Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 16 of 28 →
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by the incumbent , the Rev . S . Robins ; and the musical services , including a beautiful Anthem from Chron . xxix . , a Masonic Ode , and the grand Hallelujah Chorus , were admirably performed and sung , by the Organist and Choir . The Sermon was preached by the Rev . Bro . Percy , Grand Chaplain , from Num . xxvii . 22 , 23 , "And Moses did as the Lord commanded him : and he took Joshuaand set him before Eleazarthe priestand
, , , before all the congregation . And he laid his hands upon him , and gave him a charge , as the Lord commanded by the hand of Moses . " It was a learned , instructive , ancl most appropriate discourse , in which the preacher , by numerous references to the Hol y Scriptures , pointed out the connexion between Freemasonry and true religion , under the Patriarchal , Mosaic , and Christian dispensations . After Divine servicethe Brethren returned to the Hallin the same
, , order as before named . On arriving at the King ' s statue , the band played " God save tlie Queen , " and a salute was fired , the Brethren being uncovered , which had an excellent effect . The Brethren assembled iii Lodge , ivhich was close tyled , when Brother Eliot read the P . G . M . ' s patent of office , after which the remaining Masonic ceremonies of installation were duly performed , but which can be known only to the initiated . AVe are enabledhoweverto publish the excellent address of
, , the newly-installed Provincial Grand Alaster , who spoke as follows : — My Brethren , —I must beg your indulgence while I address a few words to you on this occasion . Ancl , in the first place , I must beg to return you all my most sincere ancl fraternal thanks , for your attendance here this day to witness my installation , as one of the Rulers of this
ancient and honourable society . Believe me , my Brethren , it shall evei be my endeavour , by all means in my power , to prove myself somewhat worthy ofthe high position in the Craft , to which the Most AVorshipful the Grand Alaster has been pleased to call me ; and I trust you will ever find in me not only an upright Master , but also a sincere ancl zealous friend . Our society is on the rapid increase—Masonry is flourishing throughout the globe . To us , indeed , great must be the joy that it is so—that its pure principlesunfettered either bthe trammels of political
, y or religious differences , are spreading their benign influence among mankind in general . The Grand Loclge of England , indeed , holds the most prominent situation in Masonry—she may justly be said to be the Masonic mistress of the universe . Go where you will , from north to south , from east to west , you will find warrants of constitution
everywhere emanating from her . I have in my hand a most flattering proof of the high position which Masonry holds in our own colonies ; a Barbadoes paper , wherein , in the almanack for the month , is published the days of meeting of two Freemasons' Lodges . Time was when Masonry has been , to a certain extent , thrown in the shade , when its principles have been the subject of satire and ridicule , its professors the object of unworth y and uncharitable remark . Not so now : the pure and bright of li
rays ght which emanate from the ever-blazing central star , have dissipated the darkness of prejudice in which we were once enveloped , and have caused us to hold our present exalted position—the envy and admiration of the whole uninitiated world . To one Brother in particular are we , as Masons , most especially indebted . I allude to our learned Brother , the Rev . Dr . Oliver , who , by well-timed and judicious papers and books , which have continually flowed from his pen , has at
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by the incumbent , the Rev . S . Robins ; and the musical services , including a beautiful Anthem from Chron . xxix . , a Masonic Ode , and the grand Hallelujah Chorus , were admirably performed and sung , by the Organist and Choir . The Sermon was preached by the Rev . Bro . Percy , Grand Chaplain , from Num . xxvii . 22 , 23 , "And Moses did as the Lord commanded him : and he took Joshuaand set him before Eleazarthe priestand
, , , before all the congregation . And he laid his hands upon him , and gave him a charge , as the Lord commanded by the hand of Moses . " It was a learned , instructive , ancl most appropriate discourse , in which the preacher , by numerous references to the Hol y Scriptures , pointed out the connexion between Freemasonry and true religion , under the Patriarchal , Mosaic , and Christian dispensations . After Divine servicethe Brethren returned to the Hallin the same
, , order as before named . On arriving at the King ' s statue , the band played " God save tlie Queen , " and a salute was fired , the Brethren being uncovered , which had an excellent effect . The Brethren assembled iii Lodge , ivhich was close tyled , when Brother Eliot read the P . G . M . ' s patent of office , after which the remaining Masonic ceremonies of installation were duly performed , but which can be known only to the initiated . AVe are enabledhoweverto publish the excellent address of
, , the newly-installed Provincial Grand Alaster , who spoke as follows : — My Brethren , —I must beg your indulgence while I address a few words to you on this occasion . Ancl , in the first place , I must beg to return you all my most sincere ancl fraternal thanks , for your attendance here this day to witness my installation , as one of the Rulers of this
ancient and honourable society . Believe me , my Brethren , it shall evei be my endeavour , by all means in my power , to prove myself somewhat worthy ofthe high position in the Craft , to which the Most AVorshipful the Grand Alaster has been pleased to call me ; and I trust you will ever find in me not only an upright Master , but also a sincere ancl zealous friend . Our society is on the rapid increase—Masonry is flourishing throughout the globe . To us , indeed , great must be the joy that it is so—that its pure principlesunfettered either bthe trammels of political
, y or religious differences , are spreading their benign influence among mankind in general . The Grand Loclge of England , indeed , holds the most prominent situation in Masonry—she may justly be said to be the Masonic mistress of the universe . Go where you will , from north to south , from east to west , you will find warrants of constitution
everywhere emanating from her . I have in my hand a most flattering proof of the high position which Masonry holds in our own colonies ; a Barbadoes paper , wherein , in the almanack for the month , is published the days of meeting of two Freemasons' Lodges . Time was when Masonry has been , to a certain extent , thrown in the shade , when its principles have been the subject of satire and ridicule , its professors the object of unworth y and uncharitable remark . Not so now : the pure and bright of li
rays ght which emanate from the ever-blazing central star , have dissipated the darkness of prejudice in which we were once enveloped , and have caused us to hold our present exalted position—the envy and admiration of the whole uninitiated world . To one Brother in particular are we , as Masons , most especially indebted . I allude to our learned Brother , the Rev . Dr . Oliver , who , by well-timed and judicious papers and books , which have continually flowed from his pen , has at