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empires , and the destroying hand of time . AA'here are the Jews , God ' s favoured people , to whom Masonry was first entrusted b y its Divine Author?—A race of wanderers . And that stupendous magnificent Temple , their glory , and the admiration of the world , where is it now ?—Not one stone left ! Babylon , the queen of nations , fallen to rise no more—classic Greece , imperial Rome , all gone . But Masonry ever shines with a briht and undiminished lihtas when first revealed b
g g , y God to man . Masonry does not consist of merely a perfect knowledge of the ceremonials of the Institute , or an elaborate etymological research into the great landmarks of the Order , nor in the mere bestowal of eleemosynary relief ; it is not faith ; it is not hope ; but all these lead the speculative Mason to estimate what it really is—and that is , erecting the human heart into a temple of unbounded charity , ancl love to God and his creatures it is a lory that reaches to and enlihtens the
; g g empyrian , or heaven of heavens . It is truly described by a great inspired writer , ' the glorious Shehinah of God himself- ' AVe may never meet round this board again , but if we square our life and actions to the true principles of Freemasonry , we may calmly meet the certain fiat ; and when removed from ' this mortal Lodge , ' be admitted to a ' Lodge ' not built b y human hands , but eternal , in the heavens , where the
Grand Lodge of God will be opened , never to close , and where the great Architect of the Universe shall live and reign for ever . " In announcing the arrival of Michael Furnell , Esq . after his late visit to Scotland , we have much pleasure in communicating to the Craft in general , and to the Members of No . 13 in particular , that arrangements are being made to entertain him at a public dinner in the Masonic Hall , at an early day . To the indefatigable exertions of this
respected ancl regarded gentleman , is the revival of Masonry in this city chiefly attributable . As the Worshipful Master of Lodge , No . 13 , he has deservedly won the esteem ancl affection of all his Brethren . In this community no other man could be found so peculiarly calculated to command the confidence and secure the attachment of the Craft , as our distinguished fellow-citizen . AVith independent fortune , enlightened views , kindliness of disposition , liberal princilesrnanl
p , y bearing , simple dignity , and every amiable attribute that can conduce to unite worth and intelligence in the bonds of peace , love , and harmony , he combines a devotedness to Masonic discipline , which have , in a very short period , restored Lodge 13 to its primitive splendour , and placed it amongst the proudest ancl purest of the Craft in the Christian world . Therefore it is , that his Brethren take the very earliest opportunity to testify for him their fraternal affection , by giving him a banquet , which will be alike worthy of the guest and his entertainers .
CORK , June 24 . —A numerous meeting of the Brethren of the First Lodge of Ireland , assembled at their rooms , Imperial Clarence Hotel , at five o ' clock P . M . for the installation of officers , and the celebration of the festival . The following Brethren elected on the 7 th instant were dul y installed : Bro . Francis John Green , of Greenmount , W . M . ; Bro . Edward Deane Freeman , of Castle Cor , S . AV . ; Bro . George Gregs , of Cork , J . AV . Bros , the Rev . James Pratt , Richard Kenah Exham , and Thomas Richmond Evans , were respectively inducted into the chairs of Chaplain , Treasurer , and Secretary .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
empires , and the destroying hand of time . AA'here are the Jews , God ' s favoured people , to whom Masonry was first entrusted b y its Divine Author?—A race of wanderers . And that stupendous magnificent Temple , their glory , and the admiration of the world , where is it now ?—Not one stone left ! Babylon , the queen of nations , fallen to rise no more—classic Greece , imperial Rome , all gone . But Masonry ever shines with a briht and undiminished lihtas when first revealed b
g g , y God to man . Masonry does not consist of merely a perfect knowledge of the ceremonials of the Institute , or an elaborate etymological research into the great landmarks of the Order , nor in the mere bestowal of eleemosynary relief ; it is not faith ; it is not hope ; but all these lead the speculative Mason to estimate what it really is—and that is , erecting the human heart into a temple of unbounded charity , ancl love to God and his creatures it is a lory that reaches to and enlihtens the
; g g empyrian , or heaven of heavens . It is truly described by a great inspired writer , ' the glorious Shehinah of God himself- ' AVe may never meet round this board again , but if we square our life and actions to the true principles of Freemasonry , we may calmly meet the certain fiat ; and when removed from ' this mortal Lodge , ' be admitted to a ' Lodge ' not built b y human hands , but eternal , in the heavens , where the
Grand Lodge of God will be opened , never to close , and where the great Architect of the Universe shall live and reign for ever . " In announcing the arrival of Michael Furnell , Esq . after his late visit to Scotland , we have much pleasure in communicating to the Craft in general , and to the Members of No . 13 in particular , that arrangements are being made to entertain him at a public dinner in the Masonic Hall , at an early day . To the indefatigable exertions of this
respected ancl regarded gentleman , is the revival of Masonry in this city chiefly attributable . As the Worshipful Master of Lodge , No . 13 , he has deservedly won the esteem ancl affection of all his Brethren . In this community no other man could be found so peculiarly calculated to command the confidence and secure the attachment of the Craft , as our distinguished fellow-citizen . AVith independent fortune , enlightened views , kindliness of disposition , liberal princilesrnanl
p , y bearing , simple dignity , and every amiable attribute that can conduce to unite worth and intelligence in the bonds of peace , love , and harmony , he combines a devotedness to Masonic discipline , which have , in a very short period , restored Lodge 13 to its primitive splendour , and placed it amongst the proudest ancl purest of the Craft in the Christian world . Therefore it is , that his Brethren take the very earliest opportunity to testify for him their fraternal affection , by giving him a banquet , which will be alike worthy of the guest and his entertainers .
CORK , June 24 . —A numerous meeting of the Brethren of the First Lodge of Ireland , assembled at their rooms , Imperial Clarence Hotel , at five o ' clock P . M . for the installation of officers , and the celebration of the festival . The following Brethren elected on the 7 th instant were dul y installed : Bro . Francis John Green , of Greenmount , W . M . ; Bro . Edward Deane Freeman , of Castle Cor , S . AV . ; Bro . George Gregs , of Cork , J . AV . Bros , the Rev . James Pratt , Richard Kenah Exham , and Thomas Richmond Evans , were respectively inducted into the chairs of Chaplain , Treasurer , and Secretary .