Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 6 of 26 →
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Song— " Three Times Three , "—written and sung by Bro . Carpenter . The AV . M ., in brief terms , proposed " the health of Bros , the Earl of Zetland , the Pro . G . Master of England , and the Marquis of Salisbury , Deputy G . M . " The toast received the customary honours . The AA ^ . M . sincerely regretted that he coulcl not do adequate justice to the next toast . If he were an older Mason , he might take a glance of retrospection to the period when the noble lordwhose health he
, was about to propose , first advanced his pretensions to the grateful recollections of the Craft , by his active participation in its mysteries , and his personal exertions to extend a cause which was intimately identified with the temporal and eternal welfare of the human race . His lordship was now surrounded by
" ' That which s ! ould accompany old age—As honour , love , ohedience , troops of friends ;' and the recollection of his past invaluable services , must ever induce his Brethren to wish him length of days , and excess of happiness . He ( the AV . M . ) could only therefore perform the welcome duty of requesting them to drink " the health of Earl Ferrers , P . G . M . for AVarwickshire . " ( The Masonic honours were most enthusiastically given to this toast ) . dreams
Song— " Ocean . "—Bro . Beck . The AV . M . remarked that the last toast had ever been accompanied in this province by the health of a Brother , upon whom had devolved for many years past , owing to the impaired health of their venerable P . G . M ., the onerous duty of watching the interests , and upholding the dignity of the Order . That the Lodges were annually increasing in the number of their membersand acquiring the utmost practical proficiency
, amongst those Brethren b y whom they were immediately governed , must undoubtedl y be a high source of credit to the D . P . G . M . They were enabled to say that , in that province , the peaceful flow of the Masonic stream was ruffled by no angry wave—( cheers ) . With these sentiments , and many thanks to him for his prompt and courteous attention to their wishes in respect to the present jubilee , he begged to uronose
the health of Bro . 1 orre , the D . P . G . M . "—( Masonic honours ) . Bro . Signor Poznanski , whose reputation as a violinist is of the first order , was here requested by the AV . M . to favour the company with a concerto on his favourite instrument , with which call that gentleman readily complied , and performed the task with his accustomed skill and expression . The DEP . PROV . G . MASTER expressed his deep sense of the honour conferred him b
upon y the flatterin g manner in which his health had been proposed , and the kind feelings which accompanied its reception among so numerous ancl respectable an assemblage of his Brethren . As he was principally indebted for the distinction thus paid him to the office which he held , and the duties of which he had endeavoured to discharge with as much impartiality as zeal , for the last eleven years , he would take the present opportunity of adverting brieflto of ' the
y some most interesting events , with reference to Masonry in the piovince in the course of that period . The Brethren under his jurisdiction had been called upon to sanction by their presence , and aid with their co-operation , many important undertakings , the design of which was to extend that benevolence , which was the characteristic and fundamental principle of the Order- ( cheers ) . In the period , also , to which he referred , four new Lod ges had been constituted in the province , two
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Song— " Three Times Three , "—written and sung by Bro . Carpenter . The AV . M ., in brief terms , proposed " the health of Bros , the Earl of Zetland , the Pro . G . Master of England , and the Marquis of Salisbury , Deputy G . M . " The toast received the customary honours . The AA ^ . M . sincerely regretted that he coulcl not do adequate justice to the next toast . If he were an older Mason , he might take a glance of retrospection to the period when the noble lordwhose health he
, was about to propose , first advanced his pretensions to the grateful recollections of the Craft , by his active participation in its mysteries , and his personal exertions to extend a cause which was intimately identified with the temporal and eternal welfare of the human race . His lordship was now surrounded by
" ' That which s ! ould accompany old age—As honour , love , ohedience , troops of friends ;' and the recollection of his past invaluable services , must ever induce his Brethren to wish him length of days , and excess of happiness . He ( the AV . M . ) could only therefore perform the welcome duty of requesting them to drink " the health of Earl Ferrers , P . G . M . for AVarwickshire . " ( The Masonic honours were most enthusiastically given to this toast ) . dreams
Song— " Ocean . "—Bro . Beck . The AV . M . remarked that the last toast had ever been accompanied in this province by the health of a Brother , upon whom had devolved for many years past , owing to the impaired health of their venerable P . G . M ., the onerous duty of watching the interests , and upholding the dignity of the Order . That the Lodges were annually increasing in the number of their membersand acquiring the utmost practical proficiency
, amongst those Brethren b y whom they were immediately governed , must undoubtedl y be a high source of credit to the D . P . G . M . They were enabled to say that , in that province , the peaceful flow of the Masonic stream was ruffled by no angry wave—( cheers ) . With these sentiments , and many thanks to him for his prompt and courteous attention to their wishes in respect to the present jubilee , he begged to uronose
the health of Bro . 1 orre , the D . P . G . M . "—( Masonic honours ) . Bro . Signor Poznanski , whose reputation as a violinist is of the first order , was here requested by the AV . M . to favour the company with a concerto on his favourite instrument , with which call that gentleman readily complied , and performed the task with his accustomed skill and expression . The DEP . PROV . G . MASTER expressed his deep sense of the honour conferred him b
upon y the flatterin g manner in which his health had been proposed , and the kind feelings which accompanied its reception among so numerous ancl respectable an assemblage of his Brethren . As he was principally indebted for the distinction thus paid him to the office which he held , and the duties of which he had endeavoured to discharge with as much impartiality as zeal , for the last eleven years , he would take the present opportunity of adverting brieflto of ' the
y some most interesting events , with reference to Masonry in the piovince in the course of that period . The Brethren under his jurisdiction had been called upon to sanction by their presence , and aid with their co-operation , many important undertakings , the design of which was to extend that benevolence , which was the characteristic and fundamental principle of the Order- ( cheers ) . In the period , also , to which he referred , four new Lod ges had been constituted in the province , two