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I The London, Edinburgh, And Dublin | Gu...
i THE LONDON , EDINBURGH , AND DUBLIN | Guaranteed Mutual and Proprietary Life Assurance Company , i 3 , CHARLOTTE-Row , MANSION-HOUSE , AND 19 , REGENT-STREET , LONDON ; 21 , ST . ANnHEii' -STUEE'r , KDI . VJWRGH ; . AND 64 , FLEET-STREET , DUBLIN ' .
\ Dfrmors . s Alexander Anderson , Esq ., York-place , Benjamin Ifi'l , Esq , Welbeck-street ' Portman-square John Johnson , Esq ., Alderman , Scot ' s-| John Atkins , Esq ., White Hart-court , yard , Bush-lane Lombard-street Kennett Kingsford , Esq ., Savage-gardens James Bidden , Esq ., Spread Eagle-court John M'Guffie , Esq , Osnaburgh-street ' James Hartley , Esq ., Mecklenburgh-sq . I John Maclean LeeEsq . Mark-lane
, , | Capt . F . Brandreth , Scots Fusilier Guards I J . Marmaduke Rosseter , Esq ., Kenningtont Vice-Admiral Robert Honyman , Piccadilly j terrace S iWnnagi ' ng IBtwdor . i Alexander Robertson , Esq ., Portland-terrace , Regent ' s-park . : gtttiri . OVS .
H . H . Cannan , Esq ., Finsbuiy-square . Robert Edward Alison , Esq ., Clement ' s-lane . | . MEDICAL ADVISER . —Marshall Hall , M . D ., F . R . S ., L . and E . [ BANKERS —The London and Westminster Bank . ; SOLICITORS . —Messrs . Palmer , France , and Palmer , Bedford-row . SECRETARY . —Frederick Edgell , Esq ., Albion Grove , Barnsbury-park . Board of KEanagemeiit for Scotland .
s sfJutcfovs . I : William Weymss , Esq ., Dep .-Commissary- John Richardson , Esq ., W . S . !; General . John Veitch , Esq ., of Woodside , Mer-James Stewart , Esq ., S . S . C . chant , Leith . { Alexander M'Neill , Esq ., Advocate . William H . Dunbar , Esq ., Advocate . I John Arnott , Esq ., W . S . Thomas Stevenson , Esq ., Merchant , Leith . ' MEDICAL ADVISER . —John Argyll Robertson , M . D ., F . R . S . j ' BANKERS . —The Edinburgh and Leith Bank . t AGENT AND SECRETARY . —James Bennett , Esq ., W . S .
THE POLICIES ARE INDEFEASIBLE AND INDISPUTABLE , unless they have been obtained by fraudulent misrepresentation . Any important mistake , or even an unintentional omission , in communicating inforj mation , in answer to the numerous questions put by companies , has the effect of annuli ling the policy , and forfeiting the premiums—thus rendering it , in general , a matter of : uncertainty ( until the claim comes to be made ) whether the policy be of any value . : The London , Edinburgh , and Dublin Assurance Company , determined to obviate what
they consider injustice to the assured , satisfy themselves upon the various questions proposed by them before they enter into the contract of assurance , and frame their policies in such terms as to preclude all future questions as to their validity , and thus render them indefeasible and indisputable documents of future debt against the Company . The policies of this Company may , therefore , be regarded as certain available future funds , and as unimpeachable and negociable documents for pecuniary transactions . ONE HALF of the PREMIUMS may remain unpaid for Seven Years—affording
a greater facility for loan transactions and family provisions than any other plan which has been suggested , allowing a Policy to be dropped at one half of the usual sacrifice —and entitling the Assured at a future period , when loss of health may prevent him from obtaining a New Assurance , to continue a Policy for double the amount of the sum for which he has paid premiums . Ponies are granted which remain effectual in WHATEVER PART OF THE WORLD the party whose life is the subject of Assurance happen to It has
may go . always formed a ground of diminution in the value of Policies , and a serious objection to then- transference , that the Holder was at the mercy of the person on who . se life tho I 1 obey was effected . This may now be oviated without any additional trouble , and in I most cases , at a very trifling additional expense . t
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
I The London, Edinburgh, And Dublin | Gu...
i THE LONDON , EDINBURGH , AND DUBLIN | Guaranteed Mutual and Proprietary Life Assurance Company , i 3 , CHARLOTTE-Row , MANSION-HOUSE , AND 19 , REGENT-STREET , LONDON ; 21 , ST . ANnHEii' -STUEE'r , KDI . VJWRGH ; . AND 64 , FLEET-STREET , DUBLIN ' .
\ Dfrmors . s Alexander Anderson , Esq ., York-place , Benjamin Ifi'l , Esq , Welbeck-street ' Portman-square John Johnson , Esq ., Alderman , Scot ' s-| John Atkins , Esq ., White Hart-court , yard , Bush-lane Lombard-street Kennett Kingsford , Esq ., Savage-gardens James Bidden , Esq ., Spread Eagle-court John M'Guffie , Esq , Osnaburgh-street ' James Hartley , Esq ., Mecklenburgh-sq . I John Maclean LeeEsq . Mark-lane
, , | Capt . F . Brandreth , Scots Fusilier Guards I J . Marmaduke Rosseter , Esq ., Kenningtont Vice-Admiral Robert Honyman , Piccadilly j terrace S iWnnagi ' ng IBtwdor . i Alexander Robertson , Esq ., Portland-terrace , Regent ' s-park . : gtttiri . OVS .
H . H . Cannan , Esq ., Finsbuiy-square . Robert Edward Alison , Esq ., Clement ' s-lane . | . MEDICAL ADVISER . —Marshall Hall , M . D ., F . R . S ., L . and E . [ BANKERS —The London and Westminster Bank . ; SOLICITORS . —Messrs . Palmer , France , and Palmer , Bedford-row . SECRETARY . —Frederick Edgell , Esq ., Albion Grove , Barnsbury-park . Board of KEanagemeiit for Scotland .
s sfJutcfovs . I : William Weymss , Esq ., Dep .-Commissary- John Richardson , Esq ., W . S . !; General . John Veitch , Esq ., of Woodside , Mer-James Stewart , Esq ., S . S . C . chant , Leith . { Alexander M'Neill , Esq ., Advocate . William H . Dunbar , Esq ., Advocate . I John Arnott , Esq ., W . S . Thomas Stevenson , Esq ., Merchant , Leith . ' MEDICAL ADVISER . —John Argyll Robertson , M . D ., F . R . S . j ' BANKERS . —The Edinburgh and Leith Bank . t AGENT AND SECRETARY . —James Bennett , Esq ., W . S .
THE POLICIES ARE INDEFEASIBLE AND INDISPUTABLE , unless they have been obtained by fraudulent misrepresentation . Any important mistake , or even an unintentional omission , in communicating inforj mation , in answer to the numerous questions put by companies , has the effect of annuli ling the policy , and forfeiting the premiums—thus rendering it , in general , a matter of : uncertainty ( until the claim comes to be made ) whether the policy be of any value . : The London , Edinburgh , and Dublin Assurance Company , determined to obviate what
they consider injustice to the assured , satisfy themselves upon the various questions proposed by them before they enter into the contract of assurance , and frame their policies in such terms as to preclude all future questions as to their validity , and thus render them indefeasible and indisputable documents of future debt against the Company . The policies of this Company may , therefore , be regarded as certain available future funds , and as unimpeachable and negociable documents for pecuniary transactions . ONE HALF of the PREMIUMS may remain unpaid for Seven Years—affording
a greater facility for loan transactions and family provisions than any other plan which has been suggested , allowing a Policy to be dropped at one half of the usual sacrifice —and entitling the Assured at a future period , when loss of health may prevent him from obtaining a New Assurance , to continue a Policy for double the amount of the sum for which he has paid premiums . Ponies are granted which remain effectual in WHATEVER PART OF THE WORLD the party whose life is the subject of Assurance happen to It has
may go . always formed a ground of diminution in the value of Policies , and a serious objection to then- transference , that the Holder was at the mercy of the person on who . se life tho I 1 obey was effected . This may now be oviated without any additional trouble , and in I most cases , at a very trifling additional expense . t