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When I was at Luton last October I said , that the best wish I had to make for a town , where I had spent so many pleasant hours , was to see a Lodge of Freemasons established there , and to know that my friends were enjoying the blessings of our Royal Art . I feel extremely happy that this wish has so soon been realized ; may the Great Architect of the universe take your Regular , Just , and Perfect Lodge under his divine protectionand it flourish for the
, may always Denem ot mankind , ancl its members in particular . I have communicated this happy event to our Lodge , and our AVorsliiptul Master has charged me to present you the congratulations of our Lodge , and to assure you of our brotherl y sympathy ancl love . I am happy to be the interpreter of these feelings , ancl remain , AVorshipful Master , yours fraternally , '
J . J . AVECKERS , Maycnce , July 2 , 1841 . Sec . of the Lod ge the Friends of Concord , The contemplation of this Lodge cannot fail to be a source of "ratification to every genuine Mason , springing up , as it has done , in I town antl county where Masonry hitherto has never existed as a science ; may it flourish , and , like a fountain of pleasant water in a sandy desert cheer and ladden all those who approach itIt has
g . had its origin in tlie labours of a few zealous Brethren , anxious for the prosperity of the Graff m general , and desirous of bringing its benefits home to their own doors . I hey have raised the standard of the Order , on which is emblazoned Virtue , Honour , and Mercy ; may they , like our ancient Brethren , practice these characteristics in an eminent degree ; they have sown the good seed on a soil capable of bringing forth fruit an hundred told ; may they witness an abundant harvest , ancl see the " desart blossom as a rose' ancl the les of
grancl princip brotherly love , relief , aud truth , be widely spread . _ The Brethren afterwards sat down to banquet , ancl the cheerful "lass circulated with true social pleasure , in happy accordance with the previous mystical labours . L Long may the Lodge exist to perpetuate the glorious objects of Freemasonry , and may the present Members who have profited by the hi-Mit lesson of the inaugural ceremony , impart to their future constituency the same zeal , ancl the same industry that has marked the first steps of
AVe especiall y claim to share in the joy of the first dawning of freemasonry in Bedfordshire , and congratulate the worthy and excellent Brother , to whose zeal and assiduity is mainly attributable the marked success that has attended his exertions . Scarcely have two years elapsed since he was one of the " profane ; " he had perused the various numbers of the Freemasons Quarterly Review , and became so enamoured of the principles of the Order , that he wrote to the Editor requesting to be directed in the
course necessary to become a Hrother he was initiated , and now he has the happiness to have founded the first Lod ge in Bedford . If any were wanting , contrast this beneficial proof of the moral power of the Review with the silly crusade against it , and let the honest and disinterested rejoice . The first Master , Bro Fraser , is amiable and zealous , and possessing the perfect confidence of his Lodge , maintains the purity of Freemasonry among his fellows . J
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When I was at Luton last October I said , that the best wish I had to make for a town , where I had spent so many pleasant hours , was to see a Lodge of Freemasons established there , and to know that my friends were enjoying the blessings of our Royal Art . I feel extremely happy that this wish has so soon been realized ; may the Great Architect of the universe take your Regular , Just , and Perfect Lodge under his divine protectionand it flourish for the
, may always Denem ot mankind , ancl its members in particular . I have communicated this happy event to our Lodge , and our AVorsliiptul Master has charged me to present you the congratulations of our Lodge , and to assure you of our brotherl y sympathy ancl love . I am happy to be the interpreter of these feelings , ancl remain , AVorshipful Master , yours fraternally , '
J . J . AVECKERS , Maycnce , July 2 , 1841 . Sec . of the Lod ge the Friends of Concord , The contemplation of this Lodge cannot fail to be a source of "ratification to every genuine Mason , springing up , as it has done , in I town antl county where Masonry hitherto has never existed as a science ; may it flourish , and , like a fountain of pleasant water in a sandy desert cheer and ladden all those who approach itIt has
g . had its origin in tlie labours of a few zealous Brethren , anxious for the prosperity of the Graff m general , and desirous of bringing its benefits home to their own doors . I hey have raised the standard of the Order , on which is emblazoned Virtue , Honour , and Mercy ; may they , like our ancient Brethren , practice these characteristics in an eminent degree ; they have sown the good seed on a soil capable of bringing forth fruit an hundred told ; may they witness an abundant harvest , ancl see the " desart blossom as a rose' ancl the les of
grancl princip brotherly love , relief , aud truth , be widely spread . _ The Brethren afterwards sat down to banquet , ancl the cheerful "lass circulated with true social pleasure , in happy accordance with the previous mystical labours . L Long may the Lodge exist to perpetuate the glorious objects of Freemasonry , and may the present Members who have profited by the hi-Mit lesson of the inaugural ceremony , impart to their future constituency the same zeal , ancl the same industry that has marked the first steps of
AVe especiall y claim to share in the joy of the first dawning of freemasonry in Bedfordshire , and congratulate the worthy and excellent Brother , to whose zeal and assiduity is mainly attributable the marked success that has attended his exertions . Scarcely have two years elapsed since he was one of the " profane ; " he had perused the various numbers of the Freemasons Quarterly Review , and became so enamoured of the principles of the Order , that he wrote to the Editor requesting to be directed in the
course necessary to become a Hrother he was initiated , and now he has the happiness to have founded the first Lod ge in Bedford . If any were wanting , contrast this beneficial proof of the moral power of the Review with the silly crusade against it , and let the honest and disinterested rejoice . The first Master , Bro Fraser , is amiable and zealous , and possessing the perfect confidence of his Lodge , maintains the purity of Freemasonry among his fellows . J