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Freemasons' Quarterly Advertiser. No. Xx...
The following original motions , of which notice has been given by Brother Z . Watkins , will also be submitted to the Meeting : — " The Committee , after taking into mature consideration the operation of the resolution passed for tlie appropriation of tlie funds of this Charity on the 24 th May , 1 S 39 , are of opinion , that the wishes of many warm friends to this Institution would be materially consulted by their being permitted to exercise a discretion in the disposal of their donations and subscriptions , and therefore propose : —¦
" That tlie sum of 2000 / ., now invested in the Three per Cent . Consols for the purpose of erecting an Asylum for Worthy Aged and Decayed Freemasons , be denominated the Building Fund ; and that the annual interest of the said fund , together with all donations and subscriptions to that object , he added to it , to accumulate until such time as it shall he deemed expedient to commence the erection of the Asylum . " That the sum of 1000 / . and upwards , since subscribed , be invested in the public funds , and be denominated the Annuity Fund ; and that such portion of the interest thereof , anti of the donations and subscriptions to that object , as shall not he required for the payment of the annuitants and current expenses of tbe Institution , shall annually be added to the said fund .
" That all future subscriptions and donations he received under separate heads , and added , at the option of the donors , to either the Building Fund or to the Annuity Fund . " A full and early attendance of the Governors and Subscribers is earnestl y requested . The Chair will be taken at Seven o ' clock punctually . I am , Sir , your obedient servant , 25 , Tibberton Square , Islington , ROBERT FIELD , Sec .
30 th September , 1841 . P . S . The friends of this Institution are reminded , that by a resolution of the General Meeting in April last , the period for making up Life-Subscriptions and Life-Governorships was extended to the Festival of 1845 , and they will particularly oblige by communicating their intentions to the Secretary . Those Subscribers ivho may be in arrear , are earnestly solicited to pay their Subscriptions to the Treasurer , or to the Secretary , or to intimate when they may be waited upon for the same . R . F .
Freemasonry. Royal Freemasons' School Fo...
FREEMASONRY . ROYAL FREEMASONS' SCHOOL FOR FEMALE CHILDREN . A GENERAL COURT of the GOVERNORS of this Charity will be holden at the - ** - School House , Westminster-road , St . George ' s , Southwark , on THURSDAY , the 14 th of October next , at Twelve o'clock , at noon , precisely , for the admission of Children ( without ballot ) , and for the dispatch of general business .
Freemasonry. The Royal Masonic Instituti...
FREEMASONRY . THE ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION For Clothing , Educating , and Apprenticing the Sons of Indigent and Deceased Freemasons . H . R . II the DUKE OF SUSSEX , K . G ., President .
A QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT of the GOVERNORS and SUBSCRIBERS ¦** ¦ of this Institution will be held at the Office , 7 , Bloomsbury-place , Bloomsburysquare , on MONDAY , the 4 th October . T'he Chair will be taken at Seven o'Clock in the Evening , precisely . AUGUSTUS U . THISELTON , Secretary .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasons' Quarterly Advertiser. No. Xx...
The following original motions , of which notice has been given by Brother Z . Watkins , will also be submitted to the Meeting : — " The Committee , after taking into mature consideration the operation of the resolution passed for tlie appropriation of tlie funds of this Charity on the 24 th May , 1 S 39 , are of opinion , that the wishes of many warm friends to this Institution would be materially consulted by their being permitted to exercise a discretion in the disposal of their donations and subscriptions , and therefore propose : —¦
" That tlie sum of 2000 / ., now invested in the Three per Cent . Consols for the purpose of erecting an Asylum for Worthy Aged and Decayed Freemasons , be denominated the Building Fund ; and that the annual interest of the said fund , together with all donations and subscriptions to that object , he added to it , to accumulate until such time as it shall he deemed expedient to commence the erection of the Asylum . " That the sum of 1000 / . and upwards , since subscribed , be invested in the public funds , and be denominated the Annuity Fund ; and that such portion of the interest thereof , anti of the donations and subscriptions to that object , as shall not he required for the payment of the annuitants and current expenses of tbe Institution , shall annually be added to the said fund .
" That all future subscriptions and donations he received under separate heads , and added , at the option of the donors , to either the Building Fund or to the Annuity Fund . " A full and early attendance of the Governors and Subscribers is earnestl y requested . The Chair will be taken at Seven o ' clock punctually . I am , Sir , your obedient servant , 25 , Tibberton Square , Islington , ROBERT FIELD , Sec .
30 th September , 1841 . P . S . The friends of this Institution are reminded , that by a resolution of the General Meeting in April last , the period for making up Life-Subscriptions and Life-Governorships was extended to the Festival of 1845 , and they will particularly oblige by communicating their intentions to the Secretary . Those Subscribers ivho may be in arrear , are earnestly solicited to pay their Subscriptions to the Treasurer , or to the Secretary , or to intimate when they may be waited upon for the same . R . F .
Freemasonry. Royal Freemasons' School Fo...
FREEMASONRY . ROYAL FREEMASONS' SCHOOL FOR FEMALE CHILDREN . A GENERAL COURT of the GOVERNORS of this Charity will be holden at the - ** - School House , Westminster-road , St . George ' s , Southwark , on THURSDAY , the 14 th of October next , at Twelve o'clock , at noon , precisely , for the admission of Children ( without ballot ) , and for the dispatch of general business .
Freemasonry. The Royal Masonic Instituti...
FREEMASONRY . THE ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION For Clothing , Educating , and Apprenticing the Sons of Indigent and Deceased Freemasons . H . R . II the DUKE OF SUSSEX , K . G ., President .
A QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT of the GOVERNORS and SUBSCRIBERS ¦** ¦ of this Institution will be held at the Office , 7 , Bloomsbury-place , Bloomsburysquare , on MONDAY , the 4 th October . T'he Chair will be taken at Seven o'Clock in the Evening , precisely . AUGUSTUS U . THISELTON , Secretary .