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a number of the inhabitants . The clay being fine , the eoncourw of ^rst^vr**ofdsex's^««™°™™ St trffi % ^ 4 ^? n <^ r , i 0 ,, ' maiSllalled ^ *** " * oft ? " ^ fo g ^ ground , the band played 'God save the Queen • 0 hHendeonVs 1 ' ° f Turfnillsin name of the l
i ^ commt ; P ? , r' , manag mg committee of subscribers , requested the R . AV . the Actin- Master J ? j ; ° T \ t 0 hy * e « oDe :-upoi . which the commission fronthe Giand Lodge was read by the Secretary . The Chaplain then offered up an impressive prayer . After the application of the proper implements , the Master gave the three knocks with the mallet , _ K _ S the usual benediction The oil
. corn , , and wfne , were then nomed on it ^ accompanied b y another benediction . Three cheers being given and the appropriate anthem played , tbe R . W . Master very eloquently MTHI ^ ' Head m ™ d the gentlemen of the Committee * 7 Mr Henderson , of Tufhills replied at some length . Three cheers were then given , the band playing « Rule Britannia , " and « e proce-D Sme ° nleraS frmerIreturned t 0 the 1 all
die hpl nf tt - ° y > County BuE _ , fnt 0 thecl ^ Zt % r ^ ° Ut t 0 ° T S es t 0 P ass th ™ S i to the County Hall . 1 he Hammermen ancl the other inhabitants In the procession then retired , preceded by their music . laB , tants '" . f- P ?? y ° f neari 7 . eveniy from the various Lodges afterwards dined m Ivirkland s ; and it is almost unnecessary to acfd , scent the evS a » became the Brethren . The Milnathort Instrumental Band were if attendance , and played many beautiful airs suited to the occasion
WE have to apologize to an esteemed correspondent for having acci dentally mislaid a letter for several weeks , this inadvertence wis not discovered until too late to repair the mistake . Our Irish inteni ' ence is in consequence necessarily brief . Jmem ence At a Meeting of the Committee of the Grand Masonic Lodge of Ireland held at their Lodge Rooms , College Green , on Friday the 2 d info , viz 5 l 1841 j theMl 0 win S resolution ™* unanimous y enterea !
" That our most grateful thanks be , and the same are hereby triven rn our respected Brother , J . AV . Calcraft , for his kindness in gl ? K the use of his theatre on the evening of the 16 th day of Juri ! ] as 4 en a play and other entertainments were performed , for the benefit of tS Distressed Widows and Members of the Masonic Ordei ; also for hay ! ing spoken an Address on that occasion , and for his kind andhfc co-operation with the Committee of Charity to promote at a times hi interest and prosperity of our Institution . " 0 , 1 T „] V 1 * 41 Signed , by order , -cl July , 1841 . JoIJN VowijEB ) p iGS ; >
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
a number of the inhabitants . The clay being fine , the eoncourw of ^rst^vr**ofdsex's^««™°™™ St trffi % ^ 4 ^? n <^ r , i 0 ,, ' maiSllalled ^ *** " * oft ? " ^ fo g ^ ground , the band played 'God save the Queen • 0 hHendeonVs 1 ' ° f Turfnillsin name of the l
i ^ commt ; P ? , r' , manag mg committee of subscribers , requested the R . AV . the Actin- Master J ? j ; ° T \ t 0 hy * e « oDe :-upoi . which the commission fronthe Giand Lodge was read by the Secretary . The Chaplain then offered up an impressive prayer . After the application of the proper implements , the Master gave the three knocks with the mallet , _ K _ S the usual benediction The oil
. corn , , and wfne , were then nomed on it ^ accompanied b y another benediction . Three cheers being given and the appropriate anthem played , tbe R . W . Master very eloquently MTHI ^ ' Head m ™ d the gentlemen of the Committee * 7 Mr Henderson , of Tufhills replied at some length . Three cheers were then given , the band playing « Rule Britannia , " and « e proce-D Sme ° nleraS frmerIreturned t 0 the 1 all
die hpl nf tt - ° y > County BuE _ , fnt 0 thecl ^ Zt % r ^ ° Ut t 0 ° T S es t 0 P ass th ™ S i to the County Hall . 1 he Hammermen ancl the other inhabitants In the procession then retired , preceded by their music . laB , tants '" . f- P ?? y ° f neari 7 . eveniy from the various Lodges afterwards dined m Ivirkland s ; and it is almost unnecessary to acfd , scent the evS a » became the Brethren . The Milnathort Instrumental Band were if attendance , and played many beautiful airs suited to the occasion
WE have to apologize to an esteemed correspondent for having acci dentally mislaid a letter for several weeks , this inadvertence wis not discovered until too late to repair the mistake . Our Irish inteni ' ence is in consequence necessarily brief . Jmem ence At a Meeting of the Committee of the Grand Masonic Lodge of Ireland held at their Lodge Rooms , College Green , on Friday the 2 d info , viz 5 l 1841 j theMl 0 win S resolution ™* unanimous y enterea !
" That our most grateful thanks be , and the same are hereby triven rn our respected Brother , J . AV . Calcraft , for his kindness in gl ? K the use of his theatre on the evening of the 16 th day of Juri ! ] as 4 en a play and other entertainments were performed , for the benefit of tS Distressed Widows and Members of the Masonic Ordei ; also for hay ! ing spoken an Address on that occasion , and for his kind andhfc co-operation with the Committee of Charity to promote at a times hi interest and prosperity of our Institution . " 0 , 1 T „] V 1 * 41 Signed , by order , -cl July , 1841 . JoIJN VowijEB ) p iGS ; >