Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 6 of 28 →
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mere ) , however , could assure them that they had had a correct exposition of the principles of the institution ; and he would say , for their satisfaction , that there was nothing in the principles or practice of Freemasons incompatible with due submission to their ivives —( loud applause and laughter)—with that degree of submission which was necessary , and which he hoped existed in all well-regulated families —( renewed cheers and laughter ) . His lordship concluded by proposing - ' ' The Ladies . "
Tlie toast was drunk with rapturous applause ; and , it being half-past nine o ' clock , his lordship resigned the chair to Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Blair , and retired . The ladies also withdrew , and all but Masons being excluded , the following toasts were given with Masonic honours : — " The Past Deputy Provincial Grand Master of East Lancashire" ( Bro . Preston returned thanks ) ; " The Past Provincial Grand Officers ; " "The Present Provincial Grand Officers ; " "The Rev .
Gilmour Robinson , and the visiting Brethren . " " The Charitable Institutions ; " "The Provincial Grand Stewards ; " "The Committee of Management , " & c . The Lodge was closed and the proceedings terminated about half-pas ! ten o ' clock .
AVEST LANCASHIRE , July 29 . — lhe annual Grand Lodge of this province was held at the Adelphi hotel , Liverpool , with a view to the accommodation of the Brethren from a distance desirous of attending this meeting , and also joining in the procession announced for the 31 st , to assist his Royal Highness Prince Albert in laying the first foundation stone of the Sailors' Home There was a very numerous attendance , nearly all the Lodges being representedand many visitors being present from the Grand and
pri-, vate Lodges of other counties . The Craft Lodge was opened in the three degrees , soon after eleven o ' clock , by Brother John Foster , the W . M . of Lodge 35 . The Officers of the Provincial Grand Loclge , and visiting Officers of the same rank , who had assembled in another room , then entered in processional order , the G . Organist , Bro . John Molyneux , jun ., playing a solemn march .
The Grand Officers having taken their seats , an anthem was sung by the musical Brethren , the Acting G . Chaplain , the Rev . James Booth " , LL . D ., delivered a prayer , and the Grand Lodge was opened in due form by the Right AVorshipful Deputy Grand Master of the Province , Bro . John Drinkwater , as Grand Master , the Past Grand
Superintendent of Works , Bro . Clarke Rampling , acting as Deputy Grand Master . In the course of the morning , the Grand Master , Bro . Le Gendre Nicholas Starkie , arrived , ancl ascended the throne . The business was , of course , transacted with closed doors , and being ended , another anthem was sung , a prayer was said by the Rev . George Dowty , one of the Acting G . Chaplains ; and the G . Lodge having been closed by the lt . AV . G . Alaster , the Officers and visitors retired as they had enteredthe G . Organist again playing a-solemn march .
, The Craft Lodge was then closed in tbe three degrees , ancl the Brethren were dismissed while preparations were making for their accommodation at the banquet . They re-assembled at half-past four , when upwards of a hundred were present . The . 11 . AV . G . Master for tbe Province , Brother Le Gendre Nicholas Starkie , took his seat at the head ofthe table , supported on his right by
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
mere ) , however , could assure them that they had had a correct exposition of the principles of the institution ; and he would say , for their satisfaction , that there was nothing in the principles or practice of Freemasons incompatible with due submission to their ivives —( loud applause and laughter)—with that degree of submission which was necessary , and which he hoped existed in all well-regulated families —( renewed cheers and laughter ) . His lordship concluded by proposing - ' ' The Ladies . "
Tlie toast was drunk with rapturous applause ; and , it being half-past nine o ' clock , his lordship resigned the chair to Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Blair , and retired . The ladies also withdrew , and all but Masons being excluded , the following toasts were given with Masonic honours : — " The Past Deputy Provincial Grand Master of East Lancashire" ( Bro . Preston returned thanks ) ; " The Past Provincial Grand Officers ; " "The Present Provincial Grand Officers ; " "The Rev .
Gilmour Robinson , and the visiting Brethren . " " The Charitable Institutions ; " "The Provincial Grand Stewards ; " "The Committee of Management , " & c . The Lodge was closed and the proceedings terminated about half-pas ! ten o ' clock .
AVEST LANCASHIRE , July 29 . — lhe annual Grand Lodge of this province was held at the Adelphi hotel , Liverpool , with a view to the accommodation of the Brethren from a distance desirous of attending this meeting , and also joining in the procession announced for the 31 st , to assist his Royal Highness Prince Albert in laying the first foundation stone of the Sailors' Home There was a very numerous attendance , nearly all the Lodges being representedand many visitors being present from the Grand and
pri-, vate Lodges of other counties . The Craft Lodge was opened in the three degrees , soon after eleven o ' clock , by Brother John Foster , the W . M . of Lodge 35 . The Officers of the Provincial Grand Loclge , and visiting Officers of the same rank , who had assembled in another room , then entered in processional order , the G . Organist , Bro . John Molyneux , jun ., playing a solemn march .
The Grand Officers having taken their seats , an anthem was sung by the musical Brethren , the Acting G . Chaplain , the Rev . James Booth " , LL . D ., delivered a prayer , and the Grand Lodge was opened in due form by the Right AVorshipful Deputy Grand Master of the Province , Bro . John Drinkwater , as Grand Master , the Past Grand
Superintendent of Works , Bro . Clarke Rampling , acting as Deputy Grand Master . In the course of the morning , the Grand Master , Bro . Le Gendre Nicholas Starkie , arrived , ancl ascended the throne . The business was , of course , transacted with closed doors , and being ended , another anthem was sung , a prayer was said by the Rev . George Dowty , one of the Acting G . Chaplains ; and the G . Lodge having been closed by the lt . AV . G . Alaster , the Officers and visitors retired as they had enteredthe G . Organist again playing a-solemn march .
, The Craft Lodge was then closed in tbe three degrees , ancl the Brethren were dismissed while preparations were making for their accommodation at the banquet . They re-assembled at half-past four , when upwards of a hundred were present . The . 11 . AV . G . Master for tbe Province , Brother Le Gendre Nicholas Starkie , took his seat at the head ofthe table , supported on his right by