Article THOUGHTS IN HARVEST-TIME. ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE PRINTING PRESS AT SEA.—The Belleisle... Page 1 of 1
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Thoughts In Harvest-Time.
But Heav ' n is merciful to all below , And will not hear in vain the cry of woe ; Man ' s cold ingratitude may be the fall Of earthly greatness . He who giveth all May bid the rich repine , the poor rejoice—He speaketh warning in the thunder ' s voice!—Hear it , O men !—the awful storm imparts
The voice of Gocl!—O may it touch your hearts ! He who hath freely giv ' n can take away , Ancl clothe in clouds the bri ghtest harvest day ; ' Riches have wings , ' ancl the Destroyer ' s hand , Passing as flashing light ' ning o ' er the land , . May come by night , with desolating pow ' r , And crush man ' s fairest prospects in an hour !
Then , O ye rich!—regard the blessings giv ' n As gifts for all , in gratitude to Heav ' n I " W . HERSEE , Shakspeare Lodge ( 3 . 11 ; . )
The Printing Press At Sea.—The Belleisle...
THE PRINTING PRESS AT SEA . —The Belleisle troop-ship , Captain J . Kingcombe , has brought home a curious specimen of ingenuity in the typographical art , which is no other than a printed log in quarto shape , and tastefully " set up , " of the arrival and sailing of the Belleisle from the different places at which she touched on her voyage to China , as also some interesting remarks on the disposition of the troops on board during the voyage , ancl for some time after they hacl landed . This novel performanceexecuted on board of a man-of-warwas designed bCapt .
, , y Edie , of the Grenadier company of the 28 th Regiment , who was the writer , compositor , pressman , ancl publisher , and even the constructor of the printing machine , and the manufacturer of his ink apparatus ; and although it does not appear that the gallant officer was the founder of his type , or that he made his paper , yet the circumstances of such an operation by a soldier officer on the sea , a man-of-war on her voyage , containing a little town population , being the printing-office , and the
" working off '" having been accomplished amidst the confusion of squalls , bustle , ancl sea-sickness , it may fairly be said to have rivalled the extraordinary work of the Devonshire clergyman . The paper on which these interesting details are printed is Indian , red surface coloured , and sprinkled with gold . The border of the pages is tastefully composed of the newly-cast specimen of ornamental flowers , in which is the Captain ' s name imprinted .
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Thoughts In Harvest-Time.
But Heav ' n is merciful to all below , And will not hear in vain the cry of woe ; Man ' s cold ingratitude may be the fall Of earthly greatness . He who giveth all May bid the rich repine , the poor rejoice—He speaketh warning in the thunder ' s voice!—Hear it , O men !—the awful storm imparts
The voice of Gocl!—O may it touch your hearts ! He who hath freely giv ' n can take away , Ancl clothe in clouds the bri ghtest harvest day ; ' Riches have wings , ' ancl the Destroyer ' s hand , Passing as flashing light ' ning o ' er the land , . May come by night , with desolating pow ' r , And crush man ' s fairest prospects in an hour !
Then , O ye rich!—regard the blessings giv ' n As gifts for all , in gratitude to Heav ' n I " W . HERSEE , Shakspeare Lodge ( 3 . 11 ; . )
The Printing Press At Sea.—The Belleisle...
THE PRINTING PRESS AT SEA . —The Belleisle troop-ship , Captain J . Kingcombe , has brought home a curious specimen of ingenuity in the typographical art , which is no other than a printed log in quarto shape , and tastefully " set up , " of the arrival and sailing of the Belleisle from the different places at which she touched on her voyage to China , as also some interesting remarks on the disposition of the troops on board during the voyage , ancl for some time after they hacl landed . This novel performanceexecuted on board of a man-of-warwas designed bCapt .
, , y Edie , of the Grenadier company of the 28 th Regiment , who was the writer , compositor , pressman , ancl publisher , and even the constructor of the printing machine , and the manufacturer of his ink apparatus ; and although it does not appear that the gallant officer was the founder of his type , or that he made his paper , yet the circumstances of such an operation by a soldier officer on the sea , a man-of-war on her voyage , containing a little town population , being the printing-office , and the
" working off '" having been accomplished amidst the confusion of squalls , bustle , ancl sea-sickness , it may fairly be said to have rivalled the extraordinary work of the Devonshire clergyman . The paper on which these interesting details are printed is Indian , red surface coloured , and sprinkled with gold . The border of the pages is tastefully composed of the newly-cast specimen of ornamental flowers , in which is the Captain ' s name imprinted .