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Notices Of Eminent Members Of The Canongate Kilwinning Lodge Of Scotland.
time called , by the unanimous voice of his Brethren , to take upon him the magisterial charge , June 24 , 1762 . AVith all the zeal and disinterestedness which distinguished his former presidencies , did this veteran leader discharge the duties of his post for the space of two successive years , till at length he retired from official labours ancl public honours , amid the gratitude and regrets of all the Brethren . During the first two years of his Mastership Brother Fraser received into the Masonic mysteries the following individuals of note , amongst others : —
Sot AVILMAM BAILLIE , of Lamington . He was admitted a Mason in November , 1736 , and subsequently became a AVarden in Grand Lodge . SIR JOHN SCOTT , of Ancrum . This baronet was initiated in December , 1730 , and was a zealous and active Mason . Though not occupying permanent office in the Lodge , he appears frequently to have officiated in the absence of the AA'ardens , or other officers elect—an experience which prepared him for the better discharging the duties of the Grancl
AVardenship , to which he was called at the election in 1742 . He died in 1748 . His second son also became a member of the Lodge . DR . AVIJ . MAM CONGALTON . This gentleman was a physician of considerable eminence , ancl became a Mason in December , 1736 . At the election in June of the next year , he was appointed AVarden of his mother Lodge . On St . Andrew ' s day , 1737 , he was also elected in Grand Lodge to the post of Senior Grand AVarden .
THOMAS AM . AN , of Drumsheugh , a merchant and magistrate of the city of Edinburgh . He was initiated in September , 1736 . At the election in June , 1744 , he was raised to the chair of Depute Master of the Canongate Kilwinning , ancl in November , the same year , was appointed Junior AA arden in the Grancl Lodge of Scotland . JAMES NOME , an artist of considerable reputation , was also initiated in 1736 . He was a member of the Lodge Committee , and rendered
many valuable services . In 1748 he was distinguished in Grand Lodge by receiving the appointment of Junior Grand Warden . JOHN BROWN , merchant , and one of the magistrates of Edinburgh . Initiated in 1736 ; he became in 1739 Junior AT'arden of the Canongate Kilwinning , and in 1740 Senior AVarden , holding the latter office till the election in 1748 , when he retired for a year , and was again reinstated in 1750 , and the two following years . Such continued service in a situation requiring all the knowledge and attention of a thorough Mason , bespeaks no ordinary merit ancl devotion . Brother Brown held also the office of Junior Grand Warden in 1745 .
Ihe above have been specified as holding official stations . Other eminent men and worthy Brethren were also receiveci , though not appearing as public functionaries . Such was Hew Dalrymp ' e , Lord Drummore , a judge in the court of session , and son of Sir Hew Dalrymple , of North Berwick . He became a Mason in 1737 , being then about forty-seven years of age . —Sir William Nicholson , Bart . ; Charles Campbell , of Monzie ; Alexander Hay , of Drumelziel ; John Hay , of Belton ; and others of respectability in the country were likewise admitted at this
period . On the retirement of Brother George Fraser after his first term of office , JOHN DOUGLAS , surgeon , was elected to the chair , June 24 , 1737 . Wc find this Brother officiating as Senior Grand AVarden , upon occasion of the first formal visit of the Grand Master , St . Clair of Roslin , to
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Eminent Members Of The Canongate Kilwinning Lodge Of Scotland.
time called , by the unanimous voice of his Brethren , to take upon him the magisterial charge , June 24 , 1762 . AVith all the zeal and disinterestedness which distinguished his former presidencies , did this veteran leader discharge the duties of his post for the space of two successive years , till at length he retired from official labours ancl public honours , amid the gratitude and regrets of all the Brethren . During the first two years of his Mastership Brother Fraser received into the Masonic mysteries the following individuals of note , amongst others : —
Sot AVILMAM BAILLIE , of Lamington . He was admitted a Mason in November , 1736 , and subsequently became a AVarden in Grand Lodge . SIR JOHN SCOTT , of Ancrum . This baronet was initiated in December , 1730 , and was a zealous and active Mason . Though not occupying permanent office in the Lodge , he appears frequently to have officiated in the absence of the AA'ardens , or other officers elect—an experience which prepared him for the better discharging the duties of the Grancl
AVardenship , to which he was called at the election in 1742 . He died in 1748 . His second son also became a member of the Lodge . DR . AVIJ . MAM CONGALTON . This gentleman was a physician of considerable eminence , ancl became a Mason in December , 1736 . At the election in June of the next year , he was appointed AVarden of his mother Lodge . On St . Andrew ' s day , 1737 , he was also elected in Grand Lodge to the post of Senior Grand AVarden .
THOMAS AM . AN , of Drumsheugh , a merchant and magistrate of the city of Edinburgh . He was initiated in September , 1736 . At the election in June , 1744 , he was raised to the chair of Depute Master of the Canongate Kilwinning , ancl in November , the same year , was appointed Junior AA arden in the Grancl Lodge of Scotland . JAMES NOME , an artist of considerable reputation , was also initiated in 1736 . He was a member of the Lodge Committee , and rendered
many valuable services . In 1748 he was distinguished in Grand Lodge by receiving the appointment of Junior Grand Warden . JOHN BROWN , merchant , and one of the magistrates of Edinburgh . Initiated in 1736 ; he became in 1739 Junior AT'arden of the Canongate Kilwinning , and in 1740 Senior AVarden , holding the latter office till the election in 1748 , when he retired for a year , and was again reinstated in 1750 , and the two following years . Such continued service in a situation requiring all the knowledge and attention of a thorough Mason , bespeaks no ordinary merit ancl devotion . Brother Brown held also the office of Junior Grand Warden in 1745 .
Ihe above have been specified as holding official stations . Other eminent men and worthy Brethren were also receiveci , though not appearing as public functionaries . Such was Hew Dalrymp ' e , Lord Drummore , a judge in the court of session , and son of Sir Hew Dalrymple , of North Berwick . He became a Mason in 1737 , being then about forty-seven years of age . —Sir William Nicholson , Bart . ; Charles Campbell , of Monzie ; Alexander Hay , of Drumelziel ; John Hay , of Belton ; and others of respectability in the country were likewise admitted at this
period . On the retirement of Brother George Fraser after his first term of office , JOHN DOUGLAS , surgeon , was elected to the chair , June 24 , 1737 . Wc find this Brother officiating as Senior Grand AVarden , upon occasion of the first formal visit of the Grand Master , St . Clair of Roslin , to