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" peace , love , and harmony" elicited " the feast of reason and the flow of soul . " July 2 . —The Triune Masonic Lodge , No . 333 , met at high noon , at the Masonic Hall , Henry-street , and installed the following JBrethren as their officers for the ensuing six months : —J . D . Macnamara , AV . M . ; John Massy , S . AV . ; John AVestropp , J . AV . The celebration of the festival was adjourned to Septemberwhen the Lodge assembled for two
, days , to work the high degrees of Masonry . Sept . 16 . —Our Prov . Grand Master , Bro . Furnell , was hailed by the most affectionate welcome on the 13 th , after an absence of several months , occasioned by illness : during which , however , he compiled a Masonic Calendar , which had long been wanted by the Irish fraternity . Activity attended his return , and on the very next day the Rose Croix Chapter , No . 4 , met their founder , and inducted Capt . C . E . Deering ,
ofthe 85 th , AV . M . of 163 , and a member of the Encampment of the Cross of Christ , London . To-day , No . 333 , the Triune , admitted recipients in every grade up to K . T ., and passed a delightful day . No . 73 have also met , and greeted their beloved guest , Bro . Michael Furnell , with a cordiality approaching to the most affectionate demonstration . The meeting was alike worthy of the guest and his entertainers . AVe understand that gatherings are contemplated in every district of North Munster , to testify to the Prov . Grand Master that his return home has enlivened the hearts of all his Brethren .
COLERAINE . —Old Ireland is NOT Masonicall y happy , yet we " hide our time . " The surrounding district is in a state of Masonic destitution . On the 27 th August , a numerous meeting was held in the Assemblyroom at Coleraine , for the purpose of originating a new Lodge . The Deputy Grand Master , on the requisition of Dr . Waddy and other Brethren , convened the meeting , and entered at some length into the principles on which the Provincial Grancl Lodge would be conducted when the new Hall at Derry should he dedicated , and a Lodge of
Instruction and Promulgation in full operation . From the clear and lucid statement of Bro . A . Grant , and the very considerate attention paid to his suggestions , we augur in favour of a stimulus and re-action in the province . The hall is rapidly advancing to completion .
CORK . —We understand that the Grand Lodge of Ireland have come to the determination of suspending every Chapter that works on the improved system . The natural consequence will be a " split" in the R . A . C , No , 8 , as many of the companions are , fortunate for themselves , innocent of the silly old style , and are unwilling to stultify themselves , It is said that No . 71 intend to memorialize Grand Lodge for permission to work . under the improved sytem . What follows?—whthat No . 71
y , and the discontented of No . 8 may probabl y resign their certificates , and pray the Grand Chapter of England to grant consent to work according to its ritual . [ The Grand Chapter of England must , of necessity , refuse the prayer ; but f fit is properly offered , that body may probably advise such , a . course as may lead to a desirable end . —ED . ] . x . 7
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
" peace , love , and harmony" elicited " the feast of reason and the flow of soul . " July 2 . —The Triune Masonic Lodge , No . 333 , met at high noon , at the Masonic Hall , Henry-street , and installed the following JBrethren as their officers for the ensuing six months : —J . D . Macnamara , AV . M . ; John Massy , S . AV . ; John AVestropp , J . AV . The celebration of the festival was adjourned to Septemberwhen the Lodge assembled for two
, days , to work the high degrees of Masonry . Sept . 16 . —Our Prov . Grand Master , Bro . Furnell , was hailed by the most affectionate welcome on the 13 th , after an absence of several months , occasioned by illness : during which , however , he compiled a Masonic Calendar , which had long been wanted by the Irish fraternity . Activity attended his return , and on the very next day the Rose Croix Chapter , No . 4 , met their founder , and inducted Capt . C . E . Deering ,
ofthe 85 th , AV . M . of 163 , and a member of the Encampment of the Cross of Christ , London . To-day , No . 333 , the Triune , admitted recipients in every grade up to K . T ., and passed a delightful day . No . 73 have also met , and greeted their beloved guest , Bro . Michael Furnell , with a cordiality approaching to the most affectionate demonstration . The meeting was alike worthy of the guest and his entertainers . AVe understand that gatherings are contemplated in every district of North Munster , to testify to the Prov . Grand Master that his return home has enlivened the hearts of all his Brethren .
COLERAINE . —Old Ireland is NOT Masonicall y happy , yet we " hide our time . " The surrounding district is in a state of Masonic destitution . On the 27 th August , a numerous meeting was held in the Assemblyroom at Coleraine , for the purpose of originating a new Lodge . The Deputy Grand Master , on the requisition of Dr . Waddy and other Brethren , convened the meeting , and entered at some length into the principles on which the Provincial Grancl Lodge would be conducted when the new Hall at Derry should he dedicated , and a Lodge of
Instruction and Promulgation in full operation . From the clear and lucid statement of Bro . A . Grant , and the very considerate attention paid to his suggestions , we augur in favour of a stimulus and re-action in the province . The hall is rapidly advancing to completion .
CORK . —We understand that the Grand Lodge of Ireland have come to the determination of suspending every Chapter that works on the improved system . The natural consequence will be a " split" in the R . A . C , No , 8 , as many of the companions are , fortunate for themselves , innocent of the silly old style , and are unwilling to stultify themselves , It is said that No . 71 intend to memorialize Grand Lodge for permission to work . under the improved sytem . What follows?—whthat No . 71
y , and the discontented of No . 8 may probabl y resign their certificates , and pray the Grand Chapter of England to grant consent to work according to its ritual . [ The Grand Chapter of England must , of necessity , refuse the prayer ; but f fit is properly offered , that body may probably advise such , a . course as may lead to a desirable end . —ED . ] . x . 7