Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 19 of 25 →
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ner in which you have sought to perpetuate the remembrance of your regard toward me by this portrait , to which the united generosity of tho Freemasons of the Province of Dorset has contributed . " May the Grand Architect of the Universe bless you all , my generous and valued friends ! and as far as the best wishes of the individual who now thanks you for your kindness—heaped up and running overcan avail , may you all long enjoy the comforts of a happy home here
, cheered by present prosperity , and brightened by the hope of unceasing happiness hereafter !" This interchange of fraternal regard , was not only deeply felt by every one present , but was further shown by long and continued cheering . The usual Provincial business commenced by the appointment of the Deputy Provincial Grand Master for the Province , when the Brethren were much gratified by the announcement of the very judicious
selection of Bro . E . T . Percy , Esq ., of Serborne , a very strenuous advocate of Freemasonry , and to whom the Craft in that part of the province are much indebted for his exertions in promoting the interests of the Institution . He was then installed , and duly invested with the privileges of his high and distinguished office . Votes of thanks were passed to the Rev . W . J . Percy , P . G . C , for his very excellent sermon ; to the Rev . VVilloughbBrasseyP . P . G . Cfor the use of the churchand
y , , , reading the prayer , with a hope that he would publish the sermon preached by him at the Provincial Meeting at Bourton , 1840 ; to the Worshipful the Mayor , C . Bridge , Esq ., for granting the use of the Guildhall , for the banquet ; and to Bro . R . Rooke , the Provincial Grand Organist , for the very able and efficient manner in which the
singing at the church was conducted . The various officus were then appointed for the following year . After the other Masonic business , which cannot be here further explained , the Brethren repaired to the Guildhall , on the top of which floated three handsome colours . The interior of the hall was tastefully decorated for the occasion , and the harmony of Masonry kept up throughout , by ornamental Masonic devices . When the Brethren were seated , clothed in Masonic dressthe tout ensemble of the whole was
, very striking . There were many Brethren from distant parts of this and other counties , who had never seen each other before , all recognised as " Free and Accepted Masons , " united together by that mysterious chain of brotherly regard , which a gracious Providence has designed for wise and beneficial purposes , which has withstood , in every age and clime , the wreck and fall of empires , the tyranny of the oppressor , and the base attacks of calumny , superstition and ignorance .
After dinner , and grace being said by the P . G . Chaplain , the healths of the Queen , Queen Dowager the patroness of the Female School , Prince Albert , and the Prince of AVales , were severally drank with the fervour of truly heartfelt , genuine loyalty . A collection was made for the purposes of charity , which was distributed between three poor widows of deceased Brethren , and a Brother in indigent circumstances . Then followed the usual Masonic toastsduring which Bro . R . Ledgard , of
, the Lodge of Amity , ICO , proposed the health of the R . AV . P . G . M ., in a neat and appropriate speech , and , alluded to the regard in which be was held throughout the province , which was received with the most rapturous applause , and responded to by him in a manner worthy the true and genuine Mason , as was also the health of the Deputy Provincial Grand Master . VOL . ix- u v
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ner in which you have sought to perpetuate the remembrance of your regard toward me by this portrait , to which the united generosity of tho Freemasons of the Province of Dorset has contributed . " May the Grand Architect of the Universe bless you all , my generous and valued friends ! and as far as the best wishes of the individual who now thanks you for your kindness—heaped up and running overcan avail , may you all long enjoy the comforts of a happy home here
, cheered by present prosperity , and brightened by the hope of unceasing happiness hereafter !" This interchange of fraternal regard , was not only deeply felt by every one present , but was further shown by long and continued cheering . The usual Provincial business commenced by the appointment of the Deputy Provincial Grand Master for the Province , when the Brethren were much gratified by the announcement of the very judicious
selection of Bro . E . T . Percy , Esq ., of Serborne , a very strenuous advocate of Freemasonry , and to whom the Craft in that part of the province are much indebted for his exertions in promoting the interests of the Institution . He was then installed , and duly invested with the privileges of his high and distinguished office . Votes of thanks were passed to the Rev . W . J . Percy , P . G . C , for his very excellent sermon ; to the Rev . VVilloughbBrasseyP . P . G . Cfor the use of the churchand
y , , , reading the prayer , with a hope that he would publish the sermon preached by him at the Provincial Meeting at Bourton , 1840 ; to the Worshipful the Mayor , C . Bridge , Esq ., for granting the use of the Guildhall , for the banquet ; and to Bro . R . Rooke , the Provincial Grand Organist , for the very able and efficient manner in which the
singing at the church was conducted . The various officus were then appointed for the following year . After the other Masonic business , which cannot be here further explained , the Brethren repaired to the Guildhall , on the top of which floated three handsome colours . The interior of the hall was tastefully decorated for the occasion , and the harmony of Masonry kept up throughout , by ornamental Masonic devices . When the Brethren were seated , clothed in Masonic dressthe tout ensemble of the whole was
, very striking . There were many Brethren from distant parts of this and other counties , who had never seen each other before , all recognised as " Free and Accepted Masons , " united together by that mysterious chain of brotherly regard , which a gracious Providence has designed for wise and beneficial purposes , which has withstood , in every age and clime , the wreck and fall of empires , the tyranny of the oppressor , and the base attacks of calumny , superstition and ignorance .
After dinner , and grace being said by the P . G . Chaplain , the healths of the Queen , Queen Dowager the patroness of the Female School , Prince Albert , and the Prince of AVales , were severally drank with the fervour of truly heartfelt , genuine loyalty . A collection was made for the purposes of charity , which was distributed between three poor widows of deceased Brethren , and a Brother in indigent circumstances . Then followed the usual Masonic toastsduring which Bro . R . Ledgard , of
, the Lodge of Amity , ICO , proposed the health of the R . AV . P . G . M ., in a neat and appropriate speech , and , alluded to the regard in which be was held throughout the province , which was received with the most rapturous applause , and responded to by him in a manner worthy the true and genuine Mason , as was also the health of the Deputy Provincial Grand Master . VOL . ix- u v