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The LORD PROVOST replied , and took occasion to apologize for the absence of J . G . Lockhart , Esq ., and Macvey Napier , Esq . Bro . ROBERT CHAMBERS , in a touching speech , in which he alluded to the perseverance , devoted ardour , and rising genius of the lamented Air . Kemp , the architect of the Scott monument , and to the sad casualty by which he was lost to the world , proposed a cup to his memory , which was drunk in solemn silence .
The remaining toasts on the card were then proposed by the following gentlemen : — By Bro . Pringle , " The City of Edinburgh ; " Bro . A . M'Neil , " The Fine Arts of Scotland ; " Archdeacon Williams , " British Literature ;" Dr . Schmitz , ' Music of Scotland ancl John Wilson ; " The Lord Provost , " The Ladies ; " Bro . M'Diarmid , of the Dumfries Courier , " The Croupiers ; " Bro . Gordon , " The Drama and Theatre , in connexion with
Sir AYalter Scott ' s writings . " The meet then separated . GLASGOW . —A letter from Bro . John Main reached us too late for insertion , indeed we have some difficulty in admitting this brief notice . Bro . Main repudiates the charge of mal-ambition in obtaining the chair of the Kilwinning , and turns the tables in his own favour . His letter will probably appear in our next , and with that we must end the controversy .
TO CORRESPONDENTS . VERAX ( Limerick ! . —The letter has been received ; we hope our reply ( strictly private ) is satisfactory . J . P . —The differences of opinion are unimportant ; " Kiss and be friends . ' ' O . VE OF THE HAUTS GRADES . —There may have been some ground for vexation , hut ( he reprisal is anything but Masonic . Beware ! the party whose officious meddling has disturbed the minds of many , 1 ms no power whatever ; and is altogether unauthorized . " Two blaeics do not make a white , " is an old saying . Two spurious soi-desants cannot make a pure . We hope to be spared further explanation . Sept . 15 . —Grand Council of Rites . —In compliance with the request of a distinguished Brother , we forbear for the present to publish a very singular document , and hope it may not become necessary to do so .
DUBLIN . —The Grand Lodge of Ireland has , at length , recommended to the Duke of Leinster , the appointment of Sir James Stuart , Bart ., as District Grand Alaster for the counties of Derry and Donegal . AVe shall be glad to hear that the recommendation has received the Duke ' s assent . Our attention has been drawn to the apathy of the Grand Lodge of Ireland to the requirements of the provinces ; there is a want of
reciprocity that engenders an indifference to tbe governing body—to whom allegianceis certainly due , and to whom tribute should be paid ; but in return , protection of local interests , attention to appeals , ancl , above all , urbanity , are looked to as repayments for allegiance and tribute . —A word in time may be of service . June 24 . —Lodge 93 . —The Brethren of this Lodge dined together at Bro . Jude ' s Hotel . Bro . Martin , AV . JVL , in the chair ; with Bro . M'Namara , S . VV ., as croupier . Several excellent songs were sung ; amongst others , a duet taken from Dr . Smith ' s new work , " The Lyra
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The LORD PROVOST replied , and took occasion to apologize for the absence of J . G . Lockhart , Esq ., and Macvey Napier , Esq . Bro . ROBERT CHAMBERS , in a touching speech , in which he alluded to the perseverance , devoted ardour , and rising genius of the lamented Air . Kemp , the architect of the Scott monument , and to the sad casualty by which he was lost to the world , proposed a cup to his memory , which was drunk in solemn silence .
The remaining toasts on the card were then proposed by the following gentlemen : — By Bro . Pringle , " The City of Edinburgh ; " Bro . A . M'Neil , " The Fine Arts of Scotland ; " Archdeacon Williams , " British Literature ;" Dr . Schmitz , ' Music of Scotland ancl John Wilson ; " The Lord Provost , " The Ladies ; " Bro . M'Diarmid , of the Dumfries Courier , " The Croupiers ; " Bro . Gordon , " The Drama and Theatre , in connexion with
Sir AYalter Scott ' s writings . " The meet then separated . GLASGOW . —A letter from Bro . John Main reached us too late for insertion , indeed we have some difficulty in admitting this brief notice . Bro . Main repudiates the charge of mal-ambition in obtaining the chair of the Kilwinning , and turns the tables in his own favour . His letter will probably appear in our next , and with that we must end the controversy .
TO CORRESPONDENTS . VERAX ( Limerick ! . —The letter has been received ; we hope our reply ( strictly private ) is satisfactory . J . P . —The differences of opinion are unimportant ; " Kiss and be friends . ' ' O . VE OF THE HAUTS GRADES . —There may have been some ground for vexation , hut ( he reprisal is anything but Masonic . Beware ! the party whose officious meddling has disturbed the minds of many , 1 ms no power whatever ; and is altogether unauthorized . " Two blaeics do not make a white , " is an old saying . Two spurious soi-desants cannot make a pure . We hope to be spared further explanation . Sept . 15 . —Grand Council of Rites . —In compliance with the request of a distinguished Brother , we forbear for the present to publish a very singular document , and hope it may not become necessary to do so .
DUBLIN . —The Grand Lodge of Ireland has , at length , recommended to the Duke of Leinster , the appointment of Sir James Stuart , Bart ., as District Grand Alaster for the counties of Derry and Donegal . AVe shall be glad to hear that the recommendation has received the Duke ' s assent . Our attention has been drawn to the apathy of the Grand Lodge of Ireland to the requirements of the provinces ; there is a want of
reciprocity that engenders an indifference to tbe governing body—to whom allegianceis certainly due , and to whom tribute should be paid ; but in return , protection of local interests , attention to appeals , ancl , above all , urbanity , are looked to as repayments for allegiance and tribute . —A word in time may be of service . June 24 . —Lodge 93 . —The Brethren of this Lodge dined together at Bro . Jude ' s Hotel . Bro . Martin , AV . JVL , in the chair ; with Bro . M'Namara , S . VV ., as croupier . Several excellent songs were sung ; amongst others , a duet taken from Dr . Smith ' s new work , " The Lyra