunk , the Worshipful Past Master , AV . J . Rutherford , proposed the health of the Prov . Grand Alaster . As soon as the Italian minstrels had ceased playing an appropriate air .
The R . W . GRAND MASTER rose ancl addressed the assembly of Brethren as follows : — "I assure you , my friends and Brothers , it is with no ordinary degree of pleasure that I rise on the present occasion to return you my sincere , my hearty thanks , for the very handsome manner in which you have proposed and drank my health . In adverting to me as the P . G . M ., I can only state that through the instrumentality of the Earl of Glenlyon , now Duke of Athol , I became the chief of the
Scottish Lodges in this distant province , the beautiful island of Jamaica . . . I must say that I have worked hard in the vineyard to bring the Craft together , ancl worked under wholesome instruction and efficient masters . Still , in regard to the Lodge No . 2 , I cannot resist making mention of the facts 1 am in possession of . If it had not been for the indefatigable exertions of the late Past Master , AV . J . Rutherford , the Glenlyon Lodge would not at this dayas was so figurativeland beautifullexpressed
, y y by ' the present Master , Dr . Arnold , have had a local habitation arid a name . " To him immense praise is due—not because he has established the Lodge , ' with a ' few other zealous Brothers who founded it , aiid obtained the charter , —not because he required this auxiliary aid , —but