Article THE FREEMASONS' LEXICON. ← Page 5 of 7 →
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The Freemasons' Lexicon.
Meiningensh service . Here he diligently devoted himself to those sciences , ancl published some valuable topographical and mineralogical works . As a Freemason , he was a good workman , which we may easily suppose from his connexion with Hund . He published the well-known " Anti-Sainct-Nicaise , " 3 parts . Leipsic , 1786 . Kette . Chain . —All the Freemasons upon the surface of the earth form one chainevery member is a link of itand should ever strive
, , with the true hand of a Brother to strengthen it . No wavering doubt should break it . None should be shut out from it , as is taught in every Lodge . What an encouraging thought it is for the newly initiated Brother to find himself at once surrounded with the light arising from this great chain . This chain can be no fetter to him , for the hands of Brethren prove the contrary . Kleinodien . Jewels . —The Freemasons' ornaments are three jewels ,
the square , the level , and the plumb-rule . Those who are intrusted with them must possess great talents , and whether they can be cautious and worthy guardians of them must be apparent from their previous conduct .
Klopfen . Striking . —The sound of the Master ' s hammer reminds each Brother of the sacred numbers , a thing which ought to induce us readily and cheerfully to acknowledge ancl obey his commands . He who wishes to gain admittance amongst us must remember the saying , " Knock and it shall be opened unto you . " It is only then that he can enter with a sanctified heart .
Von Knigge , Freiherr Adolph Franz Friedrich Ludwig . —Was born at Brendenbeck , near Hanover , 16 th Oct . 1752 , and died Oberhauptman und Scholarch , at Bremen , 6 th May , 1796 . He is known as a distinguished author , especially on account of his works , "An Intercourse with Mankind , " " The Journey to Brunswick , " and many good romances . He also published six sermons against despotism , ignorance , superstition , injustice , falsehood , and idleness , 2 nd edition , 1785 ; and six
sermons upon humility , meekness , peace of mind , prayer , benevolence , ancl toleration , 2 nd edition , 1786 ; further , six sermons upon comfort in affliction , & c . & c . 1788 . But to the Freemason he is especially distinguished by his activity in the Order , and by his joining the Illuminati in 1780 . For the latter order he worked with incredible industry and activity , endeavouring to elevate this order above the Rosycrucians and Obscurantists of every description . After the abrogation of the
Illuminati , he published a remarkable work called " Philo ' s final declaration and answer to many inquiries and questions put to him regarding his union with the Order of the Illuminati , " Hanover , 1788 . We have also from him , although anonymous , " Jesuits , Freemasons , and German Rosycrucians , " 1781 ; "Treatise upon the general assembly of Freemasons near the Gesundbrunnen in Wilhelmsbad , near Hanau , " 1784 ; " Essai sur la Franc-Maconnerie , " 1784 ; "Contribution towards the
most modern history of the Masonic Order , in nine dialogues , " 1786 . Koningsberg , in Prussia . St . John ' s Lodge , Three Crowns ; founded 10 th June , 1760 ; afterwards joined the Grand Lodge , the Three Globes , at Berlin . Scottish Lodge , Andreas , at the Golden Candlestick ; founded 13 th January , 1769 , and under the name . Scottish Lodge , at the Three Crowns , joined the above Grand Lodge . The Lodge at the Three Crowns formerly founded many Lodges itself .
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The Freemasons' Lexicon.
Meiningensh service . Here he diligently devoted himself to those sciences , ancl published some valuable topographical and mineralogical works . As a Freemason , he was a good workman , which we may easily suppose from his connexion with Hund . He published the well-known " Anti-Sainct-Nicaise , " 3 parts . Leipsic , 1786 . Kette . Chain . —All the Freemasons upon the surface of the earth form one chainevery member is a link of itand should ever strive
, , with the true hand of a Brother to strengthen it . No wavering doubt should break it . None should be shut out from it , as is taught in every Lodge . What an encouraging thought it is for the newly initiated Brother to find himself at once surrounded with the light arising from this great chain . This chain can be no fetter to him , for the hands of Brethren prove the contrary . Kleinodien . Jewels . —The Freemasons' ornaments are three jewels ,
the square , the level , and the plumb-rule . Those who are intrusted with them must possess great talents , and whether they can be cautious and worthy guardians of them must be apparent from their previous conduct .
Klopfen . Striking . —The sound of the Master ' s hammer reminds each Brother of the sacred numbers , a thing which ought to induce us readily and cheerfully to acknowledge ancl obey his commands . He who wishes to gain admittance amongst us must remember the saying , " Knock and it shall be opened unto you . " It is only then that he can enter with a sanctified heart .
Von Knigge , Freiherr Adolph Franz Friedrich Ludwig . —Was born at Brendenbeck , near Hanover , 16 th Oct . 1752 , and died Oberhauptman und Scholarch , at Bremen , 6 th May , 1796 . He is known as a distinguished author , especially on account of his works , "An Intercourse with Mankind , " " The Journey to Brunswick , " and many good romances . He also published six sermons against despotism , ignorance , superstition , injustice , falsehood , and idleness , 2 nd edition , 1785 ; and six
sermons upon humility , meekness , peace of mind , prayer , benevolence , ancl toleration , 2 nd edition , 1786 ; further , six sermons upon comfort in affliction , & c . & c . 1788 . But to the Freemason he is especially distinguished by his activity in the Order , and by his joining the Illuminati in 1780 . For the latter order he worked with incredible industry and activity , endeavouring to elevate this order above the Rosycrucians and Obscurantists of every description . After the abrogation of the
Illuminati , he published a remarkable work called " Philo ' s final declaration and answer to many inquiries and questions put to him regarding his union with the Order of the Illuminati , " Hanover , 1788 . We have also from him , although anonymous , " Jesuits , Freemasons , and German Rosycrucians , " 1781 ; "Treatise upon the general assembly of Freemasons near the Gesundbrunnen in Wilhelmsbad , near Hanau , " 1784 ; " Essai sur la Franc-Maconnerie , " 1784 ; "Contribution towards the
most modern history of the Masonic Order , in nine dialogues , " 1786 . Koningsberg , in Prussia . St . John ' s Lodge , Three Crowns ; founded 10 th June , 1760 ; afterwards joined the Grand Lodge , the Three Globes , at Berlin . Scottish Lodge , Andreas , at the Golden Candlestick ; founded 13 th January , 1769 , and under the name . Scottish Lodge , at the Three Crowns , joined the above Grand Lodge . The Lodge at the Three Crowns formerly founded many Lodges itself .