Article FREEMASONRY. Just published, OIGNS and S... Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY . Just Published, Price One ... Page 1 of 1 Article USEFUL BOOKS OF FACTS AND REFERENCE. Jus... Page 1 of 1 Article REV. W. D. CONYBEARE'S LECTURES. A New E... Page 1 of 1
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Freemasonry. Just Published, Oigns And S...
FREEMASONRY . Just published , OIGNS and SYMBOLS , Illustrated and Explained , in a Course of TWELVE LEC-& TURKS on FREEMASONRY . One volume , 8 vo ., Second Edition . By the Rev . G . OLIVER , D . D ., Vicar of Scopwick , Deputy Prov . G . M . for Lincolnshire . New Edition , considerably enlarged , with many additional Notes , octavo , price 9 s ., cloth .
" What is Masonry ? A beautiful system of morality , veiled in allegory and illustrated by Symbols . " London : Sherwood , Gilbert , and Piper , No . 23 , Paternoster-row .
Freemasonry . Just Published, Price One ...
FREEMASONRY . Just Published , Price One Shilling , for the benefit of the Three Masonic Charities , AN ORATION , delivered at the Court-house , Warwick , on Monday , August 16 , rl - 1841 , to the Brethren of the SHAKSPEARE LODGE , No . 356 , and other Members of the Craft , assembled to celebrate the JUBILEE of that Lodge ; dedicated to the Rev . Dr . Oliver , D . P . G . M . for Lincolnshire , by JAMES SIIAKP , Jun ., W . M ., Honorary Corresponding Secretary to the Royal Shaksperian Society , Stratford-upon-Avon , & c . London : R . Spencer , 314 , High Holborn . Leamington : J . Beck .
Useful Books Of Facts And Reference. Jus...
USEFUL BOOKS OF FACTS AND REFERENCE . Just published , "FORTUNE'S EPITOME of the STOCKS and PUBLIC FUNDS ; exhibiting the History and Nature of these Securities , with the Manner of transacting Business therein ; the periods when Dividends are payable : the Holidays ; Wills and Trusts ; Charges for Brokerage ; Powers of Attorney ; Statement of the Public Debt
, with Tables , & e . Also a complete Guide to the Foreign Funds . Fourteenth edition . Revised by J . FIELD , jun . Price 6 s . cloth . 2 . ARTS of LIFE and CIVILISATION , with Accounts of all the useful Products in Nature and Industry , and Practical Details of Processes in Manufactures , Chemistry , Pharmacy , Building , Mechanics , & c . Alphabetically arranged . By Sir RICHARD PHILLIPS . In 1400 closely printed columns , price 14 s . cloth . 3 . The NEW TABLET of MEMORY ; or Mirror of Chronology , History ,
Statistics , Arts , and Science ; being a classified record of every memorable fact and item of information , from the earliest period to the present time . Price 6 s ., cloth lettered . London : Sherwood , Gilbert , and Piper , 23 , Paternoster-row .
Rev. W. D. Conybeare's Lectures. A New E...
REV . W . D . CONYBEARE'S LECTURES . A New Edition , considerably improved , price 8 s ., cloth lettered , of AN ELEMENTARY COURSE of THEOLOGICAL LECTURES , in Three - ^* - Parts . —Part I . On the Evidences of Religion , Natural and Revealed . —II . On the Criticism and Interpretation of the Bible . —III . On the peculiar Doctrines of Christianity . Delivered in Bristol College , by the Rev . W . D . CONYBEARE , F . R . S .,
Corresponding Member of the Institute of France , & c . " These Lectures deserve the most sedulous perusal . Full of thought themselves , they will suggest thought ; to the reader . They cannot be too highly recommended to the more advanced grade of theological students : nor can they be taken in hand by the most matured scholar and divine without affording to him an ample payment of instruction , and pleasure , and profit . " British Critic . — " We are glad to see the waxing popularity of this volume , it speaks well for the public . "—Gentleman ' s Magazine , Sherwood , Gilbert , aud Piper , 23 , Paternoster-row .
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Freemasonry. Just Published, Oigns And S...
FREEMASONRY . Just published , OIGNS and SYMBOLS , Illustrated and Explained , in a Course of TWELVE LEC-& TURKS on FREEMASONRY . One volume , 8 vo ., Second Edition . By the Rev . G . OLIVER , D . D ., Vicar of Scopwick , Deputy Prov . G . M . for Lincolnshire . New Edition , considerably enlarged , with many additional Notes , octavo , price 9 s ., cloth .
" What is Masonry ? A beautiful system of morality , veiled in allegory and illustrated by Symbols . " London : Sherwood , Gilbert , and Piper , No . 23 , Paternoster-row .
Freemasonry . Just Published, Price One ...
FREEMASONRY . Just Published , Price One Shilling , for the benefit of the Three Masonic Charities , AN ORATION , delivered at the Court-house , Warwick , on Monday , August 16 , rl - 1841 , to the Brethren of the SHAKSPEARE LODGE , No . 356 , and other Members of the Craft , assembled to celebrate the JUBILEE of that Lodge ; dedicated to the Rev . Dr . Oliver , D . P . G . M . for Lincolnshire , by JAMES SIIAKP , Jun ., W . M ., Honorary Corresponding Secretary to the Royal Shaksperian Society , Stratford-upon-Avon , & c . London : R . Spencer , 314 , High Holborn . Leamington : J . Beck .
Useful Books Of Facts And Reference. Jus...
USEFUL BOOKS OF FACTS AND REFERENCE . Just published , "FORTUNE'S EPITOME of the STOCKS and PUBLIC FUNDS ; exhibiting the History and Nature of these Securities , with the Manner of transacting Business therein ; the periods when Dividends are payable : the Holidays ; Wills and Trusts ; Charges for Brokerage ; Powers of Attorney ; Statement of the Public Debt
, with Tables , & e . Also a complete Guide to the Foreign Funds . Fourteenth edition . Revised by J . FIELD , jun . Price 6 s . cloth . 2 . ARTS of LIFE and CIVILISATION , with Accounts of all the useful Products in Nature and Industry , and Practical Details of Processes in Manufactures , Chemistry , Pharmacy , Building , Mechanics , & c . Alphabetically arranged . By Sir RICHARD PHILLIPS . In 1400 closely printed columns , price 14 s . cloth . 3 . The NEW TABLET of MEMORY ; or Mirror of Chronology , History ,
Statistics , Arts , and Science ; being a classified record of every memorable fact and item of information , from the earliest period to the present time . Price 6 s ., cloth lettered . London : Sherwood , Gilbert , and Piper , 23 , Paternoster-row .
Rev. W. D. Conybeare's Lectures. A New E...
REV . W . D . CONYBEARE'S LECTURES . A New Edition , considerably improved , price 8 s ., cloth lettered , of AN ELEMENTARY COURSE of THEOLOGICAL LECTURES , in Three - ^* - Parts . —Part I . On the Evidences of Religion , Natural and Revealed . —II . On the Criticism and Interpretation of the Bible . —III . On the peculiar Doctrines of Christianity . Delivered in Bristol College , by the Rev . W . D . CONYBEARE , F . R . S .,
Corresponding Member of the Institute of France , & c . " These Lectures deserve the most sedulous perusal . Full of thought themselves , they will suggest thought ; to the reader . They cannot be too highly recommended to the more advanced grade of theological students : nor can they be taken in hand by the most matured scholar and divine without affording to him an ample payment of instruction , and pleasure , and profit . " British Critic . — " We are glad to see the waxing popularity of this volume , it speaks well for the public . "—Gentleman ' s Magazine , Sherwood , Gilbert , aud Piper , 23 , Paternoster-row .