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CARLOW . —The usual meeting of the Carlow Lodge took place on the Festival of St . John . At five o ' clock the Lodge was opened in due form for the installation of officers for the ensuing year , and was very numerously attended , after which the Lodge adjourned to dinner at the Club House . The AV . M . Bro . A . M . Mosse , of Maryborough , presided . The cloth being removed , the usual loyal toasts were given , after which the health of his Grace the Duke of Leinster was proposedand
re-, sponded to with every mark of respect due to the Grancl Master of the Order in Ireland . The Lodge being honoured with the presence of Bro . Surgeon Wright , Secretary to the Grand Council of Rites , ancl one of the Inspectors-General of the Order , his health was proposed with a suitable eulogium by Bro . Carroll , which was received with the greatest enthusiasm , and saluted with all the honours due to his rank in the order . The health of the P . M . Dr . Porter , was next proposed , and was
drunk with all the honours . The healths of Bros . Mackey , AV . M ., of Lodge 4 ; of Turpin , P . M „ of SO ; and of Clarke , 660 , Mountmellick , next followed , and were responded to . The next toast was that of Bro . A M . Mosse , the AV . M ., which was drunk with all the honours ; as also that of Bro . Richard Wilson , the indefatigable Secretary of 116 whose services were duly
acknow-, ledged . Other toasts were proposed , after which the : members retired at an early hour , gratified with the social and Masonic feeling which pervaded during the evening . June , 24 . —The Athy Lodge , No . 167 , met this day to celebrate the festival , and was numerously attended . At six o ' clock the Brethren proceeded to dinner at Shell ' s Hotel . Bro . Hannon , AV . M ., in the
chair , and the evening was spent in the most agreeable and convivial manner , after which they separated at an early hour . June , S 4 .- ^ The Brethren of the Masonic Lodge , 114 , Piltown , dined together , according to custom , in celebration of John ' s Day , and upon the occasion a fitting banquet marked it as one of peculiar prosperity in , the annals of this most respectable Lodge , whose standing is of so high a character , the Brethren having lately received numerous and most respectable accessions to its members .
NORTH MUNSTER . —Lodge No . 60 , Ennis , County Clare . —Phis Lodge , entertained at a sumptuous banquet the candidates for the county and the borough , viz ., Bro . the O'Gorman Mahon , K . H . and P . M . ; Bro . Captain M'Namara , and Bro . Cornelius O'Brien , members of the Lodge . Major M'Namara , also a member , was prevented attending the festive party by sudden indisposition . William Kean , AV . M ., presided ; adverse politicians blended , and peace , love , and harmony , in its fullest sense , pervaded the Lodge as usual .
Bro . O'Gorman Mahon was on Tuesday the 3 rd August unanimously elected , amidst the most enthusiastic plaudits , representative for JEntlis , and having returned thanks in the happiest terms , left to record , his vote at the ; JIrish University , Dublin .
'XLi-UERick , June 28 . —The Eden Lodge , No . 73 , assembled . at the Temple in Henry-street , to instal officers , when Bro . J . Marshall was inaugurated AV . M . ; Bro . John Bernal , S . AV . ; and . Bro . J . Shinkwin , J . AV . The Brethren in the evening sat down to an elegant banquet , whereat the Worshipful Master presided , and under his auspices
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CARLOW . —The usual meeting of the Carlow Lodge took place on the Festival of St . John . At five o ' clock the Lodge was opened in due form for the installation of officers for the ensuing year , and was very numerously attended , after which the Lodge adjourned to dinner at the Club House . The AV . M . Bro . A . M . Mosse , of Maryborough , presided . The cloth being removed , the usual loyal toasts were given , after which the health of his Grace the Duke of Leinster was proposedand
re-, sponded to with every mark of respect due to the Grancl Master of the Order in Ireland . The Lodge being honoured with the presence of Bro . Surgeon Wright , Secretary to the Grand Council of Rites , ancl one of the Inspectors-General of the Order , his health was proposed with a suitable eulogium by Bro . Carroll , which was received with the greatest enthusiasm , and saluted with all the honours due to his rank in the order . The health of the P . M . Dr . Porter , was next proposed , and was
drunk with all the honours . The healths of Bros . Mackey , AV . M ., of Lodge 4 ; of Turpin , P . M „ of SO ; and of Clarke , 660 , Mountmellick , next followed , and were responded to . The next toast was that of Bro . A M . Mosse , the AV . M ., which was drunk with all the honours ; as also that of Bro . Richard Wilson , the indefatigable Secretary of 116 whose services were duly
acknow-, ledged . Other toasts were proposed , after which the : members retired at an early hour , gratified with the social and Masonic feeling which pervaded during the evening . June , 24 . —The Athy Lodge , No . 167 , met this day to celebrate the festival , and was numerously attended . At six o ' clock the Brethren proceeded to dinner at Shell ' s Hotel . Bro . Hannon , AV . M ., in the
chair , and the evening was spent in the most agreeable and convivial manner , after which they separated at an early hour . June , S 4 .- ^ The Brethren of the Masonic Lodge , 114 , Piltown , dined together , according to custom , in celebration of John ' s Day , and upon the occasion a fitting banquet marked it as one of peculiar prosperity in , the annals of this most respectable Lodge , whose standing is of so high a character , the Brethren having lately received numerous and most respectable accessions to its members .
NORTH MUNSTER . —Lodge No . 60 , Ennis , County Clare . —Phis Lodge , entertained at a sumptuous banquet the candidates for the county and the borough , viz ., Bro . the O'Gorman Mahon , K . H . and P . M . ; Bro . Captain M'Namara , and Bro . Cornelius O'Brien , members of the Lodge . Major M'Namara , also a member , was prevented attending the festive party by sudden indisposition . William Kean , AV . M ., presided ; adverse politicians blended , and peace , love , and harmony , in its fullest sense , pervaded the Lodge as usual .
Bro . O'Gorman Mahon was on Tuesday the 3 rd August unanimously elected , amidst the most enthusiastic plaudits , representative for JEntlis , and having returned thanks in the happiest terms , left to record , his vote at the ; JIrish University , Dublin .
'XLi-UERick , June 28 . —The Eden Lodge , No . 73 , assembled . at the Temple in Henry-street , to instal officers , when Bro . J . Marshall was inaugurated AV . M . ; Bro . John Bernal , S . AV . ; and . Bro . J . Shinkwin , J . AV . The Brethren in the evening sat down to an elegant banquet , whereat the Worshipful Master presided , and under his auspices