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The Annalist. The Charter Of Colne ,
H . Amongst those duties which we are sworn to observe , are those of obedience and fidelity to our civil and legal governors . 0 . The end and aim of all our endeavours is comprehended in two maxims : " Respect all mankind , and love them as brothers and neighbours . " " Give unto God that which is God ' s , and unto Caesar that which is Cajsar ' s . " 1 . The secrets and mysteries in which our labour is veiled , have no and without
other object than to be benevolent without ostentation ; turning aside from the straight path of duty , to persevere in endeavouring to improve our understanding . K . AVe celebrate annually the festival of St . John , the forerunner of Christ , and the patron of our Order . _ A . The ceremonies of our initiation , ancl the ceremonies which are connected with the assemblies of the Brethren , whether as signs or words , or any other manner , are nevertheless entirely distinct from all spiritual duties .
M . He only is acknowledged as a Free ancl Accepted Mason , who has been initiated into our mysteries in a certain manner , with the assistance , and under the superintendence of at least seven Brethren , and who is able to prove that he has been regularly initiated by the ready use of those signs and words which are used by the other Brethren among which signs and words those also are contained which are in use in the Temples , or Lodges established at Edinburgh , and those hand in
under its authority ; at Hamburgh , Rotterdam , Middleburg , the Lodge founded at Venice ; for although those Lodges use the form of Scottish Masonry , yet this form , in its origin , its objects , and its aim is not distinct from the form which we use . A . Although , that our Order does not now stand under the superintendence of one universal head , or Grand Master , but that the different societies of which it is composed are ruled by different Grancl Masters , countries where
according to tbe laws and customs of the various they are established ; yet nothing is more necessary than a similarity of working in all the Lodges spread over the whole surface of the earth , as members of one universal body acting in concert for one common object , for which means this letter shall be sent to each Lodge which are now established . . For the above nineteen ies of this letterbeing perfectly
reason , cop , alike in their contents , ancl certified and strengthened by our signatures written at Colne , on the Rhine , in the year one thousand five hundred and thirty-five , the four-and-twentieth day of the month of June , according to the Christian epoch .
Harmannsf . Carlton . Io . Bruce . Fr . v . Upua . Cornells Banning . De Colligni Virieux . Johan Schrceder . Hotman , 1535 . Icobus Propositus . A . Nobel . Ignatius del la Torre . Doria . Jacobus Uttenhovr . Falok Niclaes va . Noot Philippus Mslanthon . Huyssen . Wormer Abel .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Annalist. The Charter Of Colne ,
H . Amongst those duties which we are sworn to observe , are those of obedience and fidelity to our civil and legal governors . 0 . The end and aim of all our endeavours is comprehended in two maxims : " Respect all mankind , and love them as brothers and neighbours . " " Give unto God that which is God ' s , and unto Caesar that which is Cajsar ' s . " 1 . The secrets and mysteries in which our labour is veiled , have no and without
other object than to be benevolent without ostentation ; turning aside from the straight path of duty , to persevere in endeavouring to improve our understanding . K . AVe celebrate annually the festival of St . John , the forerunner of Christ , and the patron of our Order . _ A . The ceremonies of our initiation , ancl the ceremonies which are connected with the assemblies of the Brethren , whether as signs or words , or any other manner , are nevertheless entirely distinct from all spiritual duties .
M . He only is acknowledged as a Free ancl Accepted Mason , who has been initiated into our mysteries in a certain manner , with the assistance , and under the superintendence of at least seven Brethren , and who is able to prove that he has been regularly initiated by the ready use of those signs and words which are used by the other Brethren among which signs and words those also are contained which are in use in the Temples , or Lodges established at Edinburgh , and those hand in
under its authority ; at Hamburgh , Rotterdam , Middleburg , the Lodge founded at Venice ; for although those Lodges use the form of Scottish Masonry , yet this form , in its origin , its objects , and its aim is not distinct from the form which we use . A . Although , that our Order does not now stand under the superintendence of one universal head , or Grand Master , but that the different societies of which it is composed are ruled by different Grancl Masters , countries where
according to tbe laws and customs of the various they are established ; yet nothing is more necessary than a similarity of working in all the Lodges spread over the whole surface of the earth , as members of one universal body acting in concert for one common object , for which means this letter shall be sent to each Lodge which are now established . . For the above nineteen ies of this letterbeing perfectly
reason , cop , alike in their contents , ancl certified and strengthened by our signatures written at Colne , on the Rhine , in the year one thousand five hundred and thirty-five , the four-and-twentieth day of the month of June , according to the Christian epoch .
Harmannsf . Carlton . Io . Bruce . Fr . v . Upua . Cornells Banning . De Colligni Virieux . Johan Schrceder . Hotman , 1535 . Icobus Propositus . A . Nobel . Ignatius del la Torre . Doria . Jacobus Uttenhovr . Falok Niclaes va . Noot Philippus Mslanthon . Huyssen . Wormer Abel .