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more stiictly ; but he rallied in March , 1840 , and wrote some stringent articles in the paper he edited , in which he censured , with just severity , the unmasonic use made of a power vested for a general protection . Sept . 17 . —The last of THE Dibdins ! Brother THOMAS DIBDIN , set . 70 , is no more . He looked much older than he really was ; the vicissitudes of life bore hard upon his physical appearance ; yet poor Tom had always a joke at hand—his vein of pleasantry could not be curbed—he
would boast of his intimacy with the renowned Joe Miller as a reason why he should retail his jokes . His first debut as an actor was in the Kent circuit , in which he also was initiated , and , as he waggishly boasted , soon became arch ; he was a Knight Templar too , he would declare of the rueful order . Sadler ' s AVells , Drury Lane , and the Surrey Theatre , were the scenes of his managerial pomp ; but there is perhaps scarcely any theatre in which his pieces have not been played . He
produced the greatest number of acted plays , & c . of any dramatist ; some of them of considerable merit , it was from a desire to secure some competence for him , that the Dramatic Author ' s Bill was made so retrospective , a measure , however , which , we believe in his case , failed of success , and poor Dibdin often made inquiries after the play-bills to little purpose . Subscriptions were occasionally raised for his temporary relief ; and his latter clays were , we understand , in some measure provided for by the royal bounty and by the Admiralty . His son has a situation in the Post Office ; but a young family , with their mother , the second wife , are totally unprovided for .
SNARESBROOK . —The Chigwell Lodge has removed to the Eagle , in this village . AA ALTHAM CROSS . —Companions AV . Harrison was in June last installed First—the Honourable C . Lennox Butler , Second—and AA' ' . L . Fox , Third Principal of Mount Lebanon Chapter . LUTON , ( Beds . )—AVe have to announce , that Bedfordshire has at length given to the Masonic world a Lodge of Freemasons , and the
29 th of July was the day of inauguration ofthe BEDFORDSHIRE LODGE OP ST . JOHN THE BAPTIST , 698 . The ceremony took place at the George Hotel , at twelve o ' clock . About forty Brethren were present . The arrangements were ably conducted by Bro . George Aarons , AV . M of the Lodge of Israel ; after inquiring if all the various forms directed by the Constitutions had been completedhe directed the warrant to be read . Bro . Aarons then
deli-, vered a very concise , yet descriptive illustration on the corn , wine , ancl oil ; moralizing with peculiar interest on each subject , and entering into an analytical explanation of them , as recorded in the Second Book of Chronicles . He next installed the Master , Bio . Alexander Fraser , and concluded his labours by initiating five candidates . The following letter was read in open Lodge : — BEDFORDSHIRE LODGE OE ST . JOHN THE EAl'TIST AT LUTON .
Worshi pful Master . —1 have been kindly favoured with a copy of your notices of meeting , on the 29 th of July , for the purpose of consecrating a new Lodge . VOL . vm . r u
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more stiictly ; but he rallied in March , 1840 , and wrote some stringent articles in the paper he edited , in which he censured , with just severity , the unmasonic use made of a power vested for a general protection . Sept . 17 . —The last of THE Dibdins ! Brother THOMAS DIBDIN , set . 70 , is no more . He looked much older than he really was ; the vicissitudes of life bore hard upon his physical appearance ; yet poor Tom had always a joke at hand—his vein of pleasantry could not be curbed—he
would boast of his intimacy with the renowned Joe Miller as a reason why he should retail his jokes . His first debut as an actor was in the Kent circuit , in which he also was initiated , and , as he waggishly boasted , soon became arch ; he was a Knight Templar too , he would declare of the rueful order . Sadler ' s AVells , Drury Lane , and the Surrey Theatre , were the scenes of his managerial pomp ; but there is perhaps scarcely any theatre in which his pieces have not been played . He
produced the greatest number of acted plays , & c . of any dramatist ; some of them of considerable merit , it was from a desire to secure some competence for him , that the Dramatic Author ' s Bill was made so retrospective , a measure , however , which , we believe in his case , failed of success , and poor Dibdin often made inquiries after the play-bills to little purpose . Subscriptions were occasionally raised for his temporary relief ; and his latter clays were , we understand , in some measure provided for by the royal bounty and by the Admiralty . His son has a situation in the Post Office ; but a young family , with their mother , the second wife , are totally unprovided for .
SNARESBROOK . —The Chigwell Lodge has removed to the Eagle , in this village . AA ALTHAM CROSS . —Companions AV . Harrison was in June last installed First—the Honourable C . Lennox Butler , Second—and AA' ' . L . Fox , Third Principal of Mount Lebanon Chapter . LUTON , ( Beds . )—AVe have to announce , that Bedfordshire has at length given to the Masonic world a Lodge of Freemasons , and the
29 th of July was the day of inauguration ofthe BEDFORDSHIRE LODGE OP ST . JOHN THE BAPTIST , 698 . The ceremony took place at the George Hotel , at twelve o ' clock . About forty Brethren were present . The arrangements were ably conducted by Bro . George Aarons , AV . M of the Lodge of Israel ; after inquiring if all the various forms directed by the Constitutions had been completedhe directed the warrant to be read . Bro . Aarons then
deli-, vered a very concise , yet descriptive illustration on the corn , wine , ancl oil ; moralizing with peculiar interest on each subject , and entering into an analytical explanation of them , as recorded in the Second Book of Chronicles . He next installed the Master , Bio . Alexander Fraser , and concluded his labours by initiating five candidates . The following letter was read in open Lodge : — BEDFORDSHIRE LODGE OE ST . JOHN THE EAl'TIST AT LUTON .
Worshi pful Master . —1 have been kindly favoured with a copy of your notices of meeting , on the 29 th of July , for the purpose of consecrating a new Lodge . VOL . vm . r u