Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 23 of 27 →
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trying period , when I had not you , or your interests more or less in iny mind . Let brotherly love ever be our watch word . I can speak , from my late experience on this point , most confidently , and can say that my chief comfort and consolation during my greatest period of danger was , that I was ' in charity with all men , ' that I owed no grudge or ill feeling to any man living ; and further , that I did retain the love of my JIasonie Brethren , and other kind friends : daily and hourly proof of which I was then receiving . My wish has ever been and ever will be to rule in all
your hearts by the golden cord of love ; for I am ivell assured that such a course will always be the best check to any occasional jealousies or misunderstandings which may occur , and these must ever be liable at times to happen . Look on me as your sincere and intimate friend ; consult me freely , not so much in the character of your Prov . Grand Master as of your Brother ; and depend on it I will never betray your confidence . I will give my best attention to all your requests , ancl endeavour to make
justice , strict and unswerving justice , the guide of all my advice and actions . My Brethren , I thank you for your kind attention , I thank you for your attendance here this clay ; may the Great Architect of the Universe grant that we may all live and be enabled , by his fostering protection , to adorn and beautify the fabric of this our ancient and honourable Society , by shewing forth in ourselves , in our lives , and actions , one straightforward and undeviating line of virtuous conduct ;
thus shewing to the world at large that we act up to what we profess , and that Masonry is really deserving of that high and distinguished patronage which it ever has , and I trust ever will , continue to receive . " Thanks were then unanimously voted to the Magistrates for the use
of the County Hall ; to the Rev . Morton Colson , Rector of St . Peter ' s , for the use of his church ; and to Brother the Rev . AV . Percy , P . G . C , for his admirable sermon that day . AVe have also further to add to the above proceedings of the day , that a committee , consisting of the Masters , Past Masters , and AVardens of the several Lodges in the Province met , Brother E . T . Percy , P . P . D . G . M ., in the chair , on the subject of the Masonic Testimonial proposed at
the last Provincial meeting , to be presented to Brother AVilliam Eliot , the late Provincial Grand Master , as a mark of the high esteem in which he is held by the Brethren of the Province , and as evincing their sense of the great zeal and attention displayed by him in promoting the best interests of the institution . Returns of subscriptions towards this object from the several Lodges , were received ; and it was resolved that the subscription list shall close on the 1 st of September next .
On the previous evening a very full Chapter of Royal Arch Masons assembled at the Masonic Hall , when the usual routine of Provincial business was transacted . At five o ' clock the members of the several Lodges sat down to a banquet at the King ' s Arms Hotel . The P . G . M .,
Bro . 1 ucker , presided with his accustomed ability and goocl feeling . After the cloth was removed the P . G . M . proposed , "The Queen , " " The Earl of Zetland , Grand Master of England , " " Lord Yarborough , D . tJ . M . of England , " " The Duke of Athol , G . M . of Scotland , " coupled with the name of Capt . Burgoyne . The toasts were severally drunk with the usual honours , ancl Capt . BURGOYNE most ably returned thanks for the Grand Lodge of Scotland ; and expressed his deep sense of the kindness of the G . M . and Brethren of the Province of Dorset in drinking his health in so cordial a manner —( applause ) . VOL . v . : ; A
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trying period , when I had not you , or your interests more or less in iny mind . Let brotherly love ever be our watch word . I can speak , from my late experience on this point , most confidently , and can say that my chief comfort and consolation during my greatest period of danger was , that I was ' in charity with all men , ' that I owed no grudge or ill feeling to any man living ; and further , that I did retain the love of my JIasonie Brethren , and other kind friends : daily and hourly proof of which I was then receiving . My wish has ever been and ever will be to rule in all
your hearts by the golden cord of love ; for I am ivell assured that such a course will always be the best check to any occasional jealousies or misunderstandings which may occur , and these must ever be liable at times to happen . Look on me as your sincere and intimate friend ; consult me freely , not so much in the character of your Prov . Grand Master as of your Brother ; and depend on it I will never betray your confidence . I will give my best attention to all your requests , ancl endeavour to make
justice , strict and unswerving justice , the guide of all my advice and actions . My Brethren , I thank you for your kind attention , I thank you for your attendance here this clay ; may the Great Architect of the Universe grant that we may all live and be enabled , by his fostering protection , to adorn and beautify the fabric of this our ancient and honourable Society , by shewing forth in ourselves , in our lives , and actions , one straightforward and undeviating line of virtuous conduct ;
thus shewing to the world at large that we act up to what we profess , and that Masonry is really deserving of that high and distinguished patronage which it ever has , and I trust ever will , continue to receive . " Thanks were then unanimously voted to the Magistrates for the use
of the County Hall ; to the Rev . Morton Colson , Rector of St . Peter ' s , for the use of his church ; and to Brother the Rev . AV . Percy , P . G . C , for his admirable sermon that day . AVe have also further to add to the above proceedings of the day , that a committee , consisting of the Masters , Past Masters , and AVardens of the several Lodges in the Province met , Brother E . T . Percy , P . P . D . G . M ., in the chair , on the subject of the Masonic Testimonial proposed at
the last Provincial meeting , to be presented to Brother AVilliam Eliot , the late Provincial Grand Master , as a mark of the high esteem in which he is held by the Brethren of the Province , and as evincing their sense of the great zeal and attention displayed by him in promoting the best interests of the institution . Returns of subscriptions towards this object from the several Lodges , were received ; and it was resolved that the subscription list shall close on the 1 st of September next .
On the previous evening a very full Chapter of Royal Arch Masons assembled at the Masonic Hall , when the usual routine of Provincial business was transacted . At five o ' clock the members of the several Lodges sat down to a banquet at the King ' s Arms Hotel . The P . G . M .,
Bro . 1 ucker , presided with his accustomed ability and goocl feeling . After the cloth was removed the P . G . M . proposed , "The Queen , " " The Earl of Zetland , Grand Master of England , " " Lord Yarborough , D . tJ . M . of England , " " The Duke of Athol , G . M . of Scotland , " coupled with the name of Capt . Burgoyne . The toasts were severally drunk with the usual honours , ancl Capt . BURGOYNE most ably returned thanks for the Grand Lodge of Scotland ; and expressed his deep sense of the kindness of the G . M . and Brethren of the Province of Dorset in drinking his health in so cordial a manner —( applause ) . VOL . v . : ; A