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We are continuing our regular course , but Masonry , like all Institutions , suffers by the severe drought which absorbs all attention . There is scarce water to be found for the cattle—the land yawns in deep fissures—we have not had a shower of rain for many months . The land is out of cultivation and the trading ships will not return until March , 1842 . On the 24 th of June , the Brethren of the Caledonian Lodge , No . 324 , celebrated the anniversary of their Tutelar Saint , John the Baptist . AA ' e have much pleasure in stating that there was a pretty full assemblage of the Craft .
Brother P . Guthrie , acting 11 . AV . M ., in the chair . On the cloth being removed , the following toasts were given and drunk vvith enthusiastic feelings of applause : — The Queen—long may she live , ancl gloriously reign , over a free , loyal , and happy people ; Prince Albert and all the Royal Family ; Colonel Doyle , a Brother Mason and the Representative of our Sovereign—long may he live to administer the government of this Island ; the Most AA'orshipful G . M . and the G . L . of Scotland ; His Royal
, Highness the Duke of Sussex , M . AV . G . M ., and the G . L . of England ; His Grace the Duke of Leinster , M . W . G . M ., and the G . L . of Ireland ; Brother AVilliam Stephenson , M . AV . P . G . M . for the AVest India Islands , and the P . G . L . of Grenada ; the AV . M ., and Members of the Lodge of Harmony , 527 ; our A'isiting Brethren . Several other sentimental toasts were drunk , and after having spent the evening in the most social harmony and good feeling , the Brethren
separated at an early hour . ST . GEORGE ' , April 29 . —Married , by the Rev . Bro . J . C . Barker , Prov . G . Chaplain and Rector of St . George ' s , Brother John C . Collier , of the Lodge of Harmony , 527 ( England ) , to Elizabeth , eldest daughter of Bro . the Hon . Robert II . Church , of Loch-Lirich , county Antrim , late of St . George ' s Lodge , 252 , Ireland . The bride was given away by Bro- the Hon . Dr . Stephelisou .
NOVA SCOTIA , Dee . 3 . —Sunday last being the anniversary of Saint John the Evangelist , the Grancl Lodge of Nova Scotia was convened to meet at twelve o ' clock on the following day ( Monday ) , when the Past Grand Officers , Past Masters , and Master Masons , assembled for the purpose of attending and assisting in the installation of Grand Officers for the ensuing year . The Right AVorshipful Alexander Keith , Esq ., Provincial Grancl Master for Nova Scotia and the Masonic Jurisdiction
thereunto belonging , having appointed the following Brethren to fill the offices set against their respective names , they were duly installed according to ancient custom ; and these Officers now constitute the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia , namely : — R . W . Alexander Keith , Esq ., G . M . ; 11 . AV . James Forman , Esq ., D . G . M . ; RAV . R . F . Hare , Esq ., S . G . AV . ; R-. W . Honourable J . Leaiider StarrJ . G . AV ; V . W . Rev . Thomas Twining , D . D ., G . C . ; V . AV .
, John Richardson , G . T . ; V . AV . Adam Gordon Blair , Esq ., G . S . ; AA ' . Robert Douglass Clarke , G . M . ; AV . AVilliam Rodgers , S . G . D . ; AV . Joseph G . Ross , J . G . D . ; AA ' . AVilliam Dean , G . S . B . ; AV . George Anderson , . S . G . P . ; AA ' . George Anderson , J . G . T . The usual business of the Grand Lodge having been disposed of , a committee was appointed to draw up a congratulatory address to Her VOL . VIH . 3 A
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We are continuing our regular course , but Masonry , like all Institutions , suffers by the severe drought which absorbs all attention . There is scarce water to be found for the cattle—the land yawns in deep fissures—we have not had a shower of rain for many months . The land is out of cultivation and the trading ships will not return until March , 1842 . On the 24 th of June , the Brethren of the Caledonian Lodge , No . 324 , celebrated the anniversary of their Tutelar Saint , John the Baptist . AA ' e have much pleasure in stating that there was a pretty full assemblage of the Craft .
Brother P . Guthrie , acting 11 . AV . M ., in the chair . On the cloth being removed , the following toasts were given and drunk vvith enthusiastic feelings of applause : — The Queen—long may she live , ancl gloriously reign , over a free , loyal , and happy people ; Prince Albert and all the Royal Family ; Colonel Doyle , a Brother Mason and the Representative of our Sovereign—long may he live to administer the government of this Island ; the Most AA'orshipful G . M . and the G . L . of Scotland ; His Royal
, Highness the Duke of Sussex , M . AV . G . M ., and the G . L . of England ; His Grace the Duke of Leinster , M . W . G . M ., and the G . L . of Ireland ; Brother AVilliam Stephenson , M . AV . P . G . M . for the AVest India Islands , and the P . G . L . of Grenada ; the AV . M ., and Members of the Lodge of Harmony , 527 ; our A'isiting Brethren . Several other sentimental toasts were drunk , and after having spent the evening in the most social harmony and good feeling , the Brethren
separated at an early hour . ST . GEORGE ' , April 29 . —Married , by the Rev . Bro . J . C . Barker , Prov . G . Chaplain and Rector of St . George ' s , Brother John C . Collier , of the Lodge of Harmony , 527 ( England ) , to Elizabeth , eldest daughter of Bro . the Hon . Robert II . Church , of Loch-Lirich , county Antrim , late of St . George ' s Lodge , 252 , Ireland . The bride was given away by Bro- the Hon . Dr . Stephelisou .
NOVA SCOTIA , Dee . 3 . —Sunday last being the anniversary of Saint John the Evangelist , the Grancl Lodge of Nova Scotia was convened to meet at twelve o ' clock on the following day ( Monday ) , when the Past Grand Officers , Past Masters , and Master Masons , assembled for the purpose of attending and assisting in the installation of Grand Officers for the ensuing year . The Right AVorshipful Alexander Keith , Esq ., Provincial Grancl Master for Nova Scotia and the Masonic Jurisdiction
thereunto belonging , having appointed the following Brethren to fill the offices set against their respective names , they were duly installed according to ancient custom ; and these Officers now constitute the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia , namely : — R . W . Alexander Keith , Esq ., G . M . ; 11 . AV . James Forman , Esq ., D . G . M . ; RAV . R . F . Hare , Esq ., S . G . AV . ; R-. W . Honourable J . Leaiider StarrJ . G . AV ; V . W . Rev . Thomas Twining , D . D ., G . C . ; V . AV .
, John Richardson , G . T . ; V . AV . Adam Gordon Blair , Esq ., G . S . ; AA ' . Robert Douglass Clarke , G . M . ; AV . AVilliam Rodgers , S . G . D . ; AV . Joseph G . Ross , J . G . D . ; AA ' . AVilliam Dean , G . S . B . ; AV . George Anderson , . S . G . P . ; AA ' . George Anderson , J . G . T . The usual business of the Grand Lodge having been disposed of , a committee was appointed to draw up a congratulatory address to Her VOL . VIH . 3 A