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The Annalist. The Charter Of Colne ,
Written in Latin , in the gear 1535 , and translated into Dutch by Bro . G . Voesmaer , and from that translation into English hi Bro . G . Watson P . M . 95 . To extend the glory of Almighty God . AA ^ E , Installed Masters of the Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of St . Johnor Free and Accepted MasonsOfficers and Members of the
, , Lodges , or Temples established in London , Edinburgh , Vienna Amsterdam , Paris , Lyons , Franckfort , Hamburgh , Antwerp , Rotterdam Madrid , Venice , Ghent , Regensburgh , Brussells , Dantzie , Middleburgh , Bremen , and Colne , convoked to this general assemblage at Colne , in the year , month , and clay hereinafter mentioned , and under the superintendence of the AV . M . of the Temple established in this city—a man distinguished bwisdom and understanding and unani
y , - mously elected by us to conduct this assembly—declare by this letter a copy of which shall be sent to each of the above-named Lodges , to be presented to all who now are , or may become members of our Ancient Order .
Having attentively considered the reports which are spread abroad as well publicly as privately , in those unhappy days of civil war , discord and jealousy concerning our Order itself , as well as all the Members of it , by which reports we are accused of crimes which are as foreign to us as they are contrary to the spirit , laws , and regulations of the Brotherhood ; and in addition to this , that the Members of our Order are in particular accused of endeavouring to restore the Order of the Templars that united b
; we are y indisputable and secret bonds , in order that we may with the greater security oppress ancl prosecute those who - are not initiated , and contemn those who are placed in authority over us , and cause them to fall into universal hatred ; that we are openly considered to be sworn and united to each other , to make ourselves masters of the goods and possessions of other people ; and that further we are united together to revenge the murder of the Grand Master of the lemplars the
, upon successors of those kings and princes who caused the downfall of that Order ; and that for that object , we promote schisms in the church , and dissention and discord in civil governments ; that we are inflamed with enmity against the Pope , the Emperor and all kings ; that we will obey no authority but the Heads and Masters chosen out of our own Brotherhood , and that being spread over the whole surface of the earthwe obey their secret ordersand
, , promote their secret objects by means of private letters and messengers ; and that lastly , we will admit no one to participate in our mysteries , but such as have been proved b y bodily torture , and who have taken an awful and horrid oath to be true to our Temples . It appears necessary unto us , having attentively considered all those charges , to state the true origin of our Order , as well as the benevolent
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Annalist. The Charter Of Colne ,
Written in Latin , in the gear 1535 , and translated into Dutch by Bro . G . Voesmaer , and from that translation into English hi Bro . G . Watson P . M . 95 . To extend the glory of Almighty God . AA ^ E , Installed Masters of the Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of St . Johnor Free and Accepted MasonsOfficers and Members of the
, , Lodges , or Temples established in London , Edinburgh , Vienna Amsterdam , Paris , Lyons , Franckfort , Hamburgh , Antwerp , Rotterdam Madrid , Venice , Ghent , Regensburgh , Brussells , Dantzie , Middleburgh , Bremen , and Colne , convoked to this general assemblage at Colne , in the year , month , and clay hereinafter mentioned , and under the superintendence of the AV . M . of the Temple established in this city—a man distinguished bwisdom and understanding and unani
y , - mously elected by us to conduct this assembly—declare by this letter a copy of which shall be sent to each of the above-named Lodges , to be presented to all who now are , or may become members of our Ancient Order .
Having attentively considered the reports which are spread abroad as well publicly as privately , in those unhappy days of civil war , discord and jealousy concerning our Order itself , as well as all the Members of it , by which reports we are accused of crimes which are as foreign to us as they are contrary to the spirit , laws , and regulations of the Brotherhood ; and in addition to this , that the Members of our Order are in particular accused of endeavouring to restore the Order of the Templars that united b
; we are y indisputable and secret bonds , in order that we may with the greater security oppress ancl prosecute those who - are not initiated , and contemn those who are placed in authority over us , and cause them to fall into universal hatred ; that we are openly considered to be sworn and united to each other , to make ourselves masters of the goods and possessions of other people ; and that further we are united together to revenge the murder of the Grand Master of the lemplars the
, upon successors of those kings and princes who caused the downfall of that Order ; and that for that object , we promote schisms in the church , and dissention and discord in civil governments ; that we are inflamed with enmity against the Pope , the Emperor and all kings ; that we will obey no authority but the Heads and Masters chosen out of our own Brotherhood , and that being spread over the whole surface of the earthwe obey their secret ordersand
, , promote their secret objects by means of private letters and messengers ; and that lastly , we will admit no one to participate in our mysteries , but such as have been proved b y bodily torture , and who have taken an awful and horrid oath to be true to our Temples . It appears necessary unto us , having attentively considered all those charges , to state the true origin of our Order , as well as the benevolent