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Bros . R . and C . Chalmers , No . 8 , Great St . James ' s-street , Montreal , are agents for the " Freemasons' Quarterly Review , " and will execute all communications . IVe confidently refer our subscribers , therefore , to our Brothers .
PARIS , June 24 , —( Loge de la Climente Amitie ) . —The Lodge was numerously attended , and the general report of its transactions highly satisfactory . Dr . Crucefix , the M . P . Sov . Grand Commander of the 33 rd degree for Great Britain , was unanimously elected an honorary member , and it was ordeied that the intimation of this resolution should be communicated to that distinguished Mason by an especial letter from the Secretary Bro . Leblanc de Manponnay , who is himself a member of
the 33 rd degree in Paris , to he delivered personfJly by Bro . Dutetre de A'e ' teuil ( 30 )* FRANKFORT . —To mark the grateful sense entertained in Frankfort of the invaluable services rendered by Bro . Henry Faudel , of London , in favour of the Jewish Freemasons , two of the Lodges here have by an unanimous vote , created him an honorary member .
CARLSRUHE , June . —The opening of a Masonic Lodge , called " Leopold or Fidelity , " took place a few days ago at Carlsruhe , with the approbation of the Baden government . For thirty-four years previously , Freemasonry had been interdicted in the Duchy of Baden . PRUSSIA , Aug . 1 . —The Masonic affairs of Prussia are in a curious state , but we do not see that anything can be clone in the matter , the fundamental principles not being agreed uponthe superficial are not
, likely to harmonize . Jews cannot be initiated here , nor are they allowed to become joining members ; it ivould not be just to attempt to force Lodges to accept Jewish candidates , and the joining of course rests with the choice of the members . It is possible that time may soften these feelings , ancl if many well educated gentlemen of the Hebrew faith become frequent visitors at Lodges , no doubt some good will be effected . AA ' e feel certain that as Jews become known and
understood their social position will improve , and the bigotry of some of our countrymen will yield to the closer acquaintance of the manners , habits ; ancl views of that people . The law for the non-admission of non-Christian Brethren remains the same , nor will it be altered at present , perhaps it may in seven years when the statutes are revised , which takes place every nine years , but by that time it may be forgotten , or some great change take place . The dispute has taken the turn of alluding only to visitors . The Royal York Grand Lodge appears deeply to feel the position it is placed in , ancl seems to express with some bitterness that they are only allowed " not to inquire of what religion the visitor
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Bros . R . and C . Chalmers , No . 8 , Great St . James ' s-street , Montreal , are agents for the " Freemasons' Quarterly Review , " and will execute all communications . IVe confidently refer our subscribers , therefore , to our Brothers .
PARIS , June 24 , —( Loge de la Climente Amitie ) . —The Lodge was numerously attended , and the general report of its transactions highly satisfactory . Dr . Crucefix , the M . P . Sov . Grand Commander of the 33 rd degree for Great Britain , was unanimously elected an honorary member , and it was ordeied that the intimation of this resolution should be communicated to that distinguished Mason by an especial letter from the Secretary Bro . Leblanc de Manponnay , who is himself a member of
the 33 rd degree in Paris , to he delivered personfJly by Bro . Dutetre de A'e ' teuil ( 30 )* FRANKFORT . —To mark the grateful sense entertained in Frankfort of the invaluable services rendered by Bro . Henry Faudel , of London , in favour of the Jewish Freemasons , two of the Lodges here have by an unanimous vote , created him an honorary member .
CARLSRUHE , June . —The opening of a Masonic Lodge , called " Leopold or Fidelity , " took place a few days ago at Carlsruhe , with the approbation of the Baden government . For thirty-four years previously , Freemasonry had been interdicted in the Duchy of Baden . PRUSSIA , Aug . 1 . —The Masonic affairs of Prussia are in a curious state , but we do not see that anything can be clone in the matter , the fundamental principles not being agreed uponthe superficial are not
, likely to harmonize . Jews cannot be initiated here , nor are they allowed to become joining members ; it ivould not be just to attempt to force Lodges to accept Jewish candidates , and the joining of course rests with the choice of the members . It is possible that time may soften these feelings , ancl if many well educated gentlemen of the Hebrew faith become frequent visitors at Lodges , no doubt some good will be effected . AA ' e feel certain that as Jews become known and
understood their social position will improve , and the bigotry of some of our countrymen will yield to the closer acquaintance of the manners , habits ; ancl views of that people . The law for the non-admission of non-Christian Brethren remains the same , nor will it be altered at present , perhaps it may in seven years when the statutes are revised , which takes place every nine years , but by that time it may be forgotten , or some great change take place . The dispute has taken the turn of alluding only to visitors . The Royal York Grand Lodge appears deeply to feel the position it is placed in , ancl seems to express with some bitterness that they are only allowed " not to inquire of what religion the visitor