Article UNITED GRAND LODGE. ← Page 3 of 6 →
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United Grand Lodge.
R . AV . Henry R . Lewis Prov . Grand Master for Sumatra . R . AA . Henry R . AA illett Past Junior Grancl AVarden . R . W . Chev . B . Hebeler \ Representative from Grancl Lodge , ( Berlin . R . AV . J . G . H . Burmester .... Representative from Grand Lodge , I Hamburgh .
A ^ . AV . Rev . William Fallofeild ) n , „ , . V . AV . Rev . AV . J . Rodber | ¦ ¦ G rand Chaplains . V . AV . AVilliam Harrison Grand Registrar . V . AV . AA'illiam H . AVhite Grand Secretary , AA . AVilliam L . Thomas Senior Grancl Deacon . W . Lawrence Walker Junior Grand Deacon . AV . John C . Burckhardt Past Senior Grand Deacon . AV . James It . Hayward Past Junior Grand Deacon .
AV . Richard AA ' . Silvester .... Past Junior Grand Deacon . AV . Frederick AV . Bossy .... Past Senior Grand Deacon . AV . Stephen C . Norris Past Junior Grand Deacon . AV . John C . M'Mullen Past Junior Grand Deacon . AA . Philip Hardwick Grancl Superintendent of AVorks . AV . Richard AV . Jennings .... Grancl Director of Ceremonies . AV . Campbell AV . Hobson .... Grand S . B .
AV . Charles Simpson Past Grand S . B . W . John Masson Past Grand S . B . W . George P . Philipe Past Grand S . B . W . Sir George Smart Grand Organist-AA . William Rule Grand Pursuivant . The Grand Stewards of the Year . The Master , Past Masters , and AVardens of the Grand Stewards ' Lodge , ancl the Masters , Past Masters , and AVardens of many other Lodges .
The Grand Lodge was opened in ample Form , and with solemn Prayer . The Minutes of the last Quarterly Communication were read and confirmed . The M . AV . Grand Master stated , that not having appointed an Assistant Grand Director of the Ceremonies at the last Grand Festival , he should now supply the vacancy ; ancl His Royal Highness
accordingly appointed the AV . Brother Thory Chapman to that Office for the remainder of the year , who was invested and took his seat accordingly . The Minutes of the Lodge of Benevolence of June 30 th , July 28 th , and August 25 th , were severally read and approved . The following Special Report from the Board of General Purposes was read , viz : —
" TO THE UNITED GRAND LODGE OF ANCIENT FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF ENGLAND . " The Grand Lodge having , at the last Quarterly Communication , ordered ' that the resolution of the Board of General Purposes of the 24 th of November last , with reference to altering the present mode of distributing Masonic benevolence , be referred back to the said Board , with instructions to examine and report to the Grand Lodge thereon , ' The Board under this special reference have anxiously reconsidered the subject , and beg to repeat their unanimous opinion that it is expedient to
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United Grand Lodge.
R . AV . Henry R . Lewis Prov . Grand Master for Sumatra . R . AA . Henry R . AA illett Past Junior Grancl AVarden . R . W . Chev . B . Hebeler \ Representative from Grancl Lodge , ( Berlin . R . AV . J . G . H . Burmester .... Representative from Grand Lodge , I Hamburgh .
A ^ . AV . Rev . William Fallofeild ) n , „ , . V . AV . Rev . AV . J . Rodber | ¦ ¦ G rand Chaplains . V . AV . AVilliam Harrison Grand Registrar . V . AV . AA'illiam H . AVhite Grand Secretary , AA . AVilliam L . Thomas Senior Grancl Deacon . W . Lawrence Walker Junior Grand Deacon . AV . John C . Burckhardt Past Senior Grand Deacon . AV . James It . Hayward Past Junior Grand Deacon .
AV . Richard AA ' . Silvester .... Past Junior Grand Deacon . AV . Frederick AV . Bossy .... Past Senior Grand Deacon . AV . Stephen C . Norris Past Junior Grand Deacon . AV . John C . M'Mullen Past Junior Grand Deacon . AA . Philip Hardwick Grancl Superintendent of AVorks . AV . Richard AV . Jennings .... Grancl Director of Ceremonies . AV . Campbell AV . Hobson .... Grand S . B .
AV . Charles Simpson Past Grand S . B . W . John Masson Past Grand S . B . W . George P . Philipe Past Grand S . B . W . Sir George Smart Grand Organist-AA . William Rule Grand Pursuivant . The Grand Stewards of the Year . The Master , Past Masters , and AVardens of the Grand Stewards ' Lodge , ancl the Masters , Past Masters , and AVardens of many other Lodges .
The Grand Lodge was opened in ample Form , and with solemn Prayer . The Minutes of the last Quarterly Communication were read and confirmed . The M . AV . Grand Master stated , that not having appointed an Assistant Grand Director of the Ceremonies at the last Grand Festival , he should now supply the vacancy ; ancl His Royal Highness
accordingly appointed the AV . Brother Thory Chapman to that Office for the remainder of the year , who was invested and took his seat accordingly . The Minutes of the Lodge of Benevolence of June 30 th , July 28 th , and August 25 th , were severally read and approved . The following Special Report from the Board of General Purposes was read , viz : —
" TO THE UNITED GRAND LODGE OF ANCIENT FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF ENGLAND . " The Grand Lodge having , at the last Quarterly Communication , ordered ' that the resolution of the Board of General Purposes of the 24 th of November last , with reference to altering the present mode of distributing Masonic benevolence , be referred back to the said Board , with instructions to examine and report to the Grand Lodge thereon , ' The Board under this special reference have anxiously reconsidered the subject , and beg to repeat their unanimous opinion that it is expedient to