Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 13 of 27 →
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an enthusiastic Mason , but he tempered that enthusiasm with that precaution which was a praise to a Mason . He had studied Masonry in foreign countries , and was no stranger to the Lodges in those countries , and their forms somewhat different in many respects to our own —( cheers ) . He thought , therefore , he was calculated to take office ; ancl would make a most valuable officer . They all heard his short modest mode of returning thanks when invested with his jewel that clay —( cheers ) . He proposed
to them the health of Bro . De Bernard ! , the D . P . G . M . of Monmouthshire —( enthusiastic cheering ) . Bro . De BERNARDI returned thanks in a feeling speech . He spoke of the moral good which might be effected by Masonry , ancl urged on every member of the Craft the due performance of their duties as Masons . The CHAIRMAN then gave Bro . Powell , the D . P . G . M . of Bristol , which was duly acknowledged by that gentleman .
The Chaplain of the Province of Somerset was the next toast . It was proposed by the Chairman , ivho returned the rev . gentleman thanks for his kind assistance at the ceremonies of the day . They had not at present a Chaplain connected with their Province , and the duties had devolved upon the rev . gentleman , who had performed them with piety and Masonic zeal —( cheers ) . He proposed to them the health of Bro . Broderip —( loud cheering ) . The Rev . Gentleman , in returning thanks , regretted that he was the only clergyman present . He also regretted that they hacl been deprived of the use of the church ; he was afraid the principles were not fully known
otherwise no opposition of the kind would have been offered —( cheers ) . The CHAIRMAN then proposed the health of Brother Bryant the Grand Director of Ceremonies , which was received with great cheering , and acknowledged in a neat speech . Bro . De BERNARDI proposed the health of Colonel Tynte , the P . G . M . of Somerset . The CHAIRMAN returned thanks on behalf of his father , who much
regretted his inability to attend on this occasion . The CHAIRMAN then gave Sir John Guest , the P . G . M . of South AVales ; which was acknowledged by Bro . Bird . " The P . G . Officers of Monmouth" was received with much applause ; and responded to by Bro . AVakeman . The Duke of Leinster , the Grand Master of Ireland , was the next toast . Bro . Captain Maher returned thanks .
The Duke of Athol , the G . M . of Scotland , was proposed by the Chairman . Bro . Carter returned thanks . The CHAIRMAN rose to propose the health of his Grace the Duke of Beaufort —( cheers ) . He believed they were honoured to-day by the attendance of some of the members of the Grand Lodge of Gloucester ; and he knew they would willingly drink his Grace ' s health , as the Grand Master of the province of Gloucester —( cheering ) .
Bro . WAKEMAN , as one of the members of the Grand Lodge of Gloucester , returned thanks . The Loyal Monmouth Lodge , was then proposed by the Chairman , and received with acclamation .
, Bro . Justley Pearson responded to the toast . The Silurian Lodge of Newport , was next proposed , and acknowledged by P . AV . AVilliams . He alluded to the interruption which had been caused in their proceedings by their being prevented from going to Church . He should like to see all the world as true to their religious
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an enthusiastic Mason , but he tempered that enthusiasm with that precaution which was a praise to a Mason . He had studied Masonry in foreign countries , and was no stranger to the Lodges in those countries , and their forms somewhat different in many respects to our own —( cheers ) . He thought , therefore , he was calculated to take office ; ancl would make a most valuable officer . They all heard his short modest mode of returning thanks when invested with his jewel that clay —( cheers ) . He proposed
to them the health of Bro . De Bernard ! , the D . P . G . M . of Monmouthshire —( enthusiastic cheering ) . Bro . De BERNARDI returned thanks in a feeling speech . He spoke of the moral good which might be effected by Masonry , ancl urged on every member of the Craft the due performance of their duties as Masons . The CHAIRMAN then gave Bro . Powell , the D . P . G . M . of Bristol , which was duly acknowledged by that gentleman .
The Chaplain of the Province of Somerset was the next toast . It was proposed by the Chairman , ivho returned the rev . gentleman thanks for his kind assistance at the ceremonies of the day . They had not at present a Chaplain connected with their Province , and the duties had devolved upon the rev . gentleman , who had performed them with piety and Masonic zeal —( cheers ) . He proposed to them the health of Bro . Broderip —( loud cheering ) . The Rev . Gentleman , in returning thanks , regretted that he was the only clergyman present . He also regretted that they hacl been deprived of the use of the church ; he was afraid the principles were not fully known
otherwise no opposition of the kind would have been offered —( cheers ) . The CHAIRMAN then proposed the health of Brother Bryant the Grand Director of Ceremonies , which was received with great cheering , and acknowledged in a neat speech . Bro . De BERNARDI proposed the health of Colonel Tynte , the P . G . M . of Somerset . The CHAIRMAN returned thanks on behalf of his father , who much
regretted his inability to attend on this occasion . The CHAIRMAN then gave Sir John Guest , the P . G . M . of South AVales ; which was acknowledged by Bro . Bird . " The P . G . Officers of Monmouth" was received with much applause ; and responded to by Bro . AVakeman . The Duke of Leinster , the Grand Master of Ireland , was the next toast . Bro . Captain Maher returned thanks .
The Duke of Athol , the G . M . of Scotland , was proposed by the Chairman . Bro . Carter returned thanks . The CHAIRMAN rose to propose the health of his Grace the Duke of Beaufort —( cheers ) . He believed they were honoured to-day by the attendance of some of the members of the Grand Lodge of Gloucester ; and he knew they would willingly drink his Grace ' s health , as the Grand Master of the province of Gloucester —( cheering ) .
Bro . WAKEMAN , as one of the members of the Grand Lodge of Gloucester , returned thanks . The Loyal Monmouth Lodge , was then proposed by the Chairman , and received with acclamation .
, Bro . Justley Pearson responded to the toast . The Silurian Lodge of Newport , was next proposed , and acknowledged by P . AV . AVilliams . He alluded to the interruption which had been caused in their proceedings by their being prevented from going to Church . He should like to see all the world as true to their religious