Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 25 of 28 →
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Grand Master , which office you have filled for several years so much to the satisfaction of this province . " Wc cordially thank you for the excellent way in which you have upon all occasions elucidated the principles of our ancient and honourable institution , ancl the eloquent and impressive manner in which you have performed the Ceremonies in this Lodge will not be forgotten by us .
" We should be wanting in gratitude and Brotherly love , did we not express to you our heartfelt thanks for the establishment of our Lodge in 1818 , and for the high eminence to which our Lodge has arrived , and the beauty which it displays , under your kind and fostering care and attention : and we are sure you will continue the same to the end of your days . " AVe express our fervent prayers that the Most Hih will bless
g you with health , happiness , and prosperity here , that we may all be cemented together in brotherly love , and after a well-spent life here below , we may all meet again for ever ancl ever , in that perfect Lodge above , wdiere the Great I Am ever rules and reigns . " Done in open Lodge , this 11 th clay of August , A . L . 5346 , A . D . 1846 . "
Duly signed by the Worshipful Master , the Past Alasters , Officers and Brethren . HIGHBRIDGE . —July 24 . —The anniversary meeting of the Rural Philanthropic Lodge of Freemasons , took place at the Highbridge Inn , with more than ordinary eclat . The suffrages of the Brethren had been unanimously given in favour of Bro . Charles Pope , M . D ., a Mason of superior degreeand his induction to the chair of the Lodwas
at-, ge tended with peculiar circumstances of felicitation , both to the members of the Lodge and to the character of Freemasonry in the province . It was , therefore , no matter of surprise , that tlie installation of Bro . Pope excited such interest among Freemasons , and awakened such a desire among the Fraternity to be present at the gratifying ceremony ; the Brethren belonging to the Lodges of Bath , Bristol , Bridgewater , Taunton & carrived by the early trains at the Hihbridge stationwhere
, , g , carriages had been provided to convey them to Burnham , where they were greeted with merry peals from the church bells , cannon firing , and flags flying , and sat down to a dejeuner a la fourchette provided for them by the W . M . elect ; after which they returned to the Lodge rooms at Highbridge , where the business for which they had met commenced .
lhe solemn ceremony of installation was conducted with his usual ability , great skill , and eloquence , by the R . AV . Bro . Tucker , of Coryton park , Provincial Grand Master for the county of Dorset . After the AV . M . had been inaugurated to the chair , the officers were installed according to ancient custom . After the ceremonial part ofthe proceedings hacl been concluded , the Brethren retired to the banquet-room , where a banquet had been provided . Grace having been said by Bro . the Rev . J . S .
BroderiProp , vincial Grand Chaplain , the Brethren sat down under the presidency of the AV . M ., assisted by Bros . \ V . Tucker , P . G . A'l . for Dorset , James Randolph , D . P . G . M ., Captain Maher , P . G ., secretary , B . T . Allen , P . M ., & c , & c . After the cloth hacl been removed , the usual loyal ancl preliminary Masunic toasts were given , and heartily responded . to by . the Brethren present , Alasonie honours being given when due . AVhen the W . AL , in a highly eulogistic speech , proposed the health of the
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Grand Master , which office you have filled for several years so much to the satisfaction of this province . " Wc cordially thank you for the excellent way in which you have upon all occasions elucidated the principles of our ancient and honourable institution , ancl the eloquent and impressive manner in which you have performed the Ceremonies in this Lodge will not be forgotten by us .
" We should be wanting in gratitude and Brotherly love , did we not express to you our heartfelt thanks for the establishment of our Lodge in 1818 , and for the high eminence to which our Lodge has arrived , and the beauty which it displays , under your kind and fostering care and attention : and we are sure you will continue the same to the end of your days . " AVe express our fervent prayers that the Most Hih will bless
g you with health , happiness , and prosperity here , that we may all be cemented together in brotherly love , and after a well-spent life here below , we may all meet again for ever ancl ever , in that perfect Lodge above , wdiere the Great I Am ever rules and reigns . " Done in open Lodge , this 11 th clay of August , A . L . 5346 , A . D . 1846 . "
Duly signed by the Worshipful Master , the Past Alasters , Officers and Brethren . HIGHBRIDGE . —July 24 . —The anniversary meeting of the Rural Philanthropic Lodge of Freemasons , took place at the Highbridge Inn , with more than ordinary eclat . The suffrages of the Brethren had been unanimously given in favour of Bro . Charles Pope , M . D ., a Mason of superior degreeand his induction to the chair of the Lodwas
at-, ge tended with peculiar circumstances of felicitation , both to the members of the Lodge and to the character of Freemasonry in the province . It was , therefore , no matter of surprise , that tlie installation of Bro . Pope excited such interest among Freemasons , and awakened such a desire among the Fraternity to be present at the gratifying ceremony ; the Brethren belonging to the Lodges of Bath , Bristol , Bridgewater , Taunton & carrived by the early trains at the Hihbridge stationwhere
, , g , carriages had been provided to convey them to Burnham , where they were greeted with merry peals from the church bells , cannon firing , and flags flying , and sat down to a dejeuner a la fourchette provided for them by the W . M . elect ; after which they returned to the Lodge rooms at Highbridge , where the business for which they had met commenced .
lhe solemn ceremony of installation was conducted with his usual ability , great skill , and eloquence , by the R . AV . Bro . Tucker , of Coryton park , Provincial Grand Master for the county of Dorset . After the AV . M . had been inaugurated to the chair , the officers were installed according to ancient custom . After the ceremonial part ofthe proceedings hacl been concluded , the Brethren retired to the banquet-room , where a banquet had been provided . Grace having been said by Bro . the Rev . J . S .
BroderiProp , vincial Grand Chaplain , the Brethren sat down under the presidency of the AV . M ., assisted by Bros . \ V . Tucker , P . G . A'l . for Dorset , James Randolph , D . P . G . M ., Captain Maher , P . G ., secretary , B . T . Allen , P . M ., & c , & c . After the cloth hacl been removed , the usual loyal ancl preliminary Masunic toasts were given , and heartily responded . to by . the Brethren present , Alasonie honours being given when due . AVhen the W . AL , in a highly eulogistic speech , proposed the health of the