Article TO THE EDITOR. ← Page 2 of 2 Article TO THE EDITOR. Page 1 of 1 Article TO THE EDITOR. Page 1 of 2 →
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To The Editor.
may be confidently anticipated . The Order , in fact , owes a debt of gratitude to Dr . Oliver , and the present is the most fitting occasion to acknowledge the obligation . There requires no laboured argument to establish the claims which Dr . Oliver possesses to the sympathy and best feelings of every good Mason ; his writings have spread as far as the lights of Christianity and Freemasonry have extended ; and there are Brethren in every clime who would seize with avidity the
opportunity of recording their sentiments on the present occasion , and evincing the warm interest which they take in every thing relating to the comfort , happiness , or welfare of our historian , sage , and friend . A committee should be formed forthwith;—establish a nucleus , and the work will progress prosperously . Once commenced , it would be more than half accomplished . I am , Mr- Editor , yours fraternally , August , 1842 . T . P . [ We have selected the above from a mass of correspondence on the same subject . ]
To The Editor.
The Grand Festival , April 27 , 1842 . —SIR AND BROTHER , —I perceive by your Report in the last Review , page 174 , that Brother Lord Ingestrie has been appointed " Grand Warden "; with a note appended , " That the Grand Master would have promoted his lordship before , but was not aware that he was a Freemason . " I am led to presume this must be a mistake ; because , at the period of the venerable Brother ' s ( Earl Ferrers ) resignation of the office of P . G . M . for Staffordshire , it well known and understood b
was y the Craft in the province , that Brother Lord Ingestrie { then P . G . S . W . ) was prepared and willing to accept the office of P . G . Master for Staffordshire , on the resignation of Earl Ferrers , should he be appointed ; and if I am not mistaken , the Grand ; Secretary was informed of it . Subsequently , however , the Honourable Colonel Anson was appointed ; but he has not yet made his appearance in the province to hold a Provincial Grand Lodge ; which is very much to be regretted !!! Yours fraternally , A P . P . Grand Officer for Staffordshire * 2 nd July , 1842 .
To The Editor.
MASONIC RELIC . SIR AND BROTHER , 27 th August , 1842 . I beg leave to forward you a fac-simile sketch of a very antique brass square , presented to me this day by Brother Paine , Provincial Grand Architect . He was contractor , in 1830 , for rebuilding Baal ' s Bridge , a very ancient one in this city , which he has replaced with a very beautiful structureand on taking down the old onethe period of the erection of
, , which is unknown ( though noticed in records in 1558 , at the proclamation of Queen Elizabeth ) , he discovered under the foundation stone at the English town side , this old brass square , much eaten away ; but I have traced the shape , size , and formation , of the engraving on both
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
To The Editor.
may be confidently anticipated . The Order , in fact , owes a debt of gratitude to Dr . Oliver , and the present is the most fitting occasion to acknowledge the obligation . There requires no laboured argument to establish the claims which Dr . Oliver possesses to the sympathy and best feelings of every good Mason ; his writings have spread as far as the lights of Christianity and Freemasonry have extended ; and there are Brethren in every clime who would seize with avidity the
opportunity of recording their sentiments on the present occasion , and evincing the warm interest which they take in every thing relating to the comfort , happiness , or welfare of our historian , sage , and friend . A committee should be formed forthwith;—establish a nucleus , and the work will progress prosperously . Once commenced , it would be more than half accomplished . I am , Mr- Editor , yours fraternally , August , 1842 . T . P . [ We have selected the above from a mass of correspondence on the same subject . ]
To The Editor.
The Grand Festival , April 27 , 1842 . —SIR AND BROTHER , —I perceive by your Report in the last Review , page 174 , that Brother Lord Ingestrie has been appointed " Grand Warden "; with a note appended , " That the Grand Master would have promoted his lordship before , but was not aware that he was a Freemason . " I am led to presume this must be a mistake ; because , at the period of the venerable Brother ' s ( Earl Ferrers ) resignation of the office of P . G . M . for Staffordshire , it well known and understood b
was y the Craft in the province , that Brother Lord Ingestrie { then P . G . S . W . ) was prepared and willing to accept the office of P . G . Master for Staffordshire , on the resignation of Earl Ferrers , should he be appointed ; and if I am not mistaken , the Grand ; Secretary was informed of it . Subsequently , however , the Honourable Colonel Anson was appointed ; but he has not yet made his appearance in the province to hold a Provincial Grand Lodge ; which is very much to be regretted !!! Yours fraternally , A P . P . Grand Officer for Staffordshire * 2 nd July , 1842 .
To The Editor.
MASONIC RELIC . SIR AND BROTHER , 27 th August , 1842 . I beg leave to forward you a fac-simile sketch of a very antique brass square , presented to me this day by Brother Paine , Provincial Grand Architect . He was contractor , in 1830 , for rebuilding Baal ' s Bridge , a very ancient one in this city , which he has replaced with a very beautiful structureand on taking down the old onethe period of the erection of
, , which is unknown ( though noticed in records in 1558 , at the proclamation of Queen Elizabeth ) , he discovered under the foundation stone at the English town side , this old brass square , much eaten away ; but I have traced the shape , size , and formation , of the engraving on both