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The Agents in Calcutta for this Review are—Messrs . LATTEY , BROTHERS & Co ., Government-place ; and Messrs . TIIACKER & Co ., St . Andrew ' s Library . MADRAS , March 4 . —To the Editor of the Freemasons Quarterly
Review . —Dear Sir and Brother—Masonry , which has for a long time been declining ancl almost extinct in the Straits of Malacca , has at last been revived under very favourable and encouraging circumstances , and Singapore , where Masonry was unknown six months ago , can now boast of a Lodge which few places on this side of the Cape can equal . This I hacl a good opportunity of ascertaining from the worthy AV . M . and other members of Zetland , 748 , and a personal view of their elegant
temple during a passing visit I lately made to that emporium of-eastern trade . A few remarks on the state and condition of the Craft during the last twenty years in the Straits may not be uninteresting to some of your readers , and from the data I have been furnished with by one or two worthy Brethren , who have been intimately connected with the proceedings of the Craft during this periodand other means of information
, which has been afforded me , you may fully rely upon the correctness of these details . In 1809 , a warrant of constitution was first received in Penang from the M . AV . G . M . the Duke of Athol , though Lodges of Instruction had been helcl for three or four years previously ; during which period two
applications for charters had miscarried , it was supposed by capture of the vessels the letters were sent in by the French , with whom we were at that time at war . By this warrant of constitution the worthy Brother , T . W . Court , was appointed Master , and Bros . A . B . Bone and S . Stewart AVardens . The Lodge met with only partial success , ancl never at any time numbered above fifteen members . The high rates of fees ( three hundred and fifty dollars for the three degrees ) , and the exclusive spirit with which the Lodge was conducted , will readily account for its want of success ; and though there were several worthy and very zealous Brethren connected with it , it gradually sunk into decay , and became finally extinct in 1819 .
In 1821 , Brigadier O'Halloran , commanding the troops in Penang , assisted by Bros . R . B . Smith and P . Ogilvie , obtained a warrant from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Bengal , and established a military Lodge , designated " Humanity with Courage , " and in a short space of time Masonry became so popular in this settlement , that almost every civilian of respectability was ranged beneath its banners ; but in 182 . 5 , Bro . AV , Stewartan eminent Masoncommanding the barque " Lallah Rookh "
, , , of Liverpool , visited the Lodge , and pointed out its irregular ancl unconstitutional proceedings , in making civilians in a military Lodge . The result was an application , through Bro . Stewart , to the United Grand Loclge of England , which was graciously and favourably received by the AI . W . the G . Alaster , H . R . H . the Duke of Sussex , who renewed the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Agents in Calcutta for this Review are—Messrs . LATTEY , BROTHERS & Co ., Government-place ; and Messrs . TIIACKER & Co ., St . Andrew ' s Library . MADRAS , March 4 . —To the Editor of the Freemasons Quarterly
Review . —Dear Sir and Brother—Masonry , which has for a long time been declining ancl almost extinct in the Straits of Malacca , has at last been revived under very favourable and encouraging circumstances , and Singapore , where Masonry was unknown six months ago , can now boast of a Lodge which few places on this side of the Cape can equal . This I hacl a good opportunity of ascertaining from the worthy AV . M . and other members of Zetland , 748 , and a personal view of their elegant
temple during a passing visit I lately made to that emporium of-eastern trade . A few remarks on the state and condition of the Craft during the last twenty years in the Straits may not be uninteresting to some of your readers , and from the data I have been furnished with by one or two worthy Brethren , who have been intimately connected with the proceedings of the Craft during this periodand other means of information
, which has been afforded me , you may fully rely upon the correctness of these details . In 1809 , a warrant of constitution was first received in Penang from the M . AV . G . M . the Duke of Athol , though Lodges of Instruction had been helcl for three or four years previously ; during which period two
applications for charters had miscarried , it was supposed by capture of the vessels the letters were sent in by the French , with whom we were at that time at war . By this warrant of constitution the worthy Brother , T . W . Court , was appointed Master , and Bros . A . B . Bone and S . Stewart AVardens . The Lodge met with only partial success , ancl never at any time numbered above fifteen members . The high rates of fees ( three hundred and fifty dollars for the three degrees ) , and the exclusive spirit with which the Lodge was conducted , will readily account for its want of success ; and though there were several worthy and very zealous Brethren connected with it , it gradually sunk into decay , and became finally extinct in 1819 .
In 1821 , Brigadier O'Halloran , commanding the troops in Penang , assisted by Bros . R . B . Smith and P . Ogilvie , obtained a warrant from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Bengal , and established a military Lodge , designated " Humanity with Courage , " and in a short space of time Masonry became so popular in this settlement , that almost every civilian of respectability was ranged beneath its banners ; but in 182 . 5 , Bro . AV , Stewartan eminent Masoncommanding the barque " Lallah Rookh "
, , , of Liverpool , visited the Lodge , and pointed out its irregular ancl unconstitutional proceedings , in making civilians in a military Lodge . The result was an application , through Bro . Stewart , to the United Grand Loclge of England , which was graciously and favourably received by the AI . W . the G . Alaster , H . R . H . the Duke of Sussex , who renewed the