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Notices Of Eminent Members Of The Canongate Kilwinning Lodge Of Scotland.
He enriched his country with much that was new ancl important in history and in geographical science ; and brought home with him various valuable literary treasures , among which were seventy volumes of Arabian manuscripts ; a complete copy , in a number of large quartos , of the books ofthe Old and New Testament , in the Abyssinian language ; and the celebrated Book of Enoch , which , we believe , has been recently translated . J
Besides the foregoing , there were initiated into Masonry about the same time , Dr . Thomas Young , afterwards Professor of Midwifery in the University of Edinburgh ; AVilliam Alexander , Lord Provost of Edinburgh and member of parliament ; AVilliam Graham of Airth Alexander Gordon of Auchintoul ; John Scott of Crai gentinnie ; John Junes or Leuchars ; ancl James Coutts , the ori ginal partner of the well known banking firm of that name .
Two Brethren , who became affiliated in the Lodge about this time merit also being recorded here . These were ' CHAKI . ES HAMILTON GORDON of Newhall , advocate , whose name frequentl y appears in the books along with that of St . Clair of Roslin as accompanying the latter in his visits to the Canongate Kihvinnin ^ during his Grand Mastership : he joined the Lod ge Dec 27 1752 ° 1 his Brother filled the conspicuous station of Deputy Grand Master from the years 1751 to 1753 , under the presidency of Provost Drummond , whom he succeeded in the chair of Grand Lodge . He died at Perth m 1761 .
JOSEPH WILLIAMSON , advocate . He was affiliated along with Mr Hamilton Gordon . In November , 1752 , he was Senior Grand AVarden * and m the following year became Deputy Grand Master , under the last named Brother . He retained this office for one year , after which he does not appear as an office-bearer of Grand Lodge till the Mastership of the Earl of Kellie , in 1763 , when he again was chosen as Grand Master Depute . Mr . AVilliamson held the place of Town Clerk of Edinburghand such of the
, as was keeper city keys at the time of the rebellion m 1745 . AVhen the town was taken by the Hi ghlanders AVilliamson was directed by the Provost to give up the keys . Bein ° - staunch adherent of the House of Hanover , he at first refused to deliver them up ; at length , being peremptorily ordered , be begged to be allowed to escape over the city walls , that he might not be a participator in the disgrace of the surrender ; ancl he was the first to reach London with the intelligence of the capture of Edinburgh by the rebels . The next Aiaster of the Locke to be recorded is
JOHN LUMISDAINE of Stravithy , who was elected June 24 , 1754 In November following he was chosen Senior AVarden in Grand Loelge Brother Lumisdaine was initiated in 1750 ; he helcl the Master ' s mallet for three successive years , during which the Lodge increased in numbers and in name . Among the members received were the following : SHOLTO CHARLES , LORD ABERDEEN , afterwards Earl of Morton He was elevated to the Grand MastershiNovember 1755 and continued
p , , therein for the term of two years . In 1757 he became Grancl Master of England , to which he was re-elected for four successive years It is singular enough , that his father , James , Earl of Morton , was also Grand Master of Scotland ancl of England in the years 1740 antl 1741 . Lord Aberdeen , having succeeded to the earldom of Morton , died in 1774 leaving l , ; son George to inherit the title , and who likewise became a Alason in the Canongate Kilwinninj » .
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Notices Of Eminent Members Of The Canongate Kilwinning Lodge Of Scotland.
He enriched his country with much that was new ancl important in history and in geographical science ; and brought home with him various valuable literary treasures , among which were seventy volumes of Arabian manuscripts ; a complete copy , in a number of large quartos , of the books ofthe Old and New Testament , in the Abyssinian language ; and the celebrated Book of Enoch , which , we believe , has been recently translated . J
Besides the foregoing , there were initiated into Masonry about the same time , Dr . Thomas Young , afterwards Professor of Midwifery in the University of Edinburgh ; AVilliam Alexander , Lord Provost of Edinburgh and member of parliament ; AVilliam Graham of Airth Alexander Gordon of Auchintoul ; John Scott of Crai gentinnie ; John Junes or Leuchars ; ancl James Coutts , the ori ginal partner of the well known banking firm of that name .
Two Brethren , who became affiliated in the Lodge about this time merit also being recorded here . These were ' CHAKI . ES HAMILTON GORDON of Newhall , advocate , whose name frequentl y appears in the books along with that of St . Clair of Roslin as accompanying the latter in his visits to the Canongate Kihvinnin ^ during his Grand Mastership : he joined the Lod ge Dec 27 1752 ° 1 his Brother filled the conspicuous station of Deputy Grand Master from the years 1751 to 1753 , under the presidency of Provost Drummond , whom he succeeded in the chair of Grand Lodge . He died at Perth m 1761 .
JOSEPH WILLIAMSON , advocate . He was affiliated along with Mr Hamilton Gordon . In November , 1752 , he was Senior Grand AVarden * and m the following year became Deputy Grand Master , under the last named Brother . He retained this office for one year , after which he does not appear as an office-bearer of Grand Lodge till the Mastership of the Earl of Kellie , in 1763 , when he again was chosen as Grand Master Depute . Mr . AVilliamson held the place of Town Clerk of Edinburghand such of the
, as was keeper city keys at the time of the rebellion m 1745 . AVhen the town was taken by the Hi ghlanders AVilliamson was directed by the Provost to give up the keys . Bein ° - staunch adherent of the House of Hanover , he at first refused to deliver them up ; at length , being peremptorily ordered , be begged to be allowed to escape over the city walls , that he might not be a participator in the disgrace of the surrender ; ancl he was the first to reach London with the intelligence of the capture of Edinburgh by the rebels . The next Aiaster of the Locke to be recorded is
JOHN LUMISDAINE of Stravithy , who was elected June 24 , 1754 In November following he was chosen Senior AVarden in Grand Loelge Brother Lumisdaine was initiated in 1750 ; he helcl the Master ' s mallet for three successive years , during which the Lodge increased in numbers and in name . Among the members received were the following : SHOLTO CHARLES , LORD ABERDEEN , afterwards Earl of Morton He was elevated to the Grand MastershiNovember 1755 and continued
p , , therein for the term of two years . In 1757 he became Grancl Master of England , to which he was re-elected for four successive years It is singular enough , that his father , James , Earl of Morton , was also Grand Master of Scotland ancl of England in the years 1740 antl 1741 . Lord Aberdeen , having succeeded to the earldom of Morton , died in 1774 leaving l , ; son George to inherit the title , and who likewise became a Alason in the Canongate Kilwinninj » .